Monday [18 to 20]

(1334) Really struggling to put another post up above Nicola … somehow seems not right … but needs must. (1429)


20. Don’t believe Jenrick? Or Politico?

19. Apocalypse soon?

Very much so imho … there are a few possibilities, one being that it’s all theatre … all of it, inc. the Donald … and it does tie in with Christian eschatology unfortunately. For that though, the Temple must be rebuilt and for that, there needs to be an unblemished red heifer … there (cough) actually is at this moment. 🍿🍿🍿

At the same time, there is this feeling of wishing to see his version of apocalypse now over the demonrat creeps of low ability.

18. Andy on mushrooms at 841

Mushrooms are not my cup of tea but as a youngster I was fascinated by them. I scoured the local reference library (Carnegie, sold off) for books on the subject. The wide variety of edible delicacies in our fields and woodlands is awesome. The small city in Hertfordshire where I live was once a very important Roman settlement. It would be no surprise that truffles were introduced and nurtured. Recalling something my mother mentioned about a strong ‘gassy’ smell in one corner of the woods opposite and the behaviour of our dachshund in one particular corner intrigued me …

JH: More over there.

4 replies on “Monday [18 to 20]”

  1. Well the French were in Van Dieman’s Land before the British, and despite the place being named by the Dutch. History and discovery are but Trifles.

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