Category Archives: Uncategorized

Saturday [4 and 5]

(0722) Morning all. Just before we start, here are some early animations posted by Rolf. (0744)


5. DAD at 982

Saturday {I understand that the Spiv of Kiev had a dressing down at the White House yesterday.}

a) The Algerian/French accord of 1968; The French PM says “reexamine all agreements between the two countries”.

b) Residents of certain districts of Eybens and Poisat had the unpleasant surprise of discovering advertising flyers in their mailboxes… for drug trafficking. On these leaflets, a detailed list of drugs and cigatettes that were available…

c) A secret meeting, and echoes of Benedict’s exit, have heightened talk that Francis could resign, too. But the possibility is anyone’s guess.

4. Steve at 982

Five: Bias of media … Biden coverup …coke at WH … much more…..

Four: Trump Vance Zelensky … Graham … Rubio … much more…..

Three: Starmer Zelensky … Uke sit rep … much more…..

Two: Georgescu … China in US … Tulsi MAGA … more Trump V Z … much more…..

One: ECJ consequences … Covid … Ferguson … Israel Egypt … much more…..

Saturday [1 to 3]

(0039) See you the other side of shuteye, hopefully. (0255)


3. Just going to run this as one long round up now

… then catch some more sleep, hopefully. Not running the Trump Vance Zelensky 53 mins or whatever it was … link is in comments here, “that went well” … I do urge you to look at Sat 1, copy the link from comments if you want and store in your own safe place for retrieval.

2. Bondi

Decades of dealing with gals have taught me things about all sorts, types. One type is the eternal girl/woman, always complicated if she is approaching classic beauty status in western eyes, which Pam was/is … it’s a double-edged sword and a gal becomes sly in protecting herself, her shortcomings … you see it in Pam B where she combines loyalty, plus bending people to her will, plus slyness … look at the eyes and set of the lips … she’s out to protect herself and increase her own stocks … there’s nothing untoward here, it’s the nature of girl/woman since ancient times.

And realising she’d been caught out, she slyly laid it on Kash via a very publicly posted letter, as public as Bindergate.

Pam was caught out, whichever way you slice/dice it … check out Kylie Jane Kremer, a major MAGA pundit:

This is the deal. Pam Bondi lied. Whether it was nefariously with malicious intent or naively & stupidly because she wanted to look like she was more informed, she said she had the Epstein files on her desk but the WORST PART is that SHE SAID SHE’D READ the Epstein files. She also stated there were sick people in the files after reading. Pam Bondi lied each way you look at it. Had Pam not lied, she & Kash could have figured out that people were withholding documents at the FBI or SDNY.

I’d suggest you look for any of our stalwarts’ references to Flynn … ball’s in your court.

1. Housekeeping

When you see something on some site you think needs preserving, you can go about it a number of ways … here are some.

The easiest, to my mind, is a thing called a USB stick which, in simple language, is a small storage disk … quite cheap, anyone can buy, plugs into a laptop or PC side or behind, not Apple products, which use USBC … I never store on Apple. Not perfect as these sticks do degrade over time. Have three, four of them.

A step up is a small, plug in hard drive, USB plug, also easy to buy, you can spend £40 or £400 and you only need the one. Whole idea is that you detach after using/accessing.

Both those are affected by your system, device, browser, storage when you plug in … this post item does not cover those, nor VPN nor other methods to cut through the barriers.

One oblique way is our stalwart’s here of internxx archxxx, effective.

My advice is to store at a few locations, not all situated at home. This involves a certain amount of taking responsibility for your own files but don’t forget on paper.

Keep diaries, A5 ideally, A4 more cumbersome and one can be your central index to where you put things. Or have a box for all your scraps of scribbled notes … lazy but at least they’re all there.

It’s a discipline, chaps and chapesses, to allocate some of your time every few days to store on disk plus on paper. What you really should categorically not do is rely on HQ here to return to … you saw what happened to N.O., similar can happen to HQ, in fact well might this summer, as my system completely changes. Not saying it will but it seems not unlikely.

