21. Though this is about Australia
… it certainly applies to the other western nations, esp. the UK and the similarly mindless acceptance of the situation by normies in both places means it’s not going to change any time soon.
Just a warning and I left a comment at the youtube but the North American narrator insists on loud background noise (he’d call it music) drowning him out. Pity, as his arguments seem to me fairly to the point and it’s worth struggling through to the end.
There’s one aspect and it’s in the Australian character … or was, I might be out of date now … and that’s the percentage vote at Federal Elections. Labor has traditionally been around 40/41%, Libs (Conservatives) maybe 30 to 35%, the Country Party (farmers), sometimes called National Party, perhaps 10%, no more, plus a fourth party has existed. Plus all the socialists, greens and so on.
So many see no issue with Labor … party of workers they think, whereas it’s really union bosses … similar to here. The last time I was even there was in the 90s, so I may well be out of date. Whilst the big cities seem the problem there, as here, one would think the country towns might have escaped rampant inflation.
I saw an ad, with photo, of a shack, no more, tin roof, rectangular, three steps from door to ground, two horse town … $AUD 90,000. Totally shocked. In short … unliveable any more, as the narrator says. In the craze to be a WEF world player and proud of it … Australian cultural cringe … to my mind the worst aspect is the wholesale invasion abetted, run, by govt.
20. Moosh corner

19. My last shot from Market Garden

Plus one on the Equinox: