(0630) Looks ultra-bleah out there in the semi-dark … misty? There are posts up at both OoL and Jstack now. (0900)
5. IYE corner
a. El Donaldo: “Therefore, the 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again. We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON’T!”
b. “Kash Patel predicts the October Surprise will be Biden handing off the Presidency to Kamala in the run-up to the Election”.
c. Among other things, the state leadership has begun the process of moving the capital of the state, the city of Tehran, to another, more convenient and safe place.
4. Seven blasts from the past
a. On Monday, March 4th (2024), French deputies and senators gathered in Versailles voted by an overwhelming majority to enshrine “guaranteed freedom of access to abortion” in the Constitution of the Fifth Republic. Progressives are delighted by what they see as a victory in a universal and titanic battle against the forces of obscurantism and are already preparing their next offensive. https://europeanconservative.com/articles/commentary/constitutionalising-abortion-a-tragic-day-for-france/ No limit on weeks since conception – 12; 20; 26; pre-birth; post birth. No limit on conscience to say ‘NO’ by Doctors; Nurses, Health Workers. No control over the dead baby; De-humanisation of life.
b. A long piece, well written and generally interesting:
c. “The erosion of parental authority when it comes to protecting and guiding children in developing their identities has deep implications. It presents the idea that the people who have conceived a child and guided them from their first steps, who have gotten to know their habits, patterns and inherent struggles, know less than gender-affirmative doctors, and progressive teachers who have known the child for a tiny fraction of their lives. The assumption that the state knows better and that parents can be removed from the delicate process of a child deciding who they are is a very large change for an entire nation to write into law!
{This c&p twice – once into notes and from there to here is a real pain in the harris!}
d. This means nothing to me but might shed light on those who understand what it’s all about:
e. Catherine Ringer is a former pornographic film actress. It was she who was chosen by Emmanuel Macron to perform the Marseillaise during the sealing ceremony of the revised Constitution with the addition of the crime of the unborn child, a true human sacrifice on the altar of a barren Republic. spilling the blood of the French.
The singer even revised the Marseillaise, in which she replaced the “impure blood” which “waters our furrows” with “a pure law in the Constitution”:
f. AP digs into TWC – The Wellness Company:
g. Shall be boycotting VNN (Vigilant News Network) from now on. Founder is Foster Coulson. Same chap who is behind TWC. Editor in Chief is “Vigilant Fox”. Hmm. Go to their leadership page for confirmation. Not leaving the link.
3. Just a word about images on the new site
This was donated by DAD:

… but with our sidebar setup here, images need to be in portrait mode (vertical), which preclude landscape (wider than higher) for that purpose… which in turn has precluded about half the library. On the other hand, when running an image within a post (as with DAD’s), a small “landscape” could go in the sidebar as you see just now, preferably monochrome. 🤔
This (change of) theme (template) overnight has some hidden benefits, not least the chance of once again running a narrow letterbox image across the top, not possible on yesterday’s opening theme (which sits in the theme library here by the way, should it be needed). I have a vague recollection that the theme does not allow pillarbox slot images … it wants to stretch them yugely (vertically) … that’s next week’s experiment.
The difficulty for me is in cutting and compressing one of those, quite a job for the old laptop on its last legs too by the way … the issue is “image resolution” you see and it’s not the doddle which the old site was with images … I tell you no porkies on that.
However, these things are sent to try us, are they not? Have a relaxed or invigorating Sunday.
2. More from DAD at 801
… on “the visible artificial self-assembling entities ranging from about 1 to 100 µm, or greater, of many different shapes of Co vid vaxxine in laboratory tests”.
- DAD’s last for awhile (at 801)
DAD mentions Bernier and “thousands of left-wing demonstrators rallied in central Paris”, surprise, surprise … “in protest” … “power grab” and “stolen election”. Macron? “He eventually chose Michel Barnier as his PM. But now, does he even know where he’s going with him?”
Meanwhile … “France and Britain need a showdown over Channel migrants because of Britain’s lax approach to black market work, the mayor of Calais has said”. Lax? Or agenda?
Making lionesses out of ladies … “There is no place for Orwell’s ‘thought police’ in 21st century Britain”: An Interview with Isabel Vaughn-Spruce.” All power to the lady lioness, the Trinity coursing through her veins … no place, not the time for weakness.
Headline at the odious rag, no link.
Where’s British pride in our contribution to science and the Enlightenment?
Would that be the same enlightenment and science that they themselves have been trashing and perverting for as long as I can remember?
Which eventually turns on and savages them.
I do wish they’d make their minds up, another headline from the same place.
Survey showing UK’s loss of pride in its past is encouraging, says historian
Covering all the bases, being all things to all people – they think. I don’t read the articles, it’s just the headlines which leap out at me.