Try these


  1. African country with highest population
  2. In which country is Machu Picchu?
  3. What does URL stand for online?
  4. What was special about Dolly the Sheep?
  5. August birthstone?
  6. Satanist Stefani Germanotta is better known as?
  7. Whom does Elizabeth Bennet love?

5 replies on “Try these”

  1. 7. is Fitzwilliam Darcy Esq, (it was a set book at school – English Literature). The landed gentry were all Norman descended, his first name is indicative of that social class and where they originate.

    • Darcy it is indeed
      Peru, cloned & Gaga yes
      … birthstone peri etc.
      Url … eggsellent
      Nigeria yes.
      Well done all … that birthstone was Peridot, “a light green gemstone that can be found in hardened lava and meteorites. The Egyptians called it the “gem of the Sun” and believed it had healing powers.”

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