Ladies for elevenses


โ˜๐ŸปWild! Grrrrr! ๐Ÿ‘‡๐ŸปAny idea what this story below was about?

Where the wild things are ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป

๐Ÿ‘‡๐ŸปHave you actually read her story? Off her brain โ€ฆ but nice.

4 replies on “Ladies for elevenses”

  1. Giorgia – even more beautiful when she’s angry. Who can blame her though? She has a lot to be angry about.


    JH: Was thinking that misen.

    • Misen? That’s Sean Bean that is, or if you prefer Richard Sharpe – him of the 95th Rifles ๐Ÿ™‚


      Tha be right thar, Steve.

      • Sheffield, this afternoon: 15 year-old boy stabbed to death at school by a 14 year-old fellow pupil. Age restrictions will apply when reporting this incident. So we won’t know who the perp was any time soon.

    • Was she driving the car when ranting to camera? She’d have even more reason to be angry if she slammed into the vehicle in front…


      JH: Ditto, MD… was thinking that misen.

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