(0308) One of these middle of the night things after the “first sleep”, shall post a bit, try for shuteye part two after that. Systems check. (0354)
5. Very clear red dividing line now

On one side are the shadow-psychos, their pollie-puppets, the myrmidons, MSM, all functions of govt, karens … and on the other … the “right” side of “wrong versus right”, the dispossessed.
4. Viktor Orban on point

3. Andy wrote at 827
Still getting a handle on Andy night topics … enjoy 🤔☺️ … these two sub-items are on vegan v proper food afa I can see.
2. Steve drop selection
From earlier at 825:
4 … on Trump
5 … includes Neil Oliver
From 826:
Ev 1: Before New Zealand’s Covid vaccine rollout, 2,000 people attended A&E for chest pains in a year – now it is more than 30,00
Ev 2: Lebanon Ground War Begins; Ukraine Vuhledar Disaster, Zelensky Sacks Commander; Kursk Pocket Cut Off
Ev 3: Shadow Leftist Organization Is Accused of Committing Large Scale Democrat Voter Fraud in Michigan
Ev 4: Rep. Anna Paulina Luna’s Primary Opponent Charged With Threatening to Assassinate Her With Russian-Ukrainian Hit Squad. JH: Uh huh, Epoch had something on it too:

1. Housekeeping
Not too keen to meddle with the page code as it’s ignored my tweaks so far … as long as you can see the text, well ok. I’m ok, using thumb and finger page enlarge … did use the Ctrl and scrollwheel on the laptop … one notch only needed … works well, no need to reset within the guts.
As for the other issue … comments in sidebar … trying to apply the AKH method of a few responses in the one reply but it does not always suit here, not enough regular response for that … so still trying to find the best way … no big issue. Not as critical here as at NOWP and UHC.
Quotes: colour green always more difficult than italics with this WP setup, occasionally use the former … there’s a very complex blockquote thing which wrecks the page so can’t be used.
The text is fine. If it isn’t I can adjust it here easily enough and it will stay the way I want it. That is the beauty of the way the browsers work. You just set a default and we can adjust to suit our individual needs here.