Saturday [9 to 16]

(1032) Tempus is at it again. (1146)


16. Y’all have a lovely late brunch now

15. A tale of three letter agency preverts

As one would of course … piano wire from gibbets, think you?

14. Britain is in great hands

13. Through the eyes of a (now) grandma

12. The planet’s in wonderful psycho-Wokerati hands

11. As the Chinese sidle in

… many purporting to be MAGA, MAHA, Reform types.

10. Scotland is in great hands

9. Over at OoL

2 replies on “Saturday [9 to 16]”

  1. To be honest. I’m less concerned with the Chines than I am with our Government. Sure the Chinese may know what is my favourite kink in bed but our government will arrest me for it and stick me in jail.

    It’s not just the information. It is the intent and Two Tier is clearly setting up a Communist government in the UK, cancelling elections, prison for thought crimes and saying the non government approved things.

    For the first time in hundreds of years we are on the wrong side of history.

  2. 9. I can’t reply over there – hey ho.
    Runway 33 – ’33’ is the cherry on the cake. Them’s laughing at us.


    JH: Yep … and by the way … thanks for all.

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