(0031) Classic case of surfing turning up possibilities (0102)
… on a different continent … but nothing conclusive in the end, just indicative.
It was a collision between a Piper plane and Bell helicopter over philadelphia town … the story which you can read at the end of the link. From our point of view, the question was who would want whom killed and why … also was there any incompetence in the flight crew … answer to the first was possibly and to the second … yes there was.
The immediate thought was Senator Heinz … moneyed family, Republican member of each House in turn, member of:
… which had some interesting members, including Nicholas Biddle, plus:
… which included a chap Lafayette, who was a French Mason … they were the ones presenting the Statue of Ish… in NY harbour. George Washington, President General, objected to the American Nobility bit, along with hereditary membership … in fact, George took a bit of a set against the illumined, who were big around that time infiltrating the Masons.
Heinz was part of all that, his widow four years later marrying John Kerry, Skull & Bones. In answer to the question … from this cursory research using sources kind to the subjects, was there prima facie of assassination … no, there wasn’t, not up front. Who knows what other tensions, conniving, deals and punishments were involved back then, inc. The Second Bank of the United States, the thwarted attempt repeated in 1910/13 under Wilson.
There was, throughout, a heavy European influence … nobility … inc. in 1910, the Warburgs.
1. Ketchup a gold digger?