5. Steve at 981
Five: Pentagon Is Removing DEI Material … Obama … bureaucracy cuts … Arizona … much more …..
Four: Pam Bondi Reveals Thousands of Epstein Files Still Withheld by FBI … tarrifs on Canada, Mexico March 4 … much, much more…..
Three: Uke sit-rep … Georgescu … much, much more…..
Two: Georgescu again … Euro Iron Curtain … stupid Canadians … much more…..
One: RFK Jnr. … jabs … climate bollox … multicult … more…..
4. And so to DAD at 981
a) French Prime Minister François Bayrou has announced that France will push for a “complete review” of the 1968 agreement with Algeria, a deal that granted Algerians special immigration privileges.….
b) ‘Insult to injury’: What’s behind the rising tensions between France and Algeria?…..
(JH: Going to dig out my Gary Brecher article on Algeria … eyeopening.)
c) Sarah Knefo is a one (wo)man DOGE. (She was named as one of Zemmour’s campaign directors for his presidential campaign bid and Reconquête party. On October 3, 2024, the Paris prosecutor’s office closed the complaint for “spreading false news” filed by the Algerian state…..
d) Anne Sicard writes….Monsieur le ministre, The far left imposes a climate of terror in our universities: assaults, kidnappings, roadblocks…..
3. My quick quiz question
… as a result of one of DAD’s quiz questions:
Who was the PMG when it all ended? This man was PMG 1968/9.
2. Those returned VCs … from TDS newsletter today
“In a sign of the times, the Imperial War Museum has announced that it is closing the gallery devoted to Lord Ashcroft’s personal collection of Victoria and George Cross medals. They were displayed so that anyone could see them and read the stories of astonishing bravery involved. The scandalous decision was made without even bothering to tell Lord Ashcroft.
The Telegraph has the story:
The billionaire businessman said the museum “had not even the courtesy” to inform him before the public announcement on Tuesday of its decision to close down the landmark gallery displaying his £70 million collection of 230 Victoria Cross and George Cross medals.
The Lord Ashcroft Gallery was opened in 2010 following a £5 million donation from the life peer and the medals were loaned out for 15 years.
However, the museum has since announced that the gallery will permanently close on June 1st and the entire collection will be returned to Lord Ashcroft.”
I’m afraid I must return to one of my hobbyhorses again … not male-female but just how long do we commemorate for? Years back, I’d look at putting a number on it, e.g. a century … later, I’d look more at generations, another hobbyhorse of mine … now I’d mix that in with family and upbringing, plus its mixing in with schoolteaching. Needn’t dwell on that in this post … nuff said about Gen Zee and Alpha commemorating anything worthwhile, non-Woke.
I used to tell the chn that though, despite appearances, I myself was simply not around in those huge, worldwide conflicts, my parents were and thus we needed to show respect and gratitude forever. And the response from the chn was pretty good to be honest. Thing was though, no other staff did similar and they were Gen X, a generation with less or no reverence, but still half-educated.
After Vox’s attack on Boomers, which had me initially defending, then thinking about it … it slowly dawned he was referring to the lefty, hippy lot … I was certainly an Eve of Destruction civil rights type, far less so a Dylan or Who type … My Generation was aimed squarely at us and we liked the song but didn’t feel it deeply … we were still fairly onside with our parents, being told not to be.
Although we could see through pernicious pollie authority.
Sorry to move away even further from the returned VCs but this morning, in a late, prewaking nightmare, I was thinking at what point in my life were the genuine windows of opportunity I’d either missed, or more accurately had not sustained, to make a regular lifelong dynasty … agewise there was certainly one way too early when I was 15, the first true pairing off at 22, next at 29, through till 37, then from 43 till about 49 … that was really the last hurrah, certainly not unfulfilled … it pretty much died on the vine though when I returned here, unsuspecting that it was over and a fellow blogger told me, “You got no hope,” of anything really … times had moved on. The issue was now more in me though now … jaded, didn’t think I was in any position to, knew I wasn’t … however never say never, eh?
