Wednesday [4 to 7]

(0345) Really must grab some shuteye, chaps and chapesses … all you (possibly) need to know about the “debate” is in the screenshots in Wed 4. See you soon. (0737)

7. I just worked out, on the calculator

… that 9,731,363 … divided by 57,595,206 … comes to


Convert to percentage, lopping the 13 off and you have

16.896% or close to 17%

Now, the last question is … was that indeed the number voting Labour, divided by total eligible voters at the GE in 2024?

6. The Jezebel and Semiramis factor

It’s been mentioned many times … the young Scot, as I call him, had these on youtube:


An Xer, after watching Harris and her empty yet mocking manner, esp. of the Gold Star families, caused the Xer to comment: “Jezebel spirit.” Now to bring this in:

Yes, person against person, even within families, between friends.

5. (0644) More comment on the debate (after a snooze)

Tulsi G was interviewed on the very ABC which was doing that thing. Supportive of Trump, media dead against. And so? I looked at a range, inc. for once the pro Harris lot.

What resonated for many was the 3 on one set up but first … that’s not going to matter to fanatical Demonrats and RINOS with much to lose. Second … I saw one comment by a MAGA about his failing to hit her on this or that.

Well … he was not assisted by a machine, no. The MAGA man was wondering about DJT’s “team”. I’m thinking it’s more his Doncentricity, plus now his age. As someone not an eon behind in years, I do know what the gradual loss of faculties is about … so those two factors just mentioned kick in.

4. The non-debate

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