Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ash Wednesday [13 to 16]

(1213) Afternoon all. (1306)


16. Just three more, then a break

15. DAD informs us at 986

President Emmanuel Macron will make a speech on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 8 p.m. He will notably discuss the international situation, he announced on social networks.

I’m so excited … about dinner time then … can’t wait for dinner.

14. Rare to see it in print

One of things I was always dismissed for writing was that Smith’s death was untoward, ushering in the two WEfers from 1997 to 2010, followed by the Tavistock pig lover. We’re still under the thumb of these crims now.

13. People being remunerated for work done

Wired, the Woke Left tech rag, is trying to hit back at Trump and Musk:

From the least likely sources

… come things to give us pause.


It’s pretty obvious from the cranked up pace we go at here at Unherdables that something is driving us on … which is why the two songs below are quite at odds with that frenetic tone … and yet they had great meaning for me “back in the day”.

Just as I wrote that now, Lord T sent an mp4 which is an AI version of the Trump-Zelensky exchange, at odds, in itself, with the said songs below. And even the songs are at odds within themselves … I for one do not really like country music anyway as a genre, so how come I play so much of it?

Answer is it’s human … all about human folly, emptiness, unrequited love, misery … and my politics and yours are simple … for people to make a life for themselves without being lied to or the govt and left stealing from us to give to the feckless … plus we are for those who are real, not pretend victims. Pretty simple politics, when shorn of right and left designations.

The ten year periods which impact me most now were 1922 to 32, 1955 to 65, then the 1970s. The latter saw quite an experimental age arise, plus the start of the western destruction and I was coming of age just then, going to the concerts, tearing down highways, motorways, doing whatever was going.

Why do I not like these songs below? Too soft for mine, too womanly, too regular in verse, plus I do not like Henley and Frey, how they act(ed) towards anyone, plus their version of Desperado has that annoying drum BANG in what’s meant to be BANG a poignant ballad BANG that the sound engineer BANG needs taking away and garotting.

So the version of Desperado to post could not be the badly mixed Eagles version but had to be between Linda Ronstadt and Karen Carpenter. And yet Karen Carpenter gets the words wrong in her version, these being Linda R’s:

At least it needed to be sung by a woman … a man would not look at another man and talk that way … so let’s say she’d like him to settle down with her … that makes more sense.

In mentioning that these songs meant a lot to me, personally … again it does not mean the lyrics necessarily apply to me … for a start, I’m no desperado, just relentless, pressing on at pace, keeping my distance … also no regrets over the way things went … we reap what we sow, don’t we, and there’ve been lovely times, moments along the way … at times even part of noteworthy history … a worthwhile journey.

Think we need to stop with this regret, victimhood thing … we made choices, some things did not work out … there ya go. And the disasters have not stopped either … more coming up in summer. Face them as they come, together with a prayer or two.

The second song has an attached story in RL … a young guy (nice fella too by the way) trying to insinuate his way with my gal, gave her the album, she didn’t like it and gave it to me … there are some nice songs on it. Chris Isaac is too spivvy for mine, coiffed hair etc., ladies melting before him … yet this song has meaning for me because of the sigma nature of the subject in it, plus I count myself lucky too in the way he got lucky:

Back to the Eagles and:

Oh yes indeed … they have … they still are right at this moment, even at this site … got nuffink to complain about … but we do have a fight on our hands as you know … so be it.

Wednesday [10 to 12]

(0800) Morning all! A bit Gates sky out there, planes must have been out. Have a good one today now. Housework here. Please check two from IYE in comments. (0954)


12. Pancake logic

11. Another thought on the SOTU address

10. TDS

Lead item:

Lord Gavin Barwell was the Chief of Staff for Theresa May – in a field with numerous candidates, probably the worst British Prime Minister in living memory. Reacting to a recent Daily Sceptic article that laid out the science surrounding carbon dioxide, he pounced on an X repost by “Toby and his mate [yours truly]” and stated: “I suspect the next generation may pursue people like him who sought to delay action for damages.” Barwell’s comment is as silly as it is sinister, but it indicates considerable elite derangement as members observe their Net Zero fantasy falling in flames. Net Zero was only ever an elite luxury belief backed by 30 years of lies, fake science and constant climate scare forecasts that never happened. Removing all hydrocarbons from industrial societies will lead to economic and societal collapse. Removing hydrocarbons from the developing world is just plain wicked.