Coming back to the end of the “VC commemoration era”, let’s call it … well Northern Ireland was still quite alive in the 90s, those soldiers were, (doing a quick calculation), in the 1970 to 76 range, say, birthwise, if too young to fight, then well aware … I’m thinking that was pretty much the limit of true remembrance … remember Canary Wharf, (which situation I was in the middle of)?
So, looking at 1996 and our feelings about Fenians .. there were the kids, born maybe early Millennial, their parents … take 23 years perhaps, born late 60s, making them early to mid Gen X … those kids were certainly not commemorating WW2 nor Suez, nor Rhodesia … to a point Mandela featured now in their consciousness, later Hamasland. I entirely missed Blairtime here, at ground level, stayed in touch via the net, returned to an entirely different Britain.
The very day I flew into Gatwick, the cashier in a WH Smith refused my tenner … no longer legal tender. I’ve no idea where I’m going with this, so had best stop.
Loretta Fuddy, who certified Obama’s birth certificate, was the only one who died in an airplane crash into the water in Hawaii, shortly after leaving Kalaupapa Airport. There was footage on Dec 14, 2023 of a diver holding her.
Breitbart was working with Arpaio on Hawaii, former died the day before a scheduled report. The latter mentioned a Johanna Ani, born in the same hospital as BHO, 16 days apart. A second cert from Coast Province GH was signed off on Aug 7, 1961 after the recorded event, by a man named Odongo. Cert sent by a brother named Malik.
People associated with BHO later inc. Alaweed Bin Talaal, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, Huma Abedin, Valerie Jarrett.
June 2024, DOJ SDNY office filed a declaration to keep the Epstein files secret. Maurene Comey, one of the lead prosecutors of GhMax in Nov 2021. James Dennehy is in charge of the FBI field office New York.
Liz Wheeler, DC Draino, Aryanne Wexler, Jack Posobiec and Chad Prather were chosen to receive the Epstein binder … all are connected to The Wellness Company. Draino’s and Prather’s Xes afterwards were word identical.
2017 was the year that the Democracy Alliance hired Archana Sahgal, a former Obama White House official, to help the new anti-Trump groups.
Indivisible which is currently active as the 2025 resistance, has also received funding from the tech entrepreneur Reid Hoffman, as well as foundations or coalitions tied to Democracy Alliance donors, including the San Francisco mortgage billionaire Herbert Sandler, the New York real estate heiress Patricia Bauman and the oil heiress Leah Hunt-Hendrix.
Democracy Alliance resistance … Soros, Obama, Eisen, Brennan, Planned Parenthood, ACLU … no real surprises there.
(1730) Evening all.
14. They need to be dealt with
13. This 👇🏻
12. Of course it won’t
11. Win some, lose some temporarily … this is a win
10. Bondi
9. Steve ran this url at 980
… just a screenshot here:
… special Thursday treat, answers later today.
Q1. If 4 = 4; 5 = 5 and 6 = 6. What does 7 equal? And 8 equal?
Q2. A cryptic question. “Small fish Ida swallowed once a week, (6)”. You may have to think about that for some time, but the answer will come to you one day.
Q3. Three Gulfs recently in the news.
Q4. Who is the current Postmaster General?
Q5. This is a slightly more difficult cryptic question. “ Alternative to LSD causes a medical mix-up”, (7).
A1. 3 and 7. As in a 7 segment digital display.
A2 Small fish = fry, ‘swallows ‘ida’ becomes Friday.
A3. Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of America. The Gulf Stream is not collapsing.
A4. Trick question, we do not have one. The office was abolished in 1969.
A5. LSD in this case = £sd. The anagram of ‘medical’ is ‘decimal’
Keep smiling.
“Before his company will pay out, an insurance investigator (Dennis O’Keefe) arrives in a small town to look into an apparent suicide. But he immediately begins to suspect something’s not quite right. No gun, no powder marks, no bullet, no coroner’s report, and no sheriff’s report seem to lead to no suicide. Was it suicide … or was it something more sinister?”
