Monthly Archives: February 2025

Wednesday [1 and 2]

(0625) Morning all … looks awful outside, ha ha. Have a good one. (0724)


2. Which brings me to IYE at 0702 (a time, not a post)

He’s put up a piece in comments from escapekeysubstack which I’ll link to here but still take issue with, for obvious reasons, given my world view.

I did take philosophy 101 at university decades ago and am afraid I saw alternative existential explanations as bollox then and still do now … when there’s a far more simple explanation in the two books of the bible. As the author says in the article linked to above … very clever … yes, a quite ingenious explanation of why things are … just the type of thing an intellectual would put, after he’s a priori eliminated God before it even starts.

Why this maniacal need to eliminate God first and foremost? In human terms, it’s not unlike TDS among the Demonrats and RINOs. By which measure of openminded, empirical, sientifik spirit of enquiry is a priori elimination of a possibly key factor openminded? Seems quite closed to me.

Why do people of a certain mindset emphatically insist on no metaphysical influence whatever in human affairs? Look at that Swift creature for a start … what’s her shtick? Same as Bob Dylan, same as the Rolling Stones?

On the other hand

What if the explanation were not intended to be zero sum, not intended to be either/or? What if it were intended to be how God, should he exist, might go about developing humankind?

Ah … now that’s a different question altogether.

Dot dot dot.

It also illustrates yesterday’s political point about the “Based” (us) being far more diverse, more fragmented unherdable cats than are the Woke mesmerised. We argue, get angry, say hurty things, fall out, far more than the zombified sinister left, n’est-ce-pas?

And each of us will disagree with some aspect another brings, though being onside with the overall thrust. Strange bedfellows and allies indeed but somehow … more real imho. END.

1. Weird scenes inside the goldmine

Awoke before dawn, did not put my boots on, nor take a face from the ancient gallery … some of you of a certain age and musical inclination (probably not including DAD nor Steve) will have noticed the song references in that and in the sub-heading.

What I did do was apple log to DAD at 965 … but at least his piece went through. I wrote, over there:

JH at 0615: Humblest apologies to you, DAD … best laid plans etc. … my cunning plan was to wake up around 0430, put up 966, observe how it worked with your drop. As it turned out, I slept through … no rhyme nor reason to my sleep pattern. Ho hum, at least it did go up on its own … how strange of it … but delighted too.

Reference to the DAD drop, not to anything naughty. However, in moving with authority, daring the tardy tide, a la Canute, to do its worst, I saw someone was caught up in “pending” … I wrote, at 965:

JH at 0622: Just finished apologising to DAD for no 966 and noticed that there was one in pending. Whaaa? It was not DAD but Steve. Now I’m going to have to study why it was in pending. These things are sent to try us.

There ya go … how had the estimable Steve transgressed with the WP algorithm or bot or whatever? Am studying that now … after 966 goes up. Perhaps NOWP has a cold, caught the lurgy.

My mind though, in these strange days, wandered back now (0644) to yesterday and a conversation with MMutR about all this going on with the site(s) just now. He analysed and then said something unusual for him: “Of course, there might be another explanation.”

I asked: “Interference?” He did not reply.

My afterthought was … what unusual things have happened to me in the past few days … although IYE has also had issues going back, plus Andy. Anyway, shall continue to study it.

(0652) Glanced through … any number of trigger words in Evets One this time round, plus some interesting email things … hmmmm, wonder if Evets might euphemistically look at that too. Why did Ev 2 to 5 go through? Why did I fall asleep the entire night?

Why are my central heating panels rattling on the wall just now?

Weird scenes inside the goldmine.

Tuesday [11 till close of play]

(1626) Evening all (almost).


19. IYE at HQ just now

a. “What Is The “Dark Enlightenment”?”

What is the “Dark Enlightenment”?

Ask JD Vance….

b. Start at 1hr10 for major hit on evaS the nerdlihC “charity”. Shocking when you see just who is involved. One of them currently in clink for associations with Island Man.

18. Steve at 965 and War Room

a. “Look Who’s Bent The Knee.” Rachel Bovard On President Trump’s Masterful Play On Tech Oligarchs During Inauguration

b. Mike Davis On Judge Carl Nichols Attempting To Halt President Trump’s Shut Down Of USAID

c. Jon Keeperman: The Right Is Finally Taking Culture Seriously

d. Roger Kimball On The Deep State: “It’s All Over For These Guys”

17. The Wokerati and the Based (two)

MMutR has been on about this next point for decades and it needs to be put, otherwise nothing whatever will be done. He appreciated that I’d mention it but then I will probably add a twist not his own.

Guilty because, you see, I have a brain, I can think. Plus this quote:

The Woke obey Globopsycho unquestioningly and all the knifing is done in caucus, in camera. Then they present the agreed policy, no dissension, as automatons, conscience zero part of it.

The Achilles heel of the based is that we are disparate, from all walks of life, we each of us have our particular hobbyhorses, not all of which can rule. Also, any leader arising from our lot is a mixed bag, e.g. the Donald. He’s recently been walking back 2A for example, other things too, not what MAGA had in mind … however, to defeat the zombie left, sometimes we need to wear some things … for now only, mind … in order to bring the main thrust success.

At the moment, it’s DOGE and the confirmations, right?

It’s very difficult for our side to unite behind a banner and single manifesto because, essentially, we’re more like unherdable cats.

16. The Wokerati and the Based (one)

The Woke left are not particularly interested in the welfare of chn, are they? In fact, they’re only interested in virtue signalling.

Similarly, while the wokerati brag of their intellectual superiority, they’re not thinkers … they consume the kool aid from above. The “based”, not a bad word, meaning all those, from working class and some Old Labour down to some academia and pollies, e.g. Reform, tend to think in terms of analysis of what’s going wrong, floating various ideas how to solve it, falling out with one another, eventually seeing practical ways to solve it.

Another way of looking at it is that the based are rational … they think, argue, reason, test out … while the wokerati are irrational, under a woke spell, voting like sheep. They simply can’t see reason.

(This continues in the next item.)

15. Yes

14. It only works one way

13. Whose side are they on?

In another piece of footage, Wills shook the hand of some deathculter, Kate put her hand out and was refused. Great people eh, deathcult brass.

12. Who should we call?

11. Steve at the eternal 965

… will it ever get onto 966? Not as long as the French based contingent keep getting Macarooned, Andy goes succinct at the end of a heavy night and the other guys go all shy …….

Hearts of Oak: Frank Gaffney – Gaza, USAID and Restoring Freedoms: Trump’s Common Sense Solutions

Tuesday [6 to 10]

(1025) Busy morning … calls, buzzes, email, deliveries, cooking … hope it will settle down later. I mean, it’s my birth fortnight, innit. 😎 (????)


10. Brit news this morning

9. Andy at 965

This simple, elegant prose brings typesetting tears to my eyes:

8. A word from Nole


7. Cloud seeding (poisoning)

MMutR was talking this morning about the cloud seeding stopping in the States, not just because of EO but because of DOGE.

6. IYE in comments

JH: Ann W quite right with that Voltaire maxim:

We swear by Grifty, this lady, think there’s another about too … lifeblood of dissident criticism … kill that, you’ve killed that society.

Tuesday [2 to 5]

(0851) Morning all … lovely weather out there … not. Late today … cyber things, plus deliveries, plus brek … sorry me! (0913)


5. Moosh corner

Quite like this one:

4. Evidence of one’s eyes

3. The three letter sites

2. Steve at 965

Four: Trump Dismisses Members of the Board of Visitors for the Army, Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard … Obama and McConnell … climate … much more…..

Three: Noem, Bondi, vacating judge’s order, four senate seats … much more…..

Two: Uke sit-rep … Trump Putin call … more…

One: Polar blast, gas … midazolam … USAID, CIA & BND ‘Presstitutes’ … Swiss … Germany … more…..

Tuesday [1]

(0605) Relatively late start, the upside being that I’m refreshed, the downside being that everything is one and a half hours late. More below in Tue 1. (0657)


Housekeeping which all reader-droppers should possibly read

Thing is this morning that DAD cannot post his comment … the next step is to look at reasons why … the step after that is circumventing it.

First thing is that we’re up against professional hacker-psyops people who do know what they’re doing, e.g. those helping Musk, except bad people, mixed in with hordes of script kiddies out of university, with varying levels of attitude and moral compass, believing either that they’re doing “good” (zealotry) or else obeying orders to keep their jobs.

