Monthly Archives: February 2025

Thursday [13]

(1201) Afternoon all. This post is one of those hiding to nothing jobs.


The Era of Fakery

In 1990 something, we heard that Betty Boo had been booed offstage in Taswegia downunder because she’d dropped her mic and the singing had continued. One does wonder if those people had ever seen top of the pops and countless other performances of a major nature.

However, it was also probably true that the majority of performances, esp. when lower in quality than the studio album, were the “real thing”. It’s a debatable point and fakers would argue that punters pay and attend for two things … “good music”, plus seeing their heroes in action … not necessarily both in one.

Whichever your position, there’s also the DAD, possibly Steve, possibly IYE stance that indeed, calling it music possibly should be put in inverted commas. I, on the other hand, thinking of Stairway to Heaven, the Dire Straits Alchemy Sultans of Swing, many of the CCR songs, maybe the Bloody Moos, certainly some of our Sunday jazz … we’d maintain that within their genre, these are classy examples, truly great in fact.

We could go further and call some of the basso continuo early Baroque ditties pretty good, even great, though classicists might disagree. I for one am not going to dismiss a genre in itself but I’m certainly going to excoriate poor quality and reprehensible practices within those genres.

Anf that’s all Fil is doing below in the two videos. The second, the Taylor Swift one … I’m certainly not running here … in fact I have no intention of watching more than Fil’s intro … rather, I’ll put the url embedded in the text below.

Now the Taylor Swift thing:

Thursday [8 to 12]

(1050) Morning all … elevenses. (1105)


12. Stay asleep, folks

11. Bombing Hamas … or Russia?

10. TDS

9. DAD at 967

a) Twelve injured, two seriously, after a grenade exploded in a bar in Grenoble. “For the moment, there is no hypothesis that is being favored, apart from the terrorist attack which is a priori ruled out,” added the prosecutor…..

b) The new law now restricts the care of undocumented immigrants to life-threatening emergencies. In Lisbon, the government is removing access to the public health system…..

c) Another major scandal is unfolding, with European Parliament (EP) President Roberta Metsola and European Commission (EC) President Ursula von der Leyen at the centre of the accusations.

8. IYE

I’ve been trying to find info on Yarvin, one of the founders of the D E, which hasn’t been written or presented by a lefty. Not easy!

There’s this:
“Curtis Yarvin is a major influence on JD Vance and Steve Bannon. His ideas are nonsense.”
And here’s something by Yarvin himself writing under his pseudonym Mencius Moldbug

{Spoiler: Good luck with that last word salad}


JH: Interesting thing also was that IYE was in “pending” … wonder what could have been the factor this time?

Thursday [2 to 7]

(0848). It will take this pre-Oldtimers Syndrome landlord some time to get around all the incoming and out there … bear with me, chaps and chapesses. (0938)


7. Moosh corner

6. UK taxpayer money on “worthy” overseas causes

5. Not liking what I’m seeing of Pam Bondi so far

(Screenshot only, not the footage)

Yep, seems to be walking back all the big words. Raises the same old question … are women tough enough? On the other hand, two of the toughest are Emerald Robinson and Wendy Patterson. 🍿🍿🍿

4. Steve at 967

Five: Katie Britt Levels Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren … El Salvador’s Nayyib Bukele Urges Trump to Impeach Activist Obama Judges … Chart That Exposes How Unelected Activist Judges Are Undermining … much, much more…..

Four: Gabbard Confirmed … Senate Advances RFK Jr.’s HHS Nomination … much more…..

Three: Uke sit-rep … Putin-Trump … doomed Kiev … much more…..

Two: Corruption in France … Trudeau, Canada … fentanyl … much more…..

One: Vaccine Inquiry … boosters … USAID and EU … much more…..

3. Check IYE in comments on “Chrislam”


2. Paypal keep sending things

APP Fraud is a type of fraudulent activity though which someone tricks or deceives you into sending a payment to a fraudster. This may result in you authorising a payment for goods that you never receive or to a person other than whom you believed you were paying.
Common features of APP Fraud may include a request to designate a payment for friends and family when you’re being offered goods or services, offers that are “too good to be true,” pleas for sympathy or to act urgently, or the appearance that you’re paying a trusted person or institution.

