Friday [16 onwards]

(1548) Including quiz if I can stay awake long enough.

20. Steve at 822

War Room with Natalie.

19. Toodles

18. Try these

a. Apples and strawberries are actually types of which popular flower?

b. Which not really fruit can baking soda sweeten?

c. Are tomatoes and pumpkins both fruits?

d. Getting to Know You comes from which Rodgers and Hammerstein musical?

e. Name of two famous bald actors?

f. In which musical did she wish to wash him right out of her hair?

g. Which is the second stroke in a piston engine?

17. Afternoon roundup

a. Blogrolls:

b. Sidecar instead, mini-cabin?

c. At least he admits it, the prat:

d. Today’s maths quiz:

e. Not too safe being a man either:

16. Storm report

“Thank God we’re both alive to tell about it,” Rhonda Bell said after a towering oak tree outside her home in Valdosta, Georgia, smashed through the roof.

Weakens to a tropical storm as expected.

One reply

  1. “g. Which is the second stroke in a piston engine?”

    Since the process is cyclic it depends entirely on which stroke you start counting from. I’d incline to start counting from the stroke where the piston retreats so as to suck in air and fuel. Then the second is the compression stroke.

    JH: I’d say so too.

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