Saturday [5 to 7]

(0709) Overslept, hope you did too. (0743)


7. More stricture … but not for them

By the way … why the Dr. and PhD in the moniker? Should I list my various qualifications too or stand on what I find? Does it endow gravitas? Just asking. The topic itself … well yes … one rule for them again … Swift’s airmiles whilst preaching carbon reduction.

6. One more on North Carolina

Nefarious conglomerates are one thing … always up to something nefarious in the public eye but this is curious as it fits the new global strategy of not even trying to hide it anymore … Gates’s snapping up 200 media companies to add to his farmland is another. I mean it’s not even mildly difficult now for sharp-eyed pundits to find, is it?

5. This is far from spurious

… though to nitpick over such a “trivial” matter does seem spurious indeed at first sight:

Were it not for my struggling with the last few tonic and lemon water buys, the last struggle immediately before reading Bob’s Xtweet … and were it not for reading something about someone “left-official” deciding that separated bottles and tops were anti Net Zero … plus in the context of all the other annoying, niggling, small additions, insertions in the minutiae of everyday life (Pharoah, Israelites, bricks, straw) …

… were it not for all of those and for the vow by someone up there to make human lives now abject misery, e.g. in the composing of blogposts today for pundits afflicted by “blocks” … then I may well have smiled at Bob’s sense of humour.

But to my mind, there’s nothing humorous about it at all, at this stage of the western journey. And once again, Them can laugh it away as tinfoil hat, even incompetence, when in fact it’s some tosser’s little way of scoring brownie points from his bosses.

Tell you why, in practical terms, unless you’ve already found out for yourself … if you twist the top off, the bit of plastic ring remaining is jagged and piercing, not just a harmlessly smooth plastic ring … even using scissors or blade does not fix it … plus it’s far harder to put the lid back on.

Plus there is that other universal decision about no more plastic lids for, say, tubs of creme fraiche … there’s a peel off tin film instead and then it requires cling film or some such to seal.

4 replies on “Saturday [5 to 7]”

  1. 5. It is to comply with EU rules. 😀 First thing I do is cut them off because they’re a pain I can live without.

    • Removal of plastic lids from large pots of yogurt and such was another edict from EU. That too is a pain because the foil can easily be pierced between checkout and the shopping bag. So much for Brexit, eh?
      Latest nonsense is from a cosmetic company which used to use glass containers for some of their products but have now decided to use plastic as it is more carbon friendly. Go figure!

  2. 7. She uses her qualifications in her handle because her authority to speak on such matter was being questioned numerous times by trolls etc.

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