Monday [5 to 10]

(0812) Morning all … bleah out there. (1026)


10. Quiz question … decrypt this if you can

9. IYE at 881

“Having been called a liar by Anthony Fauci for saying that “not one of the 72 vaccines mandated for children has ever been safety tested”, RFK Jr. sued Fauci.

After a year of stonewalling, Fauci’s lawyers admitted that RFK Jr. had been right all along.

8. Steve drops at 881

§ Rogan says Biden voted Trump, Lara in Rubio’s place, Minnesota Election Judge Arrested, Musk move in Alex J Onion thing, the Biden Russia attack.

§ Chris Wright, VD Hanson on the Trump picks, Deceitful Military Officers for Court-Martial Consideration, Vivek on DOGE, Alaska flipped back.

§ Kursk and other Russian attacks, European Officials Consider ‘Land For Peace’ Plan.

§ Gates “death panel” system, $24 billion in unaccounted climate funds, Who Controls The World? Globalists Can’t Accept Georgia, three other items currently of note.

7. Age and zeitgeist

No, I didn’t watch it, just screenshot it:

I can understand Tyson though, money or no money, which was admittedly a yuge factor, plus the nostalgia … one last fling to test yourself out, back in harness for a short time … plus the other guy. I say well done … if punters are going to pay, well.

It concerns me at my age now, that I’m out of harness, having not had a real fight for a long, long time, mainly keeping my gal and me out of trouble … and there’s another reason, to quote John Arbuthnot Fisher around 1900:

“The essence of war is violence. Moderation in war is imbecility.”

Absolutely … he’s quite right. But it’s more than total, brutal attack by ourselves on the other … it is, in war, where the lives of our troops are at stake, every last one of us, an imperative to conduct war with that in mind … Putin’s currently doing that … the issue is when to engage, when not to. Rorke’s Drift and Custer’s last stand were not only reckless and stoopid but also genocidal. You have to keep your men alive and your powder dry. Charge of the Light Brigade … stoopidity.

It does mean though that when you do engage, you have to be brutal. I learnt that in rugby as openside flanker … full on, even if my shoulder did ache afterwards. And it’s individual combat I’m more interested in, with all these “fighting age sav-“ er – men about, particularly strategies for the older man.

In short, there’ll be more of the savs than one, they’re unorthodox, fit, savages. Therefore, your response must be to forget words, do your learned routine … yourself savagely. You’ll win in half a minute, which is all the energy you have … or you’re going to be kicked, gouged, nasty things. There really is no choice. When you’re outside these days, you’re watchful 270 degrees, plus you’re ready to attack full on. If you can’t do that, don’t go outside.

But you need a certain base fitness all the same, plus a background at least in playground scrapping in your yoof. Reason I mention all this, aside from Tyson, is a youtube short of two guys with MAGA sign and some Woke weakling starts a foulmouthed tirade at a distance, they goad him, he instantly loses his rag, pink shorts n all, bends down and hip first, “attacks”, blind hatred on his face. Last second, they step aside. “What you gonna do? Bleed on us?”

The second thing I was thinking was Laura Perrins this morning. Laura’s a darling but she is, after all, a gal, a mother to be precise, and mums adore their sons unconditionally. The young man she’s defending made all sorts of errors … the first was not being gallant towards girls, plus being morally strong. You just can’t do that as a male and get away with it.

As for taking his own life or whatever, these two generations are morally bankrupt due to the new soft but vicious culture. He’s obviously not Christian either as it’s a one way trip to hell to top yourself.

I was not brought up religiously but we did have a certain firmness of upbringing, we learnt to handle ourselves. My dad and mum wanted me learning out in the world of hard knocks, well done I say. Before you approach a girl, you need to be able to handle yourself … and I don’t mean that way. I mean, these things were just basic for us, no one actually taught us … no big talking BS … it was the zeitgeist, wannit?

6. TDS

5. Defoe and Swift, where are you now?

Were you to interpret the heading to mean Taylor, then you’d not understand most hints in this item. Why would you not know who Swift was meant to be? Education, chums, or lack of it. They failed to teach it and the next question is why … why did they not teach it?

Moving on and assuming you do know the Swift I’m on about, you’d have also noticed satire used a lot, memes today, you’d have noticed the crackdown on memes across the west … Defoe was punished severely once it was understood what he meant by the quickest way … so this thing is by no means new … past month, past few months, past year, years, decades, centuries.

At times, traps are set … for example, why would this still be up? Curious. I just saw a picture with a tool and David Kelly’s boss in the same meme … wonder why? The trouble when pundits go coy is that innuendo and leaps to conclusion can follow, with varying degrees of knowledge in various people making comment.

Changing tack … looking back to an old gagging, an old injunction now, a real Giggle it was, involving people as diverse as footballers, comedy programme panellists and politicians … incidentally, I wonder where Louise is just now … it does bring in crooked members of the judiciary, does it not? They know a lot about that across the pond by the way.

One chap interesting me just now is Rupert, giving us the Lowedown and how he’s got away with it so far, but Nigel hasn’t. Time to run this again … isn’t he a farmer? Interesting lot, farmers, dangerous lot.

Just received a message that it’s all over the internet now. Well, there can be but two outcomes … either the oppressor doubles down, arrests everyone under the Gates clouds … completely disproportionate prison sentences following, often in inhumane conditions … TR for example … or he falls, ignominiously, resigns and escapes any punishment.

The man’s a meathead.

6 replies on “Monday [5 to 10]”

  1. De Nile is already up on YT – 5minuteSchool.
    Alt article up for anyone interested in Cairns (- not terriers- ) news org. “Starmi cops arrest a pale critic and telegraph an arrest of a journo”. Something like that in the heading.


    JH: Yes to both comments, now max pressure on the bstds, no respite.

  2. 10. Oooh, oooh! I know it. “Just another brick in the wall”!??


    JH: The prize is yours, Isilme, 100 packs of wool skeins. ✅

  3. 6. And regarding the headline about putting cigarette-style warnings on bacon – surely that should only be on smoked bacon? 🙂


    JH: Well of course.

  4. I have no idea what you are on about. “The man’s a meathead” is a bit vague if the allusion is to people in public life – so many are mutton-headed.


    JH: Sadly, I have to rely on readers reading further at both sites … clues are left all over the place, it’s the single biggest Brit topic this morning. We are still in danger here, DM, and cannot further decrypt I’m afraid.

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