(0542) Still dark out there … real life impinges again … I have to go out on one of those rare sorties and it will cut out at least the first half of the morning … going to post a bit here, do that, return (hopefully) and post some more to the “outlying sites”. At least that’s the cunning plan. (0811)
2. TDS on the day Starmer releases 1000s of the worst crims onto the streets
… or so the story goes … to make way for dissonant citizens:

1. IYE dropped in a novel approach to getting DJT across the line
… which Draino put up (see X or 803 across the way):

Forgive me for being cynical but there’s too much theatre, too many clutched straws which turned out to be that in the fine print, when the whole legal sysyem has been riddled, addled over there, by bad players.
My attitude is, as always, in response to the question posed by secular conservatives or rather anti-Wokists … and it’s this:
“If you fanatics are genuinely eschatologically seeing Armageddon coming, then why would you be helping us (e.g. Isabel Vaughan-Spruce) to fight, perchance to die, in this fight to save humanity?”
The answer lies in the two main commandments … not just to love, as in do all you can for the Trinitarian God but the second is like unto it … to love thy neighbour … a much tougher assignment. Anyone can love family and close friends … much harder to love the little birdbrains in schools, college, later in life who’ve been brainwashed by feelgood rhetoric, the painted picture of a socialist utopia which is actually hidden dystopia.
But the stumbling block is one which Bergoglio and Welby, to name two “leaders”, peddle … they interpret “love thy neighbour” as tolerate and even come to love wrongdoing, perversion, the wrecking of society.
So in fact, the genuine Christian in terms of the gospel pronouncements is just as much a fierce fighter for good as secularists are, till the end by the way, otherwise they fear they will not enter heaven after all … with that added spur of a nice package of courage, protection, comfort on the side, in the sense of a well provided for army. And over time, just as it was in days of yore, many a military commander or sailor was a “good Christian man” (and women)
Trouble is that that history has been expunged from schools and in broken homes, esp. Zoomers, Millennials, many Gen X … and it started going wrong with Boomers but actually before too … Leary, Marcuse etc. Post WW2 history is a tale of the falling away in society … you can give it a Christian or secular spin … comes to the same falling away … morally, ethically, ushering in destruction.
So, back to the screenshot of IYE above … what chance that that move might work? I say who knows? But let’s give it the best shot we can, let’s try everything under the sun, even a bit of faith and backbone … who knows if it might not prevail this time around? Thing is … WE humans ourselves don’t know … we have what we have, we have living guidelines … we are up against armies, not just of orcs but of ordinary humans, brainwashed to do wrong, of corrupt pollies and those in all high places.
As Svali said in 2000 … these people are arrogant, they make mistakes, they contradict one another in their cognitive dissonance.
Hopefully see you later in the morning, chaps and chapesses.
Referring to The Daily Newsletter:
Thanks for providing the headlines, James, but this one I am very dubious about…’Teachers Using Sign Language With Pupils After Lockdown Harmed Speech,
Report Finds’.
What? Did children not speak without teachers and other children before lockdowns? In some cases I would think it would be a welcome thing considering some of the backwards speech trending over here (USA) along with the rancid vocabulary students pick up from others.
I really do not get the ‘find’. I suppose I need to go read the article. However, from the headline implying the idea that without school children will be mute monkeys relying on sign language to communicate is a head scratcher.
Nonetheless, I am not at all averse to children learning sign language. I have a dear friend whose daughter was born deaf. She speaks with her hands. Beautiful thing and so wonderful for humans to be able to communicate. Even with the language it is a challenge for those who are deaf. Still, they carry on…as we all must do with the slings and arrows whizzing past us and sometimes hitting us as life is lived.
I know of a hand sign to give those forcing lockdown on western society those few years ago causing language of children to decline. I refuse to send as it would be a low stoop and no doubt offend the readers here I respect and who don’t deserve offense. Also, I would shame myself! Besides that James has had enough sites brought down with the most recent site suffering from being in the crosshairs as we were merely trying to say,’Happy 18th Birthday N.O.!’
Thanks, Toodles.