Monday [11 and 12]


12. Lies, lies, lies!

Couldna bring m’sel’ to run that visage on the thumbnail … just a link HERE.

And here’s a song to go with it:

11. Been looking at the IRS

… and other sites, trying to sort out this “naturally born” thing. It’s clear that for tax purposes, the term “citizen” is broad and does not require being born on US soil.

“Natural born” though is associated with becoming POTUS and VPOTUS:

“What qualifies as a natural born US citizen? Anyone born on American soil whose parents are citizens of the United States is a ‘natural born citizen'”.

The key there, imho, is parents (plural). Plus “soil” may well include overseas territories. There’s also this:

Amendment XIV, Section 1, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution directs that all persons born in the United States are U.S. citizens. This is the case regardless of the tax or immigration status of a person’s parents.



John Armor Bingham, the American lawyer and politician who framed the 14th Amendment spoke on it, then:

He expanded his statement four years later on 9 March 1866, emphasizing twice that this required a man born to “parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty” so he would be “not owing a foreign allegiance”.[75]


In a 2012 New York case, Strunk v. N.Y. State Board of Elections,[5] the pro seplaintiff challenged Barack Obama‘s presence on the presidential ballot, based on his own interpretation that “natural born citizen” required the president “to have been born on United States soil and have two United States born parents” (emphasis added). To this the Court responded, “Article II, section 1, clause 5 does not state this. No legal authority has ever stated that the Natural Born Citizen clause means what plaintiff Strunk claims it says. … Moreover, President Obama is the sixth U.S. President to have had one or both of his parents not born on U.S. soil”. The opinion then listed Andrew Jackson, James Buchanan, Chester A. Arthur, Woodrow Wilson, and Herbert Hoover.[5]

To me, there is sophistry going on … the issue certainly is not both parents born on the soil plus under the jurisdiction but just “citizens” by any route. Both parents citizens does not mean both parents born on the soil

Obama’s mother was American, the father not … did he become naturalised? Also, did the mother rush to Hawaii so Barry would be born on US soil? The prime issue here is the status of Soetoro Snr.

With Harris, if the parentage is of importance, there seems skullduggery there but does it preclude her? Just what is it they don’t want known of her antecedents? How important are those antecedents?

Well, given her Starmeresque unleashing of hell on America coming up if DJT doesn’t make it … I’d say pretty vital.

Foreign allegiance doesn’t seem an issue here … Boris, plus Starmer in thrall to the WEF, also Blair and Brown.

4 replies on “Monday [11 and 12]”

  1. Natural born citizen means someone who has birthright US citizenship. That’s what the phrase meant in Blackstone, whose works on the Common Law were what the Founding Fathers treated as authoritative.

    Under current US laws that includes (i) anyone born in the USA, and (ii) anyone born anywhere with at least one American parent. Though it can’t alter the Constitution Congress might choose to alter those laws. For instance it might delete (i) and preserve (ii).

    All the stuff about both parents being American-born US citizens is just the sort of stupid stuff that stupid people invent.

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