Wednesday [6 to 9]



9. Could not be any clearer

Screenshot only … you get the idea.

8. Clearing the dead wood

7. Clown news

6. IYE from last evening

Short House is ready to sign peace deal.

“That didn’t take long”

Somebody had a light-bulb moment and realised for all their fine words UK, France + 2 couldn’t do without the USA. 🤣 Shorty being made to eat a huge slice of ‘umble pie in double quick time.


Ash Wednesday [1 to 5]



5. Not having the MSM in this abode

… I’m wondering how many got to know about this yesterday …

4. Andy

The knitted D-Day display is to be mounted at Peterborough Cathedral. I think it was supposed to have been at a US Airforce museum but was refused by the local authority. |

3. Steve drops at 985

Four: Kristi Noem Leads ICE Raids … Rep. Anna Paulina Luna Tells Matt Gaetz She’s ‘Not Confident’ About AG Pam Bondi’s Release of the Epstein Client List … much more…..

Three: Trump and Zelensky Set to Sign Historic Minerals Deal … Polish PM Confirms US Military Aid to [The] Ukraine Has Been Suspended … much more…..

Two: Uke sit-rep is pretty much this item today.

One: Covid … solar power … German and Austrian Governments Block Populist Parties … Deep Church traffics children … more…..

2. DAD drop at 985

a) France recorded 243,623 abortions in 2023 compared with 678,000 births. 1 in 3 babies killed.

b) Tesla dealership set on fire near Toulouse: 12 cars destroyed and at least 700,000 euros of damage.

c) Weak, wet and woke Macron will not stand up to Algeria. He is frightened at tha backlash from the large Algerian population oin France.

d) Prisons in France are overflowing. The alternatives used are:- Community service (TIG) and home detention under electronic surveillance (DDSE) are two key measures aimed at providing alternatives to incarceration in France…..

JH: Not transport ships in the Seine, bound for Australia?

1. SOTU address

Seemed to me, waking and checking it out this morning, that after his key remark, I’d zero in on one issue, not a multiplicity of what he covered … and that issue was brought by the sourfaced demonrats themselves:

President Trump just got brutally honest about the Democrats: “I look at the Democrats in front of me, and I realize there is absolutely nothing I can say to make them happy or to make them stand or smile or applaud.” “I could find a cure to the most devastating disease, a disease that would wipe out entire nations or announce the answers to the greatest economy in history or the stoppage of crime to the lowest levels ever recorded. And these people sitting right here will not clap, will not stand, and certainly will not cheer for these astronomical achievements.”

And so to the demonrat stunt:

He covered a range of issues, many which will be covered throughout the day here. Toodles takes it up:

Lizard woman (Pelosi) is scary.

Right now we are hearing about all these old people in our country…all the way to something like 350 years old who are getting money from the government.

He mentioned at some point that were he to help bring about a way to cure a horrible disease the Dems would not even clap for that!

Cuddles just said, the Dems are getting a spanking tonight!

Something to the effect….’Biden said we needed new legislation to fix the border. Turns out all we needed was a new president.’

Great line from DJT!

Also his list of common sense. 

Great. Pray we will stay focused and that the people will be patient. 

This is all (I hope for your sake) I will say tonight.  Oh and the oldest person receiving $’s is 360 years old. Wut?

Prayers for the western world I’d say, chaps and chapesses.