Thursday [1]

(0646) Another late start, chaps and chapesses. (0844)

Facing up to the reality, getting real

First few items I saw Thursday morning illustrate and vigorously underscore that not only are our defences woeful, personally, but also nationally, plus there’s not the slightest chance any of us can combine in sufficient numbers, in a trained and practised way, to meet the extant danger.

Personally, I’m way past the point of warning people, same with so many soc-med pundits whom the jargon today calls red-pilled … we are, in every western nation, in a situation where the enemy goes through us like a knife through soft butter.

Here are some reasons:

a. Living in gaga land

Yesterday, our Julia retweeted an item on X by a martial arts guy, on the subject of women defending themselves. He tore strips off all these feminist inspired self-defence classes, and I’d add … even carrying pepper spray, guns, whatever … they’re all, at a minimum, putting the cart before the horse … at worst, they are pushing a Lie that today’s women, esp. in the west, are so desperate to believe and you see it in every film, in every online war game … the notion that women have sufficient “what it requires in real life” to defend themselves and their children.

Especially against this particular enemy pouring in.

Looking at our men, it’s similar … either flabby, gaunt, beer-paunched, lefty wispy-bearded or mincing, hurt by hurty words, flying to anger in an instant, increasingly impotent due to the poisons over the last few decades and esp. since 2020, along with the jab. Even men who were possibly still formidable in the 80s … ain’t now, not in the least.

Compounding this negligence, which puts us vastly below the WW2 years situation when men and women grew up so much tougher, due to so many factors, not least being the phone-to-ear or keyboard warrior imaginings today, fantasies about how tough we all are, where one hurty word sees us “block” someone and that’s seen as “tough and decisive” … through to passivity, where we make big statements online but never go out and combine in real life.

b. Understanding the nature of the enemy

Rupert Lowe showed footage of one of the latest batches of “fighting age” men arriving … no women, no children … scurrying under canopies into waiting vehicles … the collusion at the very top is out and out treason, even down through the RNLI, the airlines, customs … the lot of em. Combine that with the alien cultures already in … have you seen London and Brummieland demographics … only in America now is anything being done to defund them (DOGE).

Er … why do you think there are more of these now than are actually in the British defence forces and plod combined? And you’ve seen masses of lefty plod trying to take on one machete wielding savage, have you not? More ludicrous is that some of those were women of a sort … wot, 5’2” and/or overweight? The men themselves are no Fancy Smiths of yore or Flying Squad.

Back to the imports … they attack in packs, don’t they, never as one bunch of football lads facing off with another bunch. They attack vulnerable targets in far superior numbers. Women’s self defence lessons? There are some tough women, no doubt of it, a small percentage just as violent as this invading army, Hamas in the west so to speak. Get real.

What did that martial arts guy say? He said know when to run, as Nicky did in the Bourne Supremacy, putting her basic training to effect. But, he added, far better was to avoid trouble in the first place … to not be there in those places. Yesterday, local rag headlines spoke about a girl attacked in a park by two of these creatures … raped of course, brutalised.

What the hell was she doing alone in a park? Think about that. My bet is she’d gone out to meet what she thought were some fun DEIs, have a laugh, herself a budding THOT, trained by Swift. This is what Wokery does, enforced by the law of the land. The yoof are entirely unprotected, ditto the elderly and vulnerable … but the latter are less likely to sneak out to meet imported bad boys.

c. The last of the manly men (and just a few tough women)

… are all staying shtum … Bernie Spofforth showed what happens when not organised, eyes on target, with backup. Allison Pearson (Telegraph) had backup ready. The state decided she was too well placed, whereas Bernie was a loose cannon. Do you not see, ladies and gentlemen, that we are being played like violins?

Why am I not going downstairs to rant snd rave? No backup out there, whereas we have first, second and third defences up here, plus perimeter defences, plus not courting trouble … except me of course. I, in this post, endanger my neighbours and myself. We are on a war footing now, just as in the days of the Blitz … and the quislings are in charge above.

d. Consider a couple of snippets

“This guide looks at three of the main religions in the world, particularly in the Far East and Southern Asia. These religions focus on the forces of nature and energy to create a spiritual way of life.”

