(0321). Need a tad more sleep, good reader, see you soon. (0436)
5. Hmmmmm

4. Interesting thing for a Labor pollie downunder to say

3. On Bovaer etc.

2. Also look out for who reposts whom … and why

1. Not unexpected
“The Judge has a daughter named Katherine Boasberg, who works for a 501(c)(3) organization called Partners for Justice @PFJ_USA as a “capacity building associate”. In her position, she helps coordinate and administer grant activities, ensuring compliance, and supporting the delivery of capacity-building programs to strengthen nonprofit infrastructure. Katherine Boasberg also has pronouns in her bio. She goes by SHE/HER, proving her affiliation with the Left. The Judge’s daughter focuses on criminal defense and advocacy as an employee of Partners For Justice. Partners for Justice is an organization that derives 76% of its funding from government grants.” (Loomer)
By the way, this is up at OoL: