Remembrance Day [10 to 13]



13. Right back to that thing about being soft on enemies

… on being magnanimous in victory, speaking of “unity” as the Donald did, desperately wanting to be loved by all. Even Clandestine fell for the compassion for rabid animals whose only thought is tearing you to bits and eating you:

Yes and no. Those unprincipled creeps still trying to steal the election, the Senate, the House, to stack SCOTUS … vigilance! Time enough for magnanimity after Jan 6. God works in mysterious ways and it’s good not to be coldly heartless … yes … but it’s also good to be vigilant with these enemy bstds.

Look, until such time as God decides to rework the heart of each bad person in His own way, it’s our job to be vigilant … we owe that to all the victims who have been potentially saved now from these creatures. Yes, I feel sad for fallen humans … I do, they’re not just words … but dropping one’s guard? The height of irresponsibility to those depending on you being a rock.

12. Two more on US politics

11. Comment at Jstack

10. Kathy Gyngell is a good woman

… and man, is she ever womanly in this excerpt from her weekly emailed newsletter (to access, go to blogrolls, find Conservative Woman):

Words of joy that came from Bernard Carpenter, TCW’s man in the USA, marked a week that was veritably a historic and wonderful one. Epoch changing and a new dawn, are the only other words I can add to Bernard’s elation, giddiness and ‘pure joy’ in reaction to the most spectacular political comeback of all time and Trump’s victory.

I am still in a state of shock. It’s not that Trump’s campaign wasn’t electrifying. In fact it was magnificent. Anyone following it could see Trump getting stronger, funnier and more confident with every rally, interview or ‘happening’ dreamt up by his super smart team. We did our best to relay it on TCW, on why Trump deserved to win, on our ‘Seen elsewhere on alt media’ US special. We also did our best to buck the dreadful pro ‘fake Kamala’ trend in the ‘Left Stream Media’ (no longer will I say MSM). No other outlet – not even The Critic – argued, as we did, why it was so desperately important for the West that the former President make it back to the White House

With some of us as dry and emotionless as dry sticks in covering last week’s events, she brings raw emotion, love, feelings … this is the whole point of a woman, bringing such perspectives to balance our range from dullness to anger and back. It only reinforces to me, constantly, how absolutely vital it is for men and women to work together, to get the whole picture, not just part of it, even most of it.

3 replies on “Remembrance Day [10 to 13]”

  1. 13. The mention by Potus-elect of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission gave me pause. Sounds fine and kumbaya but it lets crims of the hook. No deterrent in that and the DS will continue as usual. Depends who he’s going to include and exclude.

  2. until such time as God decides to rework the heart of each bad person in His own way, it’s our job to be vigilant


    • 13, Trump made the error of being soft last time. This time he needs to invoke Rule 303. Take them ALL out. No Prisoners.


      JH: I’m watching him and he’s certainly au fait with the demonrat and RINO offence of the moment … he wrote, in capitals, SCOTT, no other name, no adornment. My feeling is that if one of the rats is voted for, consequences for those Senators ensue … he has a good team advising now.

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