Monthly Archives: January 2025

Tuesday [10 to 13]

(1104) Cunning plan is a bit of politics, then some baroque if I can find some good renditions. (1214)


13. Keep the eyes open

12. IYE in comments here

11. Always thought it was a big ask

… and Donny seems to have thought so too, word in his shell-like by Nole … let’s face it … a Brahmin class Indian, young, impetuous, mouths off, a techie too … hmmmm … big ask.

10. The fuel project is a vlog eries by the Young Scot Christian

… as I call him … not running the actual vlog as it’s too long but it can be easily found.

The utter ignorance is where the mentally vulnerable and impressionable are drawn in, generally not by choice and core instincts are played on by its system of oversimplifications … to the point where the disciples become devotees, without being shown the reality through history of such ideas … Net Zero is one of those.

Thick or young people are made to feel intellectual or powerful … Freeland, Cressida Dick, AOC, Lammy … where they’re suddenly feted, fed the lines, plus the stock explanations for failure … they really feel they’re Someone making inroads for Good …

… when in fact, they’re tools for the opposite. To aid the process, Weishaupt in 1776 identified six things which must be wrecked, in order to not let reality threaten the cult:

“1) abolition of monarchy and all ordered government, 2) abolition of all private property and inheritances, 4) abolition of patriotism and nationalism, 5) abolition of the family, and 6) abolition of all religion.”

Hang on, you might object … they’re core tenets of socialism, but Marx was not around for decades, plus that’s “illumined” satanism … whereas socialists are all good people with their pink pussy parades etc, they hug trees, love gaia. How could that be?


The blunt, bleak bstds we are on the other hand, anathema to the LibDum for example, have our own fractious vulnerabilities, esp. if nominally “Christian”. And the dark side knows how to set us at each other’s throats, excommunicating each other, burning at the stake, hurling cherrypicked bible verses in our arsenals at each other … piece of cake … thereby reducing the threat to near zero … go ahead, burn down those churches.

Trouble is … while cultural Christianity is fairly uncomplicated, the entire history of theological dogma is a minefield … it requires both life experience and maturity, just as people on the whole become more conservative as they age … which is why we’re being bumped off first.

Point 5 in The Pattern above is the damage caused before order is restored. Plus when it is, the danger is power going to the head of the strongest, producing a monster. Henry VIII. It’s the constant damage caused by knob-heads which is the galling part.

The Leyland Princess


I drove a landcrab at one stage … quite liked it but apart from the oil issue, it wanted more luxurious suspension … sadly, it did not evolve well.

The offputting styling of the post-landcrab into a dinky, bland angular nothing shape … same as all the other little cars on the road … well, I’d not have bought it. The landcrab was certainly grandfather style and I was a young man then … the inline 6 and style of the Wolseley suited me better than what would be Corsas today … I enjoyed loping along, no fuss … but life circumstances intruded and it was not to be … probably fortunately.

Tuesday [6 to 9]

(0627) Morning all … still dark, not for long. (0853)


9. Drum rolllllllllll … DAD at 945

8. Incidentally, this is coming up for li’l ole y’all

… sooner or later today … shape, size, compress, compose …

Guess what … just started retching, for real … not alcohol, might have been the new bread, new butter … yikes … came out of it … poor neighbours … on with the darth vader hooded robe … much better now and thanks for asking.

Which brings me to Katie Hopkins (don’t ask how it does but there it is). I feel sad for her … she’s trying so hard for a regular gig, flew herself to DC, interviewed no one special, people “tolerate” her style … gauche, potty-mouthed, even gross at times … poor gal has to make ends meet … look, she just doesn’t … um … ah … cut it with too many, except in small doses … a bit like me I suppose. Effusive gal (many men shudder to read that).

I wish her the best, truly … don’t know what to suggest … no Natalie Winters now. I’d prefer Katie within limits. Mind rambling now, so best shut it.

7. The Toodles one, then my nightmare

It was interspersed with other news but basically … there was a marching band, a college band and they were essentially busking for cash so they could feature in some Great Parade. Toods almost gave them … it was a sob story … but something kept her back.

Later, on TV, a marching band which I think was that one … it was on TV and as they marched off, all in the band made the same grubby sexual gesture … so, so far from any former lowest level of decency. A marching band used to be a marching band, end of. Maybe it was a gesture at Trump.