Shrove Tuesday [18 till close of play]



32. Lastly for now, not wishing to invoke the next number

Wendy quoting Bari Weiss:

The Department of Justice is investigating the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, a $27 billion program that was part of Joe Biden’s $740 billion Inflation Reduction Act. Created in the spring of 2023, and managed by the Environmental Protection Agency, the fund was supposed to be a “first-of-its-kind” program to address the climate crisis while revitalizing communities that it considered “historically left behind.”

But it appears little of the $27 billion revitalized anything—except the coffers of a range of environmental nonprofits associated with former Obama and Biden administration officials. “The Biden administration used so-called ‘climate equity’ to justify handouts of billions of dollars to their far-left friends,” @leezeldin, the Trump administration’s new EPA administrator, told @TheFP.

“It is my utmost priority to get a handle on every dollar that went out the door in this scheme and once again restore oversight and accountability over these funds. This rush job operation is riddled with conflicts of interest and corruption.”

A Free Press investigation reveals that of the $27 billion, $20 billion was rushed out the door to eight nonprofit groups after Biden lost the election—but before President Donald Trump took office. As one former EPA official put it on a secretly recorded video, it was akin to “tossing gold bars off the Titanic.”

The eight groups were allocated sums ranging from $400 million to $6.9 billion. Several of them were formed in August of 2023, just one month after the grant applications went live in July of 2023, when it became clear that large nine- and 10-figure grants would be up for grabs.

The boards and staff of these eight groups include Democratic donors, people with connections to the Obama and Biden administrations, and prominent Democrats like Stacey Abrams. “These are some of the biggest grants to individual organizations in American history.”

31. Here’s one from Liz Churchill

Ukraine is protecting the ‘Pandemic Planners’ and Biological Terrorists which are funded by the American Tax Payer. The ‘Investors’ are: 1. Hunter Biden 2. Christopher Heinz 3. Paul Pelosi.

Interesting what one can find, yes?

30. Here’s yet another one

The words preceding that are “the richest”, followed by “Ukrainians”. What he’s referring to are ski resorts and the like, which Tucker frequents, and I have a tale about this too.

Back in the 90s, I was an economic “B2” for some years but unlike the Russians of the time overseas at the resorts, whom my darling gal and I had occasion to brush by, I never saw it as permanent, there being too many permutations and combinations, plus I was also eating into capital … the writing was always on the wall. When I travelled by rail, it was first class as it was not all that expensive, relatively, but I’d often go back into second because it was more fun and full of girls.

With my gal though, we flew. In Limmasol, a Greek owner of part of the town asked me into a bar for a chat and he asked where “I’d found her”. “I’m hers, she’s mine,” I replied. His eyebrows went up. He was judging by the two types of Russian on holiday … one type was the girl chancer on a visa, looking for one such as him … the other type was the wife or lover of the “gold chain brigade” … gauche, full of their position, with the resources to back it.

Seems to me, from what Tucker was saying, that that mantle has now passed to the Ukrainians, thanks to western taxpayers, delighted to pay the nouveau riche in those eastern countries. Live Aid concerts for naive western kids is another way … the kids actually believe it does not end up with warlords and their families in palaces.

Not sure if you know about all the WW2 fascists in the Ukraine and in Croatia … maybe it’s one history too far for this site here. My best gal and I were a somewhat strange brew in that we were clearly not dressed as oligarch and gal (not unlike in Casino Royale in the train), nor were we your average backpack travellers in hostels … we were middling … flying cattle class but staying at five-stars. I spoke not bad English, she spoke high Russian when she wanted. So we ended up pretty much alone, which suited me fine. She was a sight for sore eyes by the way.

Thus, we saw these gauche Russian parties all the time … I spoke to a few … then ceased bothering. And as mentioned … now it seems they’re Ukrainian.

29. The Donald is addressing both houses of Congress later

… or chambers, whatever you wish to call them … and my surmise … and it can only be surmise … is that it will be to get a two-thirds majority to leave NATO.

Let’s just say that that’s what it will be. Key demonrats have threatened to disrupt his speech with noise makers, shouting etc., and yes, of course it’s the illegitimate “Squad” doing this, of virtual children in Congress.

Should be fun.