Second is that the means of communication are controlled and I myself must needs be oblique. For example, no point DAD sending it via ggl as they are one of the core censors … vast majority of attacks on this site alone come from someone associated with ggl. WP are not far behind and remember that NOWP and UHC are not “free” sites, politically, by virtue of being money free. The other two sites have greater degrees of freedom but still have limits.

Third is that there are many corporate and govt or NGO groups acting to censor … in my case, from ex-BT to Apple to ggl to browser firms such as Firefox, Windows … and do not forget govt censor “teams”, both here and in France, the US etc. … then other providers … all censoring … all with their sets of anathema keywords, their bollox “community stds”, meaning only Woke allowed … multi-headed hydra.

Fourth is that what you write should be what I call “euphemised” if likely to be “sensitive”. You may have noticed key words, esp. starting with M, sliding back in and they’re prime words which will certainly shut out your drops. Simply put … if you breach those bot words, in anger, if you include such words, sooner or later at least one of these entities is going to shut you out. Outrageous? Well of course it is … iniquitous … but that’s the playing field and our purpose is to help change that, ourselves a multiheaded hydra.

Fifth, we may be “based”, as opposed to woke or globo but we’re certainly not in complete agreement on many things … just look at Reform itself, riven, fissures everywhere, unherdable cats. And such disagreements split, fracture, divide … that’s why they were inserted by the baddies behind the scenes in the first place … surefire way to foment division, over either this “hill to die on” or that. For example, the baddies have tried to create an issue out of Scott Pressler across the pond … why? Coz he’s a key demonrat-stymier in a key state which they need to flip, the baddies.

Sixth … your own IP address is a killer for you … it gets warning signs attached as “don’t let through”, your device, all you do has your ID all over it … if you do not vary that, then once they have you, you stay had … that’s the reality.

Seventh … your own cyber-literacy. The game has changed in the past few years … you learn from being stymied … it takes time and humble patience, not blind anger.

Eighth … give it time. From a simple “refresh browser” to a reboot (even switching off at the wall and restarting), you can sometimes find a “getaround” that way now … whereas earlier you could not. It could also be attack or incompetence vis-a-vis your provider at some point in the linked chain. Give it time. Try later. This is where I use this russkie word “nichevo” … it means no matter, friend, try a different way later, not as a bull in a china shop now. Also, downtime is thinking time.

Ninth … age and health, combined with natural impatience when stymied. Whatever we’re attempting, someone is finding ways to stop us the entire time, 24/7. We at our age are at a disadvantage age, health and psychologically speaking. Answer is make notes, follow them, take your time … it might take all day.

So, if you, dear reader-dropper, have been shut out, even of commenting at all … then there are a few “getarounds”, e.g. setting up a different email to email, understanding that even the “getaround” can be tainted. For example, I have an email james at unherdable cats dot com. If you have an email which is not one of the main commercial providers, then send what you have to mine, but do not include core naughty words that are sure to be blocked along the way. I’ll reply and/or use the copy you’ve sent. You could try Jstack too as an alternative.

That’s about it for now, chaps and chapesses.

Ten … try all sorts of different get arounds … patiently … but we’ve said that already.

Mon Mat


“A by-the-books bank manager is forced to rob his own bank by a charming thief who holds his family hostage.

Peter Cushing and Andre Morrell repeat the solid on screen chemistry they displayed three years earlier when they teamed up as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in Hammer’s version of The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959). This time they are antagonists with Morrell playing the suave robber and Cushing – in a change of pace role – as the ultra priggish banker. Morrell is deliciously nasty but Cushing really deserves some acting kudos for creating a “jerk” of a character that you actually start to sympathize with as Morrell turns the screws.

Quentin Lawrence, a veteran of British TV, skillfully directs a tight script in a confined setting and keeps the tension high and story moving – almost like it’s unfolding in real time. Once the normal routines and relationships are quickly established, he ratchets up the tension with Morrell’s arrival and never lets up. The psychological duel begins and it’s a treat to watch.

My only nitpick about the film is the ending which I thought was a little too neat and tidy for my taste.”