Saturday [5 to 11]

(0859)(1013) Just back, real life hit again, just as it has with LegIron. (1231)


11. Not really expecting the gals to be interested

… but thought the chaps might have picked up who n3 and in particular n4 are, ha ha. The whole joke revolved around n4 actually. Any ideas?

10. To understand the state of play over the Ukraine

… I’d say these two help immensely:

Alexander Mercouris

If you’re prepared to take an interest, to ignore anything pundits close to “the leadership” say, instead sitting through the Mercouris rambling, then read the Axios, something Alex said most certainly hits the nail on the head imho.

Now look, before we even get to that, if you either aren’t aware or are in denial about 2014, then we’re not on the same page and may as well stop, in which case God or military might will prevail or as is more than likely … satanic permawar ensues.

The Donbass in SE Ukraine is resource rich, plus it’s mainly Russian speaking. There are loony Hamas Hezbollah type groups Kiev and west of, the type behind the Uke holocaust in the past. In 2014, at Maidan, they were firing at both sides … yes, that’s right. Why? To get conflagration going. Plus there was a coup d’etat and the pro-Russian was replaced by the Uke type crim.

From that moment, there were atrocities such as the Odessa burning of the Trades Hall building with protesters locked inside (their J6) … footage suggests the Azov type went through and slaughtered first, inc. all staff. These are not in the least pro-Uke people, they are myrmidons for the PTB that currently destabilise Europe … NATO, CIA, EU, UN. No one is saying Putin is an angel in the least … ex-KGB and a nasty one too … plus there are many things in Russia to discuss.

In this matter though, the Donbass regional govts appealed to Putin as civilians, apartment buildings, plus military targets were being shelled daily in that Hamas/Hezbollah way. For how long?

First Crimea, which had always been Russian anyway, rejoined Russia as an autonomous republic, then Putin started the SMO. Meanwhile, western Ukraine was a sewer of child trafficking, biolabs, deals with leading Demrats for billions in US and UK taxpayer money … same sort of thing whatever they touch.

Again, Putin is far from being an angel and I’ve been personally on the end of it. Yet facts are facts.

Now … Alexander. He points out that the various western “leaders”, at odds with each other, have these “summits” where they sort out among themselves what’s going to be put to Putin, it’s rigid, it stems from utter hatred for Putin and by extension … Russians. They thrash out a communique at these champagne jollies and present it to Putin.

He says no.

Western “leaders” then go apoplectic, just as Demrats are now over TDS. They “allocate” billions more of your money and weaponry … net effect to debilitate western capability … at the same time, millions of fighting age savages are flown and boated in, bussed in. Just what do you think might happen?

At no point was Russia brought into the discussions, which it now will be with Trump and Musk. It never was since Minsk … just constant shelling, plus ultimatums to Putin. Diplomacy? Or ineffective sanctions? I lived through the Russian crisis of 1997/8 and it sailed through, mainly as it’s self-sufficient, plus it sits on oil and gas. Is it ever likely to say to a perma-hostile western psycho “leadership” … oh fine, just come into our country and do whatever you want, take whatever you like? As the Ukraine has done?

China, Russia, USA are the three major blocs, each defends its borders and does naughty things in outlying regions … Nicaragua, USSR buffer zones, Tibet and Mongolia, Taiwan. Russia and China have an agreement over Siberia. I mean … that’s just as it is.

Why conflagration, slaughter, abject misery in the Ukraine? Psycho groups, NATO, CIA … as simple as that. Massively big money for the PTB.

Nothing to do with self-determination, a pipe dream. Russian red lines? Neutral Ukraine, never to be in NATO, foreigners out, Russian speaking regions as they are. That’s it.

UK? Royal Navy, fishing waters, strong military. Own energy (inc. North Sea). Trade. That’s it. At least, that’s the national interest … what we do have though is the diametric opposite, brought on by traitors in Westminster and Whitehall.

US? Simple … DC and psycho demonrat in each state … no way to MAGA till now.

(H/T Steve)

9. James Wills on Gab

Fatal stabbing in Guz (Plymouth) arrest in London E15. County lines? It’s a 5 hour drive on a good day. The victim sounds white.

8. Dissident Soaps on Gab

All those things that the White House said were misinformation in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene? They were true. FEMA employs were told not to attempt to assist any households with Trump signs.

7. IYE at 872

JH: Imagine this were a quiz question … who is it?

“Sensitive subject. I have concerns about the proximity of this chappie to the POTUS elect.”

JH: My guess is Pompeo … now to head over and check … ah, I was wrong … yes, agree completely that those the Donald allows around him are wrong ‘uns.

6. Leggie … an excerpt

Well, it’s been a busy time. The Halloween Anthology is finally available but it wasn’t easy. I’d set the deadline for submissions at September 30th. On the basis that there’d normally be ten or fewer stories in the book and it can all be wrapped up and published in a couple of weeks.

“Perhaps the bot picked up on the legal deposition (which is absolutely true and as written at the time) that I used in my story? It is available elsewhere, but it dates from the 1650’s, I think it is safe to assume that it is out of copyright. If that was the issue, you have my apologies.

I notice that my name is not in the authors list on Amazon, so i also hope you didn’t have to drop the story to get the book published. – Ian Caswell”

5. Over at OoL

3 replies on “Saturday [5 to 11]”

  1. 10. To understand the state of play over the Ukraine

    Fair comment on the situation in [The] Ukraine, James. My observations started back in late 2013, at another place – it was actually video from a smartphone of two men with rifles moving through a crowd. Both had American accents. This would be the Maidan Uprising over a decision by Yanukovych to move away from EU membership. Enter Victoria Nuland, that intercepted phone call and her cookie stunt. A US ‘color revolution’ had begun.


    JH: Oops, have attributed, ole son … a bit behind today.

  2. 10. Ukraine
    I seem to remember reading that, not that long after the Ukraine conflict started, there was a land grab of sorts.
    Ukraine banned foreigners from owning agricultural land in their country. But then the US and other players basically said, we’ll give you money if you will create a land market. So the US, Europe, banks, pension funds, oligarchs etc own huge amounts of land now. I’m thinking this is another reason why the conflict is going on and on.


    JH: Yes and people are dying by the hundreds of thousands due to all this. If Gates gets his way, we will too.

  3. 11. Number four is that iconic blonde Marilyn Monroe taken before her hair turned blonde.


    JH: Of course … plus Kristi Noem, South Dakota.

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