Drumroll …
Barbara Britton (1920 till 80): one hubby only, Republican.
(1051). Morning all … nice day out there, was out there earlier. (1207)
8. They’re all asking for money now
7. No cheeky girls here
6. Needs to be noted
5. There will be repercussions
… plus the strength and clearheadedness to stick to them.
Around 8 a.m., it being 0803 just now, I like to be into the first feature post, usually Ruairidh or Jago, so’s I can get some brekky in. However … last night, I quickly made nine screenshots and this morning, post-HQ disaster, was redacting them for this post … phew, it’s a long one, people … both the video plus various comments on it … but so profound … truly I think it’s the most interesting take I’ve seen.
Plus, in the light of Thurs 1 and 2 already today … uncannily relevant … uncannily. Let’s get down to it by putting cart before horse. Now, good people … videos are time out of your day, yes, understood, but this one I believe will reward your time. Comments first though:
So to the video itself:
My thoughts:
First off, I’m not pooh-poohing those reports of her remains or plane bits on remote islands … possible … this video only analysing up to the final recorded communication with her.
The whole story does, though, bear an uncanny resemblance to subsequent events with female daredevils, inc. Amy, up to Hultgreen, including that lady airline pilot who safely put the airliner down after losing an engine (well done) to the famous racing driver who finally went too far, crashed and died, to the Fitzgerald, to the Florida bridge … to Danica Patrick who did win races but stayed this side of the careful/reckless line, plus some British ladies who did well and did not die … not from that anyway … yes, all that is so but the same motifs do keep appearing though … uncannily. Always.
Look at Pam Bondi, look at Karoline Leavitt … the latter is showing the signs of being as pleased as punch with herself … not good … inexperience … hoping she’ll settle down and continue to do her due diligence, because they’re going to do for her otherwise, as we are currently with Bondi.
A silly girl is Paula London who’s taken the bait and instead of sticking to her journalism, has started the swimsuit and “lady parts” guff on X, just as Anna Kournikova did, just as Danica Patrick herself did. But not Tulsi nor Kristi … those two are far more canny.
Why should I care? Because men do care for our women … nature of the beast.
There are other red flags with Amelia E, apart from her privileged, yet weirdly inadequate upbringing … one red flag being the satanic Eleanor R, UN pusher of the day. That woman was the worst, apart from the suffragettes, who twisted all advances for women already achieved with men onboard … that lot then turned it into the Helen Reddy look at me, I am superwoman, nothing I cannot do, better even than men, what fish needs a bicycle.
Ladies and gentlemen … that is sick … it plays on the very susceptibility and latent resentment of most females if it gets out of hand … as against the brutalism and “uncaringness” of the male, the natural arrogance we have, whether justified or not, the propensity we have for being right bstds or curmudgeons, the manspreading, the mansplaining.
You know my hobbyhorse … anything coming between men and women I am against. End of. Both males and females need to be ultra-cautious about people, forces, exploiting the natural fissures between them.
And in Earhart’s case, in her natural inexperience in tech, plus the feminist arrogance … weeeellll … accident waiting to happen … not forst time either by the way. The officer on that ship who did know tech and who has been criticised for not setting Earhart straight … why did he not? Not his job to? She was the star? Or was he up against a global political thing, just as with those first three girls sailing solo around the world (girls, not women who have of course done it).
The Oz girl was a great sailor, plus she had a complete support service. In the case of Dutch NZ Laura … she was a natural sailor, I can tell you that, plus father advising her. The American girl? Disaster … on her own completely, needed rescuing.
Would I have been much better? Nope … without a support team … not at all … in fact it happened when I was 23, it was in the press at the time … but my crew and I called it off before it got to the really dangerous part … no regrets even today … poor support preparation on my part, too young too, plus I had a crewman’s life to consider … just as Amelia E had Noonan … and did not consider him imho. END.
