Saturday [13 to 16]



16. DAD departs, temporarily from classical

a. A ditty:

b. The immediate future for France

Hmmmm, am I permitted a little ditty at this point?

15. Andy at 879

You’ve got to laugh, looks like someone has gone to a lot of trouble to wind up the veggies. 

14. Here’s a good one from Dan Wootton

This gets even better…

The BBC itself is reporting Gary Lineker has been SACKED!

I’m told Lineker leaked the story of his sacking personally to The Sun’s Editor Victoria Newton (his close friend) so she could spin the story as him quitting.

Better late than never, I guess.

13. Was going to save this till Sunday

… but then thought it might belong to the other side, plus there’s a spare item 13 going … so … let’s start with the “nice version”, the unadulterated version of what it is:

The Jerusalem Cross was first used as a coat of arms in 1099 by Godfrey de Bouillon, leader of the Crusades, to represent the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

The Old and New Testaments: The Jerusalem Cross is a combination of the teachings of the Old Testament (the four Tau crosses) and the New Testament (the four Greek crosses).

There is, of course, a far more convoluted view of it and that starts here:

Now, the eagle-eyed will have spotted “ordinis equestrus” … symbolic of the Templars who were, supposedly, as pure of heart as the driven snow … at least at first. Problem with that is this map:

The Kingdom of Jerusalem you’ll see contains the Mount, Solomon’s Temple ruins … The Power … and it was mainly settled by the Franks, famous for the Merovingian start and the sacking of Constantinople, a supposedly brother Christian haven. Also, there was the tale of being ankle deep in blood in Jerusalem … true, the years are critical in determining all this.

The Franks were, to all intents and purposes, bloodthirsty monsters, playing for the other side, but wearing the tunic with the ruddy cross. Now if the white was for purity, what then was the red? Blood of course.

Go back up to that Vatican screenshot and look at the second last line … what does that phraseology suggest? Yet I happen to know from a Knight of Malta friend that the sworn enemy are the Masons. Yet the little matter of P2 confounds that again.

So even today, there is the Vatican, and then the Outremer … the former full of the smoke of s*t*n, the outer territories containing people like Vigano and the devout. It’s not a lot different to us out in the sticks, versus the central s*t*n*c sewer of Westminster or DC across the pond … slithering vipers everywhere.

And returning to the Templars, they may have been charitable as their yang half but their secret dark deeds, far worse than just paedo, were their yin.

Plus embedded in the combined symbol were the Tau.

In other words, what precisely is the mysticism which Pete Hegseth represents … who are those behind him and what exactly is the ideal he pursues?

One reply

  1. very prudent questions/thoughts my friend.

    Can anyone please tellme, precisely, once and for ALL,
    who are those in the synagogs of say tan
    in ALL their multitudinous iterations?

    and why we bother ourselves with them?

    are we Not to be about our Father’business
    without regard to those of this world and That sin of gog?

    shouldn‘t our focus be exclusively-




    JH: Good point.

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