Saturday [9 to 11]

(1011) Awful day out there, fair result so far downunder. (1429)

11. Ian J on the flooding of Red State towns (815)

Right now, the Biden administration is callously and deliberately dumping the majority of those crossing our borders into Red states and communities. As a matter of policy, they’re overwhelming those places with a huge influx of dependents whose needs can’t be met locally, and who will overload the system, both locally and statewide.

10. This will be the football post item for the day, for the week

(1049 BST) Lions looking good, Cats within one kick though, about 12 mins to go, with extra time. 78-83 … one kick will win it, time for heroes. The feed (a goal is 6 points):

“As we head into red-time, the Cats trail by five points. Geelong averages 8.6 points in red-time in last quarters this year – the equal second-most.”

84-83 … Cats by one point. Exciting.

Lions just kicked one … 84-89.

84-95 … oh dear. 😟

It’s over … 85-95.

Lions (5th), playing the Swans (1st) next week. On form, the Swans should take it but it will be fun … no idea which I’ll choose … I like both. The teams I strongly dislike are not in it this year.

Had everything? Oh yes, win or lose, anything the Cats are in is exciting. Congrats Lions.

9. Isolated case or sign of things to come?

Liverpool Echo just now:

2 replies on “Saturday [9 to 11]”

  1. 9. How on earth can a company with government contracts go bust? One of the firms I worked for had a few government customers, HMSO, COI, and a couple of London councils. Each of these spent money as if it was going out of fashion. We didn’t overcharge but certainly didn’t discount. I smell corruption somewhere behind this.

  2. It’s not just overloading the systems it is changing the voting results. Red Town of 60K. Lets say 1/3 are just plain stupid and vote Dimocrat that give a majority of 20K. Dump 30K into that down and bang a Dimocrat majority.

    JH: Can it be reversed?

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