If you glance at the opening item here today, you’ll see things not altogether complimentary to Pam Bondi and by extension, to the Donald hisself. That can affect “our” people a number of ways.
Most of us like to be “onboard” with a group, with a movement, a project to get something done, wanting to get the job done and I’m certainly of that mind, e.g. with MAGA, with whatever Reform becomes … there’s no backsliding in that.
So what’s with this criticism of “our own”? It’s a bit disconcerting for people who are essentially loyalists, including at our site here … it undercuts momentum. I’m well aware that my criticism of Pam Bondi does not sit well with some chaps, also a picture of Natalie later … her own shot by the way … together with some clearly flattering shots of another gal. (It’s ladies at lunchtime day by the way.)
Another at this site giving “qualified support” for this and that is IYE … but he also delves and looks at the other side of the coin:
In the url
(Plays right into the dark maga agenda, juss sayin’]
Now we do have the horns of a dilemma here. Do I value loyalists? Hell yeah … they’re our lifeblood. But we also need to look at the counter-side, going down rabbit holes for the dirt … if we’re looking for the real “what is”, the “full story”.
But I’d agree it’s disconcerting … disconcerting, I’m afraid, is our stock in trade here. Compare these:

We can go with Mike type stances, and I’m inclined that way … or we can go with Mila type stances … give Pam all the rope she needs, forever, have endless faith in DJT … and then his term ends with nothing much done. Where exactly is that hill to die on?