That is taken from an NHS course, designed to prepare people, in an Asian way, for “stress”. No mention of course of govt and NHS and Wokery creating that stress. There are thousands upon thousands receiving that pap online … far more among those whose first thought in downtime is to go to the MSM.

Cumulative effect? To soften up, to make defenceless, using soothing gobbledegook to manipulate. Oh … and what is the only major religion not mentioned anywhere at all in the guide? Yep, you guessed it.

Meanwhile, within the visible, officially permitted front of that unmentionable religion, what is the only face anyone ever sees? The antiPope communist in the Vatican, that egregious rainbow priestess that Trump and entourage were harangued by, that clown DJT has appointed his pastor … then Welby … it goes on and on.

Only ever the kookiest, cultlike face, never a real Christian who could easily tell you that female rainbow pastors of megafunded megachurches simply ain’t Christian in the least. Therefore, a real Christian is a menace to the Agenda, n’est-ce-pas? Just as DOGE is, just as readers of this post are. If you’re not dissident, think for yourself types, then what brought you here?

And since when are real Christians wimpy kumbaya chanters by candlelight? Have you not heard of the Salvos in preWoke days, of Onward Christian Soldiers? But even there, the only face permitted by the MSM in days of yore was the crazed, tub thumping Paisley hellfire and brimstone nutter. Religious murder in Ireland.

Drawing this together

It’s all theatre, all lies, all manipulation, rendering all westerners defenceless, lacking oomph, full of fear, disorganised, uncombinable, useless as warriors.

Have a look at this report on PMQs yesterday in the House of Clowns. Pathetic, no? Defenceless in any real way. Achieving nothing.

And finally … think back to those WW2 years … the calibre of the men, women … plus the kids “ride my bike and graze my knees” … right little tearaways, girls useful and skilful … taught to be so by grandmothers and mothers in turn. You all know what I’m saying here.

Meanwhile, the fighting age men with no moral nor social constraints pour in until all available housing is used up.

And then?

Wednesday [12 till close of play]

(1546). Almost evening all.


18. Tulsi G through

17. Andy at 966

16. Steve at 966

15. A roundup

14. A double

13. Been meaning to ask this for some time

Saw this on soc-med, cannot recall where. This is 2025, right? Ok, go back a quarter century to Feb 2000 … what were you doing? Music? Films?

Right … now go back another quarter century … 1975, February… Steve Harley Come Up and See Me, it was pre-Ramones, pre-Sex Pistols, pre-Stranglers, I was completing a course I was on. Not a lot happening … had been heaps in 74, would be in 76, seemed to be a marking time year. Films? It was pre Three Days of the Condor, cinema had descended into ultra-violence, I dropped film altogether.

All right … I’m too young for this but go back a quarter century to 1950. How many readers here can do this?

12. Steve at 966 on chiselling

Wednesday [6 to 11]

(1141) Tempus again, chaps and chapesses … truly frenetic this morning. (1237)


11. A counterview to the farmers

The name Ben and the name Goldsmith suggest a bkgd, a culture, before we get to the politics. Now, with that in mind, nevertheless, what he says below needs considering whilst we’re supporting the farmers:

Juss sayin, that’s all.

10. Just a reminder about IYE

… at 966:2.

9. Uh huh

8. Also at Churchmouse, Dearieme wrote

Commenting system down? Ah … so it was not just us … quick check of Churchmouse’s url … guess which platform it is. Just one more thought … though unherdables is not specifically Christian … just the admin … Churchmouse is. Hmmmm.

7. Over at Churchmouse (see blogrolls, left column)

6. NOWP this morn

I’m thinking it’s not just us testing things yesterday and today.

My own lessons out of it include that NOWP has its own special place, esp. for unherdable types like us … I’m the first to recognise that HQ, though a nicely working site in itself, does have limitations … one of those is that comments do not expand … that’s an important safety factor from an admin’s-eye view. Not so good for commenters.

See … we are sigmas, we do not wish to be beholden to anyone. At NOWP, our three chaps, plus any others, can freely post … only very, very rarely would I interfere and only for security reasons, plus at HQ, I comment the whole time. The whole point for our “authors”, for that’s what they are, is that they can get their material out without interference, plus I must satisfactorily signpost from HQ as my part of the bargain.