28. Meanwhile, Kat Kanada reports

Canada is full of feckless, and quite frankly, dangerous leaders. Sick of it. Ford threatens to cut power to New York, Michigan, & Minnesota.

What follows is a clip of Ford saying it. In a similar way, Castro has threatened more “retaliatory” tariffs on the USA, to which DJT issued a statement that the USA hereby applies the same degree of tariff on Canadian goods … for as long as Castro wants to play the game.

Castro, of course, is doing this with a prorogued or in other words … without a parliament. Now he’s already resigned the leadership, remember, and has been ruling by fiat ever since. Sir Charisma Bypass here (H/T IYE) was able to suddenly reverse policy, once elected under false pretences, which is slightly different to Castro.

27. And here’s another thread

… this time on murdering patients legally:


… but same warning on the tin … it’s an X url.

26. Thread on Penelope Endersby, chief executive of the Met Office


Having included a url there, the sad part for non-Xers is that it’s a “thread” or series of “tweets” done in point form, of which this is but one:

By examining historical logs, he found that the ‘Braemar No. 2’ station, for example, in Aberdeenshire had supposedly been collecting data since 1959—despite only being installed in 2005.

Think you get the general flavour but for me, her photo is the thing … she very much looks a type, reminded me of Chrystia Freeland or any of tens of thousands like that across the west and the question is “how” … how did she even get into that position of head honcho of a major office?

The second question is who appointed her? For me, that’s the juicier question which, on a smallish site in world terms here, is going to be difficult to answer without, say, Pam Bondi’s resources.

Incidentally, the miscreant who refused her (Bondi’s) request at the FBI has been sacked, so Pam did authorise Kash and Dan to do the job … but that’s all it is … a sacking, not an indicting on charges.

25. A Ukrainian lady speaks

24. Steve at 985

War Room snippets…

a. Todd Bensman: The Greatest Mass Migration Border Crisis In US History Is Over

b. Batya Ungar-Sargon On Zelensky Meeting: “78% Of Americans Want An End To This War.”

c. Dave Walsh: Europe Has Spent $250 Billion On CCP Solar Panels And Batteries

d. Mike Davis: “He Proved With His Statement Why He Should Have Been Canned” Mike Davis On Firing Of New York FBI Head


Hearts of Oak: Willem Petzer

23. Ty Clevinger, whoever that is

… via Steve:

@DOJ told me this afternoon that we will not be getting any Seth Rich records on March 10. The @FBI only intends to produce a “Vaughn index,” which gives a brief description of what they are withholding and why. That means that the feds are not even willing to produce the metadata from Seth’s electronic devices. I’m not thrilled about this, but we’re playing the long game. In the same case, I can already prove that the @FBI improperly withheld pages from the @CrowdStrike reports about the 2016 @DNC “hack” that was published by @wikileaks.

22. Nice to see

21. The broken west

20. Bondi

19. Demise of a brillo pad

18. Nige, by an American, Copyhold

Farage. Yep, no doubt.

He’s the UK oligarchy’s Plan B. Controlled opposition to the LibLabCon Uniparty, designed to prevent an authentic nationalist opposition party arising.

Tuesday [12 to 17]

(1226) Afternoon all. (1253)


17. Lord T asks

… does anyone have more on this? Maybe it should be followed up?

16. And one more time for now

15. And once more

Malcolm Roberts is a bit like the Oz Nigel Farage, except not wavering like Farage on key points. Elly Melly and he are similar antiWokists.

14. More of the same point we’ve been making all morning

13. This from Vox (url in blogrolls)

… is a bit more than the usual fair use fragment, as it is a “whole” to this point:

Good point about Europe being a continent, not a sovereign political entity. Britain and France, the USA, Russia, China are sovereign political entities.

12. IYE and a quiz q from me

RFK Jr and the measles jab “U-turn”

From that link came this, concerning RFK Jnr. …

My quiz q is … what’s the difference between him approving a measles jab and an mrna jab?

And I see all the difference … why?