(0724) Break for brek, chaps and chapesses. (0818)
6. Quick look through the sources before brek
… and the most substantial was a couple of hours ago when reports started coming through that the eye of the hurricane collapsed as it hit land or soon after … down to Category 2 storm. What then of fearmongering?
Also, there just happened to be mass Christian praying the day before that that would be exactly the outcome … naturally, non-Christians will not credit this in the least. Again … 🍿🍿🍿.
Also just through … Dan Wooton:
Nigel Farage won’t talk about it now, but if Robert Jenrick wins the Conservative leadership, as I believe he should and will, the door is open to a Reform/Tory deal. Ultra wet James Cleverly and Michael Gove stooge Kemi Badenoch would have marched Thatcher’s party to oblivion.
One view, yes. I also saw someone write that Reform will not get more than 25%, Tories no more than around 22%. That’s as maybe … traditionally, it’s been in coalition in many countries … trouble with the Woke v antiWoke is that the gap is now unbridgable. I for one want nothing to do with brainwashed, lying Woke karens until they wake up.
5. Meanwhile, back in Blighty

4. New factor … bible belt US South
There’s much online talk about Christians, esp. evangelicals not supporting Trump over his abortion stance, not helped by Melania’s stance in her book. As you know, I’m a Christian apologist (meaning pundit in the trad sense, not “apologising for” in any way) but my background and adult life has been political, not religious.
This was on Gab just now:
In the traditional (rural White) South, there are a proliferation of Protestant sects, to be sure. Just about every Southern town with more than 100 people has the First Baptist Church and at least one other Baptist church that came about because of a church split about something, sometimes something that would appear trivial to an outsider. My own home church has been around since the 1840s and splits have produced at least two other churches that I know of.
But do you know what? They aren’t fighting each other. They aren’t badmouthing each other. Friends go to different churches and it doesn’t make them any less of friends. When there is a community need, they work together. They have church league softball. They joke with each other. (What’s the difference between a Baptist and an Episcopalian? The Baptists don’t acknowledge each other in the liquor store, etc.) They have their youth groups get together for different events.
There are distinctives in theology and modes of worship, but the love of Christ Jesus is for all. This does not address megachurches and that sort of thing, which appear from the outside to be much more commercial, and to be sure, not a Southern thing at all.
And lastly, blacks and Whites rarely worship together in the traditional South , and their tastes in worship are almost entirely different. Being a black preacher is a shuck to get female attention in the colored world. though I am sure that there are some good ones, too. And I will give the older black ladies some credit for wearing nice hats on Sundays.
Possibly the most divisive undermining of the bible belt south and in fact Christendom worldwide is Wokery, product of Them, trying to undermine and destroy faith by confusing it with extra-scriptural guff of the current day … the current antiPope is the worst, with Welby an example of protestant apostates.
Which does not resolve the political fallout from full term abortion … in fact post-heartbeat. I’m wondering though how much of the old bible belt still exists as truly Christian … how much has already been white-anted by Wokery? That is … it’s already either voting Heels Up or not voting at all?
Having been raised Southern Baptist in North Alabama, prior to changing to a Bible Church, I have noted a few things re: DJT.
After the rnc thing, which presented “preachers” of pagan views, including pagan prayer; which deleted “pro- life” from the platform, which has fully/whole heartedly (albeit it somewhat subdued) embraced open perversions as being not only acceptable, but as sought after and badges of honor ( think Grenell and Thiel); the bromance with Godless/heathen musk (whose avatar on his blog remains 2+ years later, a devil costume and entire life anti-Christian), to DJT’s past comment to take the guns first and do due process later, to signing the EO (or whatever legal term) promoting the Noahide laws in fusa, and lastly, his recent full on embrace of fighting “@nti- you know what/making that foreign country great again”, and full support of not an yahoo – many locals, Baptist and otherwise, have reverted to their 2014 opinion of 45/47.
That is of an Elmer Gantry type, typical yankee, boastful, proud, arrogant, deceitful carpetbagger and have vowed to not get fooled again and to never vote again, as all is clearly out of sorts. They are back to protecting real people living in the real world (think Helene).
Some of my observations from family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, standing in line at the grocery store, etc. YMMV.
Thanks for all that you do Mr Higham.
JH: And thank you too, JDC. I’ll be using your text as a discussion point and suggest, readers, that you might archive this, as it’s from the heart of Alabama … it’s one of the key threads of thought in that heartland right now.
Look at Elon’s mother. She does the one-eyed thing. His mother is Jewish – said so himself – so traditionally that makes him Jewish also.