There are overtones of Sodom and Gomorrah here, where civic taste has slipped below the point of acceptable … to any middling sort of citizen … I mean you just don’t. The stage after that is going to be lawlessness and psychopathic do as thou wilt … and of course, the vulnerable are girls, kids, the elderly, those incapacitated … the vulnerable. To the soulless young bullies though, not unlike in William S Burroughs … nowhere and nothing is safe anymore against their pitilessness, for anyone.

My nightmare, a real one which I was able to escape … the govt, on a whim to restructure, at the stroke of a pen, had made living an impossibility for the average person … we have the pensioners as a model here but also something like this:

It’s from that town downunder whose football team I followed, lost interest now but its local rag I’m still subscribed to … it’s behind paywall now … no thanks, for the same reason this couple could not now. Too many want their greedy slices that the whole thing is now unviable.

What do they do? Well if they’ve been a bit careful … they retire in a far more straightened way but still doable. Plus there’s family of course, wanting rather than providing. Is blood thicker than water? One hopes so, though the ethics of that marching band makes me wonder … a nightmare in itself. And is it a normal, proper family of yore? Or one of these single mother and brats, me coming in to service her affair?

Now, praise be but my circumstances just now are not too bad … just do with less and stay in the black by constant deft moves to avoid potholes. However, in this nightmare, the govt stroke of a pen had redesignated something … nightmare had already started, so never quite discovered what.

Anyway, the unbelievable had occurred … all failsafes had fallen through … maybe they too had been caught out by the goalpost shifting. The man was on the street … he could have taken anything with him but how much can one man carry? And where? And night was falling. And illegals were everywhere, plus indigenous marauders, gangs (Clockwork Orange) and a lovely new expensive pack would be a prime target.

Obviously, the only way was on the water … but how? He did have some cash left but the bank had frozen his account. If he jumped through hoops online, he could access a bit of it, after explaining what he wanted it for. Nothing further had yet happened in the nightmare, nothing untoward, as he awoke and saw the Toodles email and Last Refuge, plus the local rag tale and here I am before you.

Got up to a heated abode, grabbed a bap and local butter rather than Lurpak any more, made the coffee, feet on plush rugs, phone pinged … they’re taking for a new bundle tomorrow … whole thing seems unreal after that nightmare … and yet I very much near lost my abode a couple of months back, in RL. Didn’t write about it.

Then there’s you … what of your circumstances? Could change just like that. Worrying time.

6. Sundance at Last Refuge or Conservative Treehouse

… had THIS:

“Like many of you I am absorbing the shock and awe evident in the planning of President Trump’s first day after his swearing in.  Sometimes there is just so much news from events, its best to just elevate, watch it all unfold and appreciate the full context of how these moments came to fruition.

So much to discuss, almost too much.  Meanwhile, in the background, you can see the furious shadows of those who operate in the opaque places, behind the glass.  The political calculations and lesser visible downstream effects of the Trump tsunami are happening in real time across a massive swath of offices, complexes and institutional silos.  That activity is where my focus remains.”

I do know what he means here … this was how I tried to write my long book, esp. near the end … big events were taking place out there, and certainly our ragtag observed, but the focus was on people in humble situations, dealing with the consequences of ‘that out there’.

Strangely, just having woken from a nightmare, Toodles reported on her experience (in 7 above).

Tuesday [1 to 5]

(0122) Well, one of these middle-of-the-nighters again … a first sleep ending around now … another later … it’s working for now but it does alter anything bloggy after, roughly, 1930 of an evening. As with the Trump admin … we shall see. (0220)


5. Changes in so many directions

4. Monsters in medicine again

3. Manufacturers, Canada, Danielle Smith

2. Steve at 944

Five: Prince Harry’s US Visa, Fauci, much more……

Four: Inaugural Speech, Trump Team Desk — Executive Orders, much more…..

Three: Uke sit-rep, Russia, China, much more…..

Two: EHRC: Pak problem, EO 13961 is Revoked – Why It Matters, more…..

One: Pharma payouts, 5 eyes country probs, Lagarde monster, fire, more…..

1. First celebrate, then rain on a parade?

There’s no wicked pleasure in noting anomalies such as Monday 25 after celebrating something through the early evening … overall, far more positive for the world, such as looking at those EOs, inc. pardoning 1500 J6ers, commuting 6 others … many good things … but there is still Monday 25 … and not just religiously … it also has a profound effect on, say, middle-east diplomacy, the Balkans etc.

