(1335) Afternoon all. (1546)
20. Just a thought (in general)
(To my mind her greatest song of all but worst video, visually, jury’s out … so appropriate for certain people today. Plus she was 16 I think at the time.)
19. The minds of the brainwashed
Yes … today we’ve hitherto admittedly been looking at our Beloved Leaders but here’s a little snippet about the mindcontrolled themselves … the karens and budding karens, plus the simons.

We’re told to pray for them … tough ask but needs must.
18. Starmer, by Rolf at Now and Next
Just an excerpt from the article HERE … interesting for me that I saw it after posting Sun 16.
”And now we are inside Starmer’s dream; or the one he subcontracted to ‘Golden’ Brown, the great micromanager.
Sir Keir’s dad was an engineer, one of the trades that attract ‘autism spectrum’ neurotypes who are more task-oriented than people-focused; and it’s a heritable trait. Could it be something like that? And if the task is a political ideal…
Do not get in the way of a man with a vision; if he has enough power he will roll right over you, and with 400+ MPs Starmer is a juggernaut; he does not need social skills. Rosie Duffield? A crunching of bones.”
17. TDS today (blogrolls)

16. Time for a discursive rant
The thing in Russia was that, in the town I was in and I’m sure in many other towns … the true ideologues, the psychos, were dead and gone … Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin … replaced by greedy oligrachs and plutocrats, politburos and not being ideological, greed was and is the only ruling principle.
Now, I’m not saying Starmer’s not greedy … he is, plus as thick as pig excrement, as piggy brained meatheads are, plus he’s surrounded by incompetent women ideologues, also greedy little bints.
Problem with Starmer is he is actually capable of huge damage, e.g. via NI where the puppet govt is mandating the deathjabs.
Now, Putin is quite capable of damage but he’s no ideologue, he’s head of the siloviki (the power) and they’re not interested in crushing the people, killing them all, as WEFer Starmer is, plus Harris and Biden, although the dementia helped there … Vlad is only interested in Russian strength and he’s not particularly interested in personally rubbing individuals’ faces into the faeces, in towns.
The common people got to understand this after some time. Yes, there were occasional blanket, Russia-wide pronouncements from time to time … e.g. all foreign alcohol off supermart shelves in 48 hours, plus the one which saw Brits evicted after Brown here had got uppity over something … Russia hit the British Council first in Vladivostock … but overall, the people discovered something.
Firstly, the Soviet illogicality had one law militating against another. If you’d like to see a modern example, it’s in TDS today … first item. How can you have an Is****ohobia bill when the Equalities Act does not permit it? Starmer is breaking the law. Plus Starmer Sodom-gate (allegedly) helps bggr up that bill.
So, back in Russia, the PTB got around it, now stymied, by ignoring it … let the provinces run themselves and as a result, people had freedom of action, speech, thought, as long as you did not take on the powerful, themselves only interested in assets and living the good life.
And there were spinoffs. Where I was, there were only a couple of bottlenecks into town from the north to south shores across a wide river … a right pain, so they found a cheapo solution so that important people could quickly cross … they built a “pontonni most” (pontoon bridge), low to the water, in the way a Corps of Engineers might … dirt cheap.
Thing was … the “pontonni most” was good, very good for us, personally, worked a treat … and as cars increased, the bridge became popular. But oh dear … the bigwig with the house he’d just bought on the hill looking down over the pontonni most .. he was not having plebs going back and forth to work each day past his house. So he got onto Vlad or the local Prez and said it was a bit distasteful, lowered the tone, plus there were some major world events coming up.
They’d already started the Sydney and Newcastle type sweeping majesty bridge, the town’s soon to be masterpiece … so they hurried it up and removed the “pontonni most”.
What did the masses of commuters now do?
Who cared, thought the bigwigs … and thus traffic gridlock was born. About the time I sold my car and bought the Macbook Pro.
Right, so the people started to have it confirmed that it was better under greedy oligarchs and mafia bosses than under greedy ideologues like Starmer … far more freedom, room to move, as long as you did not tread on their toes. Everyone basically left the others alone. My mate just mentioned some guy called George Santanywhatever who spoke or wrote of mafiosi, who take and are satiated … but ideologues are never satiated.
In fact, the power gets to the non-comps remaining vestiges of brain, from Salem witch hunts to Starmer, to Harris. The only reason the Pope is ignored is he was long ago exploded as a commie ideologue.
If the Donald was as home and hosed as he seems, why then the barrage of attacks on her, Harris, many times a day?
Answer might be firstly that the boomer biddies with the cats, plus the soyboy clowns of the left, together are a formidable voting bloc. Secondly, Harris is far more dangerous than her stupidity suggests … remember what she nearly did to Kavanaugh? Not bad for a gal who “grew up middle-class”, unencumbered by the past, spending much time on hands and knees (allegedly only). Thirdly, she has The Machine right behind her, with endless moolah from perversion..
Let’s say Starmer doesn’t make it past New Year, that we “collectively” do for him? Who then? Rayner? Phillips? But this rant is getting a bit long and I need a shot of coffee.