The hijinx over there were also useful in that they showed our Plan B did work, it pointed to all sorts of things I needed to do in the engine room, plus it pointed to how they need to phrase their missives. Plus it pointed out some other things, one being deliberate interference by certain people and we have enough IT behind the scenes here, not mesel alone, to explore that.

I do think it will happen again at NOWP, my further thought is I’d like to see Jstack come into it more as a Plan B or C.

Wednesday [3 to 5]

(0836) Have a good one, cavemen and women. (0956)


5. A wonderful morning segment from Lee

… required watching each parliamentary morning, I’d say. Watch out for those llamas today, ok? Mind how ye go:

4. Two sub-items in the previous post item

a. Drift to the centre

Reform must resist this drift to the centre

Chap’s quite right … it’s something Farage/Tice are prone to and if it’s true, it shows how out of touch they really are with the “rank and file”, plus the majority of Brits as a whole. Here’s the author’s opening remarks:

I HAVE received an email from Reform UK, informing me that my membership is up for renewal. And my thought was, do I really want to renew it?

This may seem a surprise in light of my previous articles in support of the party and active involvement in leafleting at last year’s general election.

I’m not thinking of defecting; Labour under Starmer is just as I expected, and the smaller parliamentary parties are still purveyors of woke stupidity, wilful ignorance and nastiness. The Conservatives deserve nothing other than to wither and die as a political entity.

No, my quandary is the result of incidents and inferences and soundbites during and since the election, a few of which I mention below. Any of these could be dismissed as trivial compared with the mountain Reform is climbing. But taken together, I’m wondering if they are indicative of a drift now the party is soaring in the polls. Is it shying away from the full scope of the promise to its core supporters, of being clearly set apart from the legacy body politic, of saying and doing the things no other party has the courage to say or do?

A few commentators have played apologists for Reform, indicating that it must tack to the centre on certain issues to win enough votes to become the number one or number two UK party. But I’m wondering if this apparent policy of tacit appeasement will become the norm. Will it further compromise its stance to retain power? Will it become more Boris Johnson, and less Donald J Trump?

Quite agree. Only yesterday, MMutR and I were discussing it and I’d remarked that “we” ranged from Old Labour, now dissident, to centre-right, with which he disagreed. He said that because the communist far left had dragged everyone remotely Woke or left lib within the voting age to the far left, while insisting they were still the “centre” … i.e. the new positions they were taking were quite extremist, not at all “center”, while still pumping out “luv everyone”, “hug trees” … while that was going on, it was also pushing former centre-right much further over to the right.

That is … people such as me whose “political position test” decades ago had me at just right of centre … we in fact have shifted in reaction to the rabid Wokerati, themselves manipulated by Globopsycho. In other words, just as Woke psycho are trying to eliminate the middle class itself, so the political middle ground is disappearing.

Now … it’s not unlike Chamberlain and Churchill. Chamberlain, too late, started appeasing uber alles, out of touch with what he was actually facing. Churchill knew what he was facing but there were many question marks over him too … different ones.

And the people? Caught in the middle, as always, bewildered, dismayed.

b. “Wellbeing”

The item on children’s “wellbeing” points out the trap. Feelgood words are always hijacked by these people, prostituted to mean something quite different, e.g. “equality and diversity”, devoid of context.

An example is an ad at Rumble which has some milquetoast wispy-bearded leftist stating, “You are ‘manifesting abundance’ wrongly.”

Whaa? You wot? I know what “manifest” means, I know what “abundance” means … or used to mean. But now, in new, weaponised, hijacked, twisted, connected form, it means something quite different … it’s part of an eastern, Asian cult, including meditation, emptying mind and soul, leaving it open to possession, whilst pretending to bring “inner peace” … in fact it makes the angst worse … hence all the mental health issues brought on by this cult thing overtaking the west … Chinese psy-ops to incapacitate people, turn them soft … compliant Eloi in other words.

But how does one attempt to explain this, let alone get people to wake up to it? Especially when they’re already in a trance?

3. The three letter sites