Thursday [8 and 9]

(1250) Afternoon all. (1329)

9. Some politics (accumulated)

8. Kicking off with Dearieme

DM, in comments (see sidebar) wrote that there’s an issue … he gets to the other site but when clicked, nothing comes up. Right, firstly to establish that we’re both doing the same thing … can you all see DM’s comment in this sidebar (you might have to click, expand and read).

I next go to the green link Thursday [1 to 5], click it, scroll down the resulting page and there’s this:

Look up to the navbar menu and you’ll see NOWP, click and this should appear:

Click on either 2 replies or the 821 heading and it will bring up that post but you’ll have to scroll to this:

From what DM’s writing, it seems that the window goes blank at that point for him. Firstly, there have been some overall iffy things happening on the ipad since the new site went up but so far, NOWP has not been the prob. If it is, then there are some standard actions …

Refresh the page (mine is a semicircular arrow up top) or click on the NOWP again and it will usually resolve it. If NOWP 821 still can’t be accessed, then something is going on. Pure speculation on my part but it might be a deliberate disconnect between HQ and NOWP to prevent that easy clickability … we’ve been finding some of this going on in other places.

Plus I’ve been losing all content after visiting X or Gab after about ten minutes in either. That might be a result of being hacked, something or someone agin far-right as they see us … seems only to happen to our activity … it might be.

So, definitely not pooh-poohing what DM writes … it’s possible, plus different devices, browsers, parts of the UK or France do enter into consideration. Plus GCHQ or the companies involved … whatever. There’s a case to just exit, go do a job or visit elsewhere, come back sometime later. Yes, agreed … bleedin’ pain … but it is what those of our views are contending with more and more post-2020 now online.

One reply

  1. James and Dearieme, similar happens to me on a few sites, not just nowp. Refresh as mentioned above sorts it out. I thought it was my devices getting cludgy (whatever that means, sounds right though).


    JH: Ta Andy, comes up quickly for me but the admin usually does get that.

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