Thursday [15 onwards]

(1648). Time to start the evening gruel. Keep an eye on Thurs 20 developments. (2124) Full moon up high, just watching the inhabitants through binoculars.


23. We won’t see the like again

… methinks there are tavern regulars who think “good thing too”, preferring classical or jazz solely … this item is for those with broader tastes, with a sense of songs in a time and place more innocent, more simple ditties which lay no claim to being great music but still gave great enjoyment in places like pubs … pub rock in other words.

Over here … Dr. Feelgood, Ducks Deluxe, Ian Dury, Graham Parker … this was the world centre for the genre … but it was also big downunder on both sides of the Tasman … it was for people who liked a pint and a good band for a small cover charge. We used to eat elsewhere, less crowded, then rock on over to the venue, often by the “wivva” if over here, often in Carlton if in Melbourne … the bands here knew the downunder scene, downunder knew here … don’t forget I was a DJ at the time at alt radio stations.

This band below were from Sydney town but I caught them with my mate at a pub in North Melbourne, usual set-up. We already knew them from the radio and the one I liked best was the keyboardist “Greedy” Smith … I wondered why until I met him during a break between sets … nice guy but he loved his food. As we got talking, his plate turned on an angle and his food went over him. There’s a good Oz word, old fashioned now, for someone a bit “laddish” without bad attitude, more happy go lucky … not a “yob”, not a “hooligan” … they’re too negative … the word I need is “larrikin” … well Greedy was like that, a bit “dorky”.

The music? Simple, based around simple riffs, great for a pub scene:

22. Moosh corner

Call it narcissistic but I do look at such things to see which might have been lil ole me … in this case, the first lil guy, but with better trousers … possibly n4.

21. Of fires, floods, vulnerable people

… and resources to be exploited below their homes.

20. Toodles sends this on the Obama Biden meeting

Only a link as I don’t wish to see their faces … HERE.

However, there’ve been developments:

The New York Post hired a professional lip reader to analyze this interaction yesterday at Ethel Kennedy’s memorial between Barack Obama and Joe Biden. BIDEN: “She’s not as strong as me.” OBAMA: “I know… that’s true. We have time.”

🍿🍿🍿 This has every chance of helping Obama being arrested after January. 🍿🍿🍿

19. Steve

a. The Baier Harris interview is at 846:3

b. War room:

  • Natalie Winters Blasts Liz Cheney For Her Ethical Violation With J6 Witness
  • Jonathan Keeperman Breaks Down The Numbers On The FBI’s Revised Crime Statistics
  • Noah Formica: “Pennsylvania Is Turning Red, It’s Turning Red Fast”
  • Rep. Eli Crane Discusses How Citizens Will Be Able To Livestream Footage From Ballot Drop Boxes

18. Bobbie … as for the councils

17. Always the vulnerable who can’t fight back

… whilst taking on powers and roles not theirs to take on:

16. The revolting Ardern outrage

15. One can only hope and pray … DAD at 846 first

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