Monday [5 to 8]

(0523) Morning all. (0742)


8. For them it’s all sientifik-like

… whereas we rely on “common sense” in others, ethics, sanity, values like family and hard work, doing as you promise to. There is no accident in the change of hegemony in the west from “western” in the trad way to this communist dystopia, it’s been called out over and over … certainly from the Frankfurt School onwards.

Whom do these humourless, godless automatons target? The thick yet ambitious, plus the student just out of school … a typical pair are Ginge and Whinge:

Unable to discern right from wrong, “right” is replaced by “new”, “fine sounding”, all change … they take courses for years learning this guff above, believing:

  • that they’re so very special, chosen to lead beyond authority
  • that the end justifies the suffering to others in the interim … trust them

Just some snippets from the sort of thing they’re learning:

There’s a word for all this … brainwashing … and further … slow, inexorable brainwashing by trusted figures for years, since childhood. No need to think, Kamala, just follow the playbook to the letter through your earrings and we’ll carry you through it.

And the nasty ordinary people raising objections … we’ll deal with these racist, sexist misogynist every ists, just as we’re doing in North Carolina.

7. Ian J

a. Addressing an excited crowd in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, Trump stood behind bulletproof glass while introducing Musk

b. A student from the Republic of Chuvashia has taken top prize in this year’s Miss Russia

c. Russian forces have destroyed a Ukrainian ship carrying Western-made ammunition which was docked in Odessa Region

d. re Steve 2 (on main site) – this from RT two days ago: “The US-led bloc seeks to increase the number of ground-based air defense units by five times to counter Moscow, according to the outlet NATO is planning to dramatically increase the number of its combat units amid tensions with Russia, the daily Die Welt reported on Saturday …”

e. Quote from ‘the Chiefio’: on why it is important to look beyond the MSM: “It is IMPORTANT to listen to your opponents to better understand them. Blinding and deafening yourself does not increase your understanding of your situation.”

6. DAD drops four at 834

a) The fate of Israel’s hostages one year on….

b) The World Economic Forum (WEF) is demanding that governments enforce bans on members of the general public growing their own food at home

c) ID or no ID required

d) A 15-year-old boy was “stabbed 50 times” and burned alive this week in the southern French city of Marseille

5. Selection from Steve at 833

Ev 4: FEMA Abandons Devastated NC Town Residents — ‘Nobody’s Been Bringing in Supplies Except Civilians’ After Agency Refuses to Drive Around ‘Road Closed’ Sign

Ev 3: Kamala Harris Delivers Word Salad on Middle East as World War 3 Looms 

Ev 2: [The] Ukraine calls for war with Belarus. NATO plans major force buildup. Netanyahu condemns Macron

Ev 1: Rules of the New Normal Germany: Don’t criticise the government and don’t compare it to Nazi Germany, even if it is strikingly similar

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