2. HQ disaster
Chaps and chapesses … if you’d been following the past hour here, you’d have seen items 1 to 4 slowly go up … 2 was DAD, 3 was Steve and 4 was IYE. It’s the most work-intensive part of the day, requiring jumping from HQ to NOWP and back, then highlighting Four Three Two etc., greening it using hex code and in DAD’s case, also reading and summarising. Item 4 was a note to IYE after his comment in the sidebar.
There’s over an hour’s work at a critical time of the day pour moi. Saved it, checked it was fine, went off to do a domestic chore involving next door. Came back, opened this post again … guess what? Items 2, 3, 4 completely gone. On both ipads.
No matter, thought I, the thing which always kicks in is the WP notice in a cross screen panel at the top, which says there’s an older autosave, would I like to see it? Yes please. Then … restore this autosave? Yes of course … all back to normal. Most useful, that WP function.
To gather how much work is involved in the opening hour each day, go to any previous day’s opening items at HQ and look. Also, to answer the obvious question that maybe I forgot to save … I always save once the [1 to 4] in the heading goes in … meaning I always type that and instantly click save, wait for the lit “save” to go faded … that means saved. But it hardly matters, as the WP notice appears anyway if there’s a glitch.
Yes, you guessed it … WP this one time singularly failed to show the panel today, I can say first time ever it’s failed … meaning there was no way to get back to the previous revision. In short, the summaries of DAD, Steve, IYE were gone, matey, into the ether. The sole proof they were ever here is in the heading as it is now … [1 to 4] … that only ever goes up as the last thing before save.
P’d off? Mightily. Why oh why did WP choose now, of all times, to fail to display its regular service?
Well, the most charitable answer I can come to is that yesterday’s HQ troubles wiped this facility away … that is, WP no longer offer this failsafe at HQ. That’s the most charitable thing I can say. Less charitable is that some gremlin has got inside HQ but unless it evaded my techie’s eyes as well, I can’t see that being the reason.
All right … am I going to do that hour’s work over again? Am I hell as like … esp. as readers can simply go to NOWP itself or in the sidebar here and see the originals for themselves. Me? I’m having a coffee instead, ready to start the second post of the day. Sorry me. Plus Toodles has just written. The day has started, the sun is out.
1. Manouevering the public
TDS has an article on some European poll saying young females are far more likely to vote Woke leftwing than males … I’d say based largely on the German result and rather than join in with this thing, even with Pam Bondi’s refusal to do as she promised and DJT saying nothing, but with my own hobbyhorse of not being drawn into men attacking women in argument, as my argument is that the two sexes MUST work together, marry and start producing babies …
… well, you can see where all this is going. This poll came out of Scandinavia (natch) and the Woke, globo-communist trend is all for splitting male – female and wedging the gap even wider. Whoever commissioned the bollox poll (see TDS) clearly had an agenda, an agenda which my own post yesterday, including that Orwell quote in black, did nothing to dissipate. Manipulation plus.
Even my own neighbours are split that way. He is well aware of the imported army of fighting age males waiting to be given the word, she though actually said to me that it’s not just them … there are plenty of men from here threatening girls … yes, that’s so and I asked why so, then said because they have no respect for the female these days, easy meat … she agreed before realising what that meant.
And so it goes … we hardly need to spell it out, no? Meanwhile, why did Bondi say she had the list on her desk? My current surmise is that she was doing her boss’s bidding, so she gets the heat, not him, from MAGA … in other words, carrying a big stick so that the baddies do as Donny says or else. The moment it’s announced, the power is gone. Nuff for now.
(1625) Evening all … wasn’t today fun.
19. Steve and War Room at 980
a. “I’m Ready To Go To D.C. And Blow Things Up.” Kandiss Taylor Announces GA-1 Candidacy
b. Mike Benz: LGBTQ Affinity Groups Wish Death Upon MAGA On NSA And CIA Servers
18. In-ter-es-ting
17. Seats at the President’s pressers
16. Revisited
15. Via Steve, on Romania, at 980