(1509)(2011) Evening all.
19. Helene
2102: Hurricane Helene Death Toll Rises To 120, As Rescue Missions Battle Major Flooding https://oann.com/newsroom/hurricane-helene-death-toll-rises-to-120-as-rescue-missions-battle-major-flooding/ #OAN
Update 2051: I’m possibly not conveying the true extent of this thing:
Former Navy SEAL: “The devastation around here is hard to describe. All of the towns between where we live in Asheville are gone. Our neighbor down on the river lost his house. We just got power back last night, but we have no water. I have to go into town to make phone calls. We don’t have Internet. We are certainly much more fortunate than others. Several hundred people are apparently still missing and they are starting to find dead bodies in cars and in trees.”
Apparently it’s a Demrat area … therefore hopeless … shocking services.
Earlier: Worse than thought … I’m thinking that Toodles and those around her area know the drill better as it often approaches but these people in NC have not had virtually tsunamis … it had been downgraded to tropical storm. Fed govt and major agencies useless:
Breaking News: All of the shelters in Asheville are at capacity. Fox News Reporters on the ground in Asheville say that FEMA isn’t on the ground helping the shelters and several have run out of water. The Fox Reporter is trying to find answers on why FEMA isn’t there to assist. (Nor the Red Cross.)
Thinking about here where I live … being on a hill, water would run off, maybe some of the foundations would be soggy but far more here, it’s the wind … gales from two sides have hit my abode in particular a few times in the past … the place actually rocks on its foundations.
Toodles and Asheville friend
From my friend…Asheville, NC:
Hey Toods. Yes we are o.k. It flooded badly here. Did not come in house. We lost Internet, phone, everything. Hope this goes through. Thank you for your concern. The creek in our backyard came way over banks….river in yard. The young people in our neighborhood are trying to reestablish banks. But we were lucky for it not to come in house. Will keep you posted.
Slashed truck tires up that way weeks before storm. Now the same since the store and supplies cannot get to those who need it. What does that sound like to you? Who do you think is slashing tires ? The storm….who caused it to become so large? How are these people going to manage … and then …. I hate to say this…vote?
18. Try these
a. Called residents of Réunion “savages”, just turned 90
b. Melania has a new book out, called?
c. Name of restaurant owners turning JD Vance away?
d. Where’s the Sea Lion oilfield? (Trick question)
e. Who in NZ is known as Evil B*tch?
f. Which blast furnace closing today? Shame.
g. What’s UNRWA?
17. IYE and Steve
… have more up at 825.
16. The rise and fall of sea levels

15. She sums it up

14. TCW (blogrolls)

13. Trail of Helene

There was one clip where a man and family were on top of their NC roof, just before the roof fell through … he, child, grandmother fell to their deaths … last count I saw was up around 60. One of the helpers was saying it was not the wind, it was the water surge and even after it had settled, still at roof level. Food, sanitation, obviously power.
Many surrounding state folk volunteering, saying forget FEMA, just get there. Yes, they have such things in the SE but it never gets better. Toodles’s daughter’s house … tree fell, branch straight through roof into living room. They have boats where Toodles is.
a) Brigitte Bardot
b) Melania?
f) Port Talbot
g) UN Relief something or other and therefore useless 🙂
JH: All good … full answers around 1920.
19. Donald to the rescue.
a. Called residents of Réunion “savages”, just turned 90 Bardot
b. Melania has a new book out, called? Melania
c. Name of restaurant owners turning JD Vance away? Primanti Bros
d. Where’s the Sea Lion oilfield? (Trick question) Falklands … will be
e. Who in NZ is known as Evil B*tch? Ardern
f. Which blast furnace closing today? Shame. Port Talbot
g. What’s UNRWA? Relief thing