It really is your responsibility, as your knowledge increases, for your own net safety, which can be attacked at any time by all the little Thems … plus the big ones.

I’d strongly avoid storing any nrop whatever … you’ll be hacked, it’s truly unwise if you’re also prone to polit finding out in your rounds. In this country, that in itself is increasingly seen as radical, even if innocuous. Insane making threats online too, euphemise what you say and store. Use multiple locations, avoid ones such as FB, Tikxxx … stick to storing just facts, data.

If a thousand readers were to do that, in all corners of the sphere, it multiplies exponentially. Also … keep unplugged in inclement conditions, as you would any vulnerable apparatus.

Friday [18 till close of play]

(1626) Good evening, readers.


22. Uke sit-rep

21. Steve at 981

20. One can only hope

19. Yet some are still heavily into denial

18. Housekeeping

Good reader, our league of extraordinary gentlemen has left copious links in the sidebar … I need to advise that there were issues even getting them posted there. When that happens, they’re best left in situ … I’ve just been through … and I do suggest you save the valuable ones to file, remotely, or use IYE’s advised method. Do you have a USB stick or external hard drive? Not expensive, detach when not in use.

Friday [17]

(1452) This is one where the hours are dragging, not fugitting.


17. The frustrating thing is not so much the crims

Crims are crims … they think crim, have zero conscience, stop at nothing. Combine that with an agenda or what you might call a global plan, necessitating the fooling of millions of simple, trusting souls, such as political normies or the apolitical, combined with those seeing themselves as experienced ultra-rationalists, nothing gets past them … so they firmly believe with a condescending smile.

Even if you can get through their wilful ignorance, precisely as in the Poirot episode earlier, they’ve truly never really dealt with violent crims who’s goal is the money, plus never being caught … and they most certainly struggle to comprehend utter depravity … as they are not depraved themselves.

The very notion of running an insurance scam days before 911, combined with wiping out a cultural set of edifices, at the small cost of a few thousand lives … collateral, fun really, as long as they’re western lives … together with requiring the pretext for the “Patriot Act”, plus the next step in the anti-nation-state agenda … well you just do it … pay billions, otherwise threaten, kill off.

Far, far from it being “out there”, “left field” … those who can see these crims in all their horror have very strange minds themselves … they can think crim themselves but something stops them … they become soooooo impatient with those still trying to hang onto some vestige of civil dealings, of cultural underpinnings … even those seeing themselves as tough nuts, such as Pam Bondi, turn out to be hopelessly naive.

The saddest part is how essentially good people, dear friends, just can’t get the head around other people they essentially like being outplayed or even with skeletons themselves … it’s a slow, grudging, rude awakening at each new point. They speak about the baddies as baddies, yes … good … but the depth of the depravity … well unless you’ve seen it, it’s so difficult to match that face, that person, with those deeds.



I for one really do not like vlogs … even the good ones are usually too long, could have covered it in half the time, one cannot go at one’s own pace, waiting on the vlogger to stop with the bullsh … plus the thumbnails are more often than not sensationalist, hyperbole-oriented and inaccurate once one wades through the sludge. Plus the hard sell at the start, before even seeing the content.

This one is half and half.

Friday [11]

(1032) Not impressed, Mr. President


Though this is the main thing annoying us:

… it’s not the only one … there’s Trump caving to Starmer on Chagos, plus that ridiculous theatre with Draino and binders … so smug … which turns out to be rubbish.

Thing is, we are being treated as low-info midwits instead of 24/7 vigilant new fourth estate who scour alt sources for any snippets and are sick to death of being lied to, misled, promised … plus those above seem to be non-comps showboating, esp. Bondi.

We. Are. Not. Impressed.

Friday [6 to 10]

(0922) Morning all … watch out today for jihadis, plus poisoned air, water food, awful cacophony they call “music”, stasi at the door, plus total nincompoops … other than that … all fine. (0943)


10. Moosh corner

9. Why are the other levels simply not operating properly?

8. Brekky

7. “Relentlessness” is our job as the new fourth estate

6. IYE from last evening