(0530) Morning all, soothing rainy Monday, dreamlike and so on and so on. Have to go to town soonish, try to survive for a few hours. (0734)
5. Steve drops at 817
Ev 4:
a. Speaker Mike Johnson to Bring Resolution to Fund the Government Without the SAVE Act, Which Would Require Proof of Citizenship for Voter Registration
Ev 3:
d. Tim Walz Accidentally Creates New Ad for the Trump Campaign: ‘We Can’t Afford Four More Years of This!’
Ev 2:
b. MidEast, brink of war. Boris, give Ukraine $1T + NATO entry. Trump, No 2nd debate. Biden quad fails – Alex Christoforou
JH: Includes the Boris Buffoon bit.
Ev 1:
a. NHS Whistleblower: ‘We Were Instructed to Euthanize Patients to Inflate Covid Death Toll While Hospitals Sat Empty!’
4. Article on Gab about 34 Brits leaving for Russia
They’re either going to be fleeced if they stay in Moscow or outskirts, they’re monitored, the bureaucracy is worse, the locals are going to view Brits as we view “the visitors”. Not the hosts … the hosts are super friendly. Just something to think about after Boris:

Anyway, here’s one of those unrestrained Gab takes:
This is ‘news’ (the 34) because these Brits are going to Russia. However it’s a drop in the ocean as hundreds of thousands of (Brit) Britons leave the UK each year and move to Spain, France, Italy and the Far East.
The real scandal behind immigration statistics is when we are told net migration stands at over 700K … that’s because around 1.5 million migrants come to Britain (around 90 per cent of which are non-European) and the 800K leaving are not migrants returning home, but White Britons fleeing.
This means that not only is the population of the UK growing rapidly each year, but replacement is accelerating, as elderly whites aren’t just dying off, but those who can afford to are actively choosing to abandon their country.
You may well ask, as Andy should, I should … whence those stats above … source was a former EDL. Now, back to Boris (looking wonderfully Adonis like in his casual clobber) … in the Alex Ch piece today, he quotes Johnson on the Ukraine: “Get it done, get it won.”
Yes, charmingly glib, Mr. Bollinger Club … and another hundred thousand Ukies and some Brits, go to their inevitable slaughter. Because those bstds in control of us know very well that no one is going to take over Russia, even with those trillions of Euros … this is the Napoleonic, Crimean War and Gitler insanity all over again.
And when does Boris propose this is done? In the Russian winter … the bstd knows exactly what he’s suggesting.
Sauce for the Boris bit HERE.
3. Andy at 818:1
JH: The filter through which I viewed it was firstly … it’s Reddit, soft left, as with travel and tech journals, Quora etc. … check the date (11 years ago) … plus no source of stats.
Why do I still get Quora? Because I haven’t “ungot it” yet, and occasionally the soft topics get the mind off the horrors we do know of … otherwise we hurry ourselves to an early grave. Those journals are deliberately soft, avoiding harsh reality, in a jaunty tone. But as our lot are not particularly fun these days … wwweeelllll, what can I say? Who am I to criticise? Plus Andy is highly valued at this site.
2. DAD drop in the early morn at 818:2
a) Isl*m*c m*grants have made videos explaining how they are bilking the French government, manipulating welfare systems designed to help the needy, and using taxpayer money to fund their stay.
JH: They’re my euphemistic asterisks in there. As the one who’ll get the door kicked down by six special policemen and the token two policewomen of diminutive size, the one who’ll get shut down online … think we need to be using more veiled terms here on in.
b) London-based NatWest Bank launched the “carbon footprint tracker” to supposedly tackle the alleged “climate crisis.” The British multinational bank’s system monitors customers’ spending and scolds customers when they buy meat and dairy products.
JH: That’s in line with that “middlng society”, accepting or resigned to such bullying, with a shrug, smile and, “What are we supposed to be doing now?” … never once thinking it through and deciding not to comply. How not to comply here? Move funds slowly elsewhere. Where? Whole other topic.
c) The Church of England has raised eyebrows by advertising a “Head of Racial Justice Priority” position in the Diocese of London, boasting a salary of £66,646 – more than double the £31,644 stipend for parish priests….
JH again: Yes, there’s that DEI thrust in the criticism but is there not also a £31K crit, given what zero hours people, shopworkers etc. are earning? And given the “anything at all CofE bad, anything Catholic or atheist we shall see”? I go no further but look at my own CofE criticisms of late … easy enough to do with the newly Woke non-church.
1. Going back to “new habits”
Before explaining the main theme of this post item, a word first about critically appraising anyone you read or listen to, preferably before you read or listen to them … not forgetting our “be aware” page here.
This below is from one Cynthia, it’s on Quora … I notice Andy has something from Reddit … both are of the “soft left”, insinuating type … never overtly political but never touching on cutting edge issues all the same, keeping it all nicely nice … concerning celebs, many interesting things such as who was the nicest sportsperson you met … keeping it all away from that nasty far-rightness.
This lady was “former management, employment and training, grants management” … so female “manager” and all it implies, as internally as hard as nails, as hard as hard, experienced “professional” men, quite sure of her abilities thank you very much.
So, in the context of that … this:
I’m 87 and surprised myself recently. After several days of staying in, watching tv, and going to bed earlier than usual, I decided to do some errands. Walking out my door and up the path toward the parking lot, I realized that I wasn’t slow, I was walking at a fast pace, the way I used to walk.
Got to the big box store and forgot to get a cart to lean on. Made it through an hour of traversing through the store without tiring. Then went for a few groceries and home. Felt more energetic than I had for a long time!
My burst of energy lasted several days, then I slowed down again.
Disappointed, I decided to analyze what I had done in the days before my spurt of energy. First I recalled that I had decided not to stay up until 3 or 4 am watching tv. Was in bed by 11 pm. Then I had decided to improve my diet by eating more vegetables in a full meal at dinner time instead of just breakfast and a snack for dinner.
And I wasn’t getting much exercise in the house so I went for a quarter mile walk twice that week just for exercise. I also remembered that my breathing pattern had changed. A breath seemed to go deeper into my lungs. I’m assuming that with just 4 hours of sleep a night, I was not getting enough rest. And breakfast with a snack for dinner did not provide enough nutrition for any activities.
And lastly, lack of exercise was a contributing factor to my shortness of breath. I really would like to feel that good again. So I’m just now starting to repeat what appears to have been the process that led to my energy boost. Crossing my fingers!
Hence going back to “new habits” she’d learnt late, possibly in fear of diabetes, whatever. I too have noticed a slight falling back in habits and have restarted “new habits” and am trying to resist the lure of the buttery shortbread full of sugar.
And so it goes … a mini-journey begfore even starting the day of chores, which includes handwashing of clithes and going into town this morning.