Our brief at Unherdables, for better or worse, is as aggregator and analysts and so let’s start with (further detail in comments):





Inauguration Day [14 till close of play]

(1622) Afternoon and soon to be evening, chaps and chapesses. Later (after dinner), some Brit and Canadian news here. That concludes posts for tonight, comments are, of course, open. (1922) (2134) There’s an extra item this evening. (2145)


25. To my mind, it was far more significant than it seemed

Been looking at the footage again of no hand on Bible and there are many who won’t like this because they’ve not looked at the eschatological aspects over the years … why would they? Similarly, comments by all and sundry on X really come to nothing … many partly right … e.g. Roberts rushing him before Melania could get there, the left pointing out … quite rightly for once imho … that he made no attempt to pause until Melania was ready, no attempt during it to place his hand there.

Melania dressed as if in mourning, the hat low over the near closed eyes … the invocation quoting Daniel, not a New Testament text … Ketuvim. Also see Bel and the Dragon . Which other religion, with Ivanka married to one, had a rabbi at the ceremony? Eric Trump’s Masonic hand signs?

Before you say this is obsession with symbolism … yes it is … their obsession … they are the ones who hide in plain sight. Trump refused to place his hand on the Christian bible, in a highly symbolic ceremony.

It’s not been a major thing at Unherdables, though I’ve obviously mentioned it before … those who are Jewish … and they who say they are but are not. I’ve not the farseeing ability to peek into the abomination of desolation, the significance of the temple mount, the one the Jews see as their possible Messiah. In Christian eschatology, this figure leads Israel to victory, then sells out or rather reveals himself.

I simply don’t know. Might mosey on over to Gab, which is far more apicalyptic at times, see if there’s anything over there about it.

24. Franklin Graham’s invocation

For the vast majority not Christian, it was a short speech invoking the power and protection of God for the coming administration. Can you imagine Chas3 doing anything remotely like that? For real?

23. The Unpardoned

Then I saw another unpardoned … Barry Soetoro or whatever name he uses.

22. Canada

21. Some Brit news

20. Naturally it could not be embedded at WP

It was DJT being sworn in.

19. And so it begins

18. (Cough) Pardon me

17. DAD returns and welcome

16. IYE at 943

15. Andy at 943

14. Steve at 943

Monday [10 to 13]

(0920) Time … it fugits. (0950)


13. TCW (blogrolls)

12. The criminal Khan

11. Starmer and the Killer Clown … 100 year deal

10. Catherine Herridge on something else

Havana Syndrome

”The US government refers to it as “Anomalous Health Incidents” or AHIs. A previously disclosed National Security Memo confirmed intelligence information about “a high-powered microwave system weapon that may have the ability to weaken, intimidate, or kill an enemy over time and without leaving evidence.”

The memo continued, “The 2012 intelligence information indicated that this weapon is designed to bathe a target’s living quarters in microwaves, causing numerous physical effects, including a damaged nervous system.” ”

Monday [5 to 9]

(0530) In UK time, the inauguration is at 5 p.m., followed by all those signings, executive orders etc. (0746)


9. Lauren Witzke, reposted by Really Rachel

”Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military to STAND DOWN for 7 HOURS during the Hamas invasion. I sat down with Jewish Charity leader, Cecily Routman, who received intel directly from her Israeli Rabbi and other top level government sources. While I do not agree with equating the Palestinians to “rabid dogs”, I understand why Israel wanted Gaza completely wiped from the face of the earth- they only needed a reason to do so, or else the UN would have intervened due to the war crimes and genocide. It wouldn’t be the first time a nation’s leaders sacrificed their own citizens to start a war. Maybe it really is Israel’s 9/11.”

From our reading here, there’s little doubt of it … the Iron Dome part of that. Lauren Witzke, for her part, I saw interviewed … if there is a “far right”, she and that Red Ice are certainly that. Hardline anti-Jewish in LW’s case.

Personally, I’m in two minds … yes, Hamas are an excrescence, dregs of humanity … but so is Nethanyahu if he did do that. So is Starmer, Biden etc. Carney, Micron, Castro.

8. Western “Women’s Rights” groups are a stain on society

I deliberately capitalised those two words to empathise that just as Big Science has zero to do with real science, so WR in their shouty way and in their support of bad causes are not interested in the least in women’s welfare overall across the world but in themselves, personally, in virtue signalling along the lines of the latest fad.

And therein lies the issue. Years ago, in the days of Caroline Flint, a group of leftist women MPs, led by PIE lover Harbag, organised a “women standing up to Gordon Brown” meeting. What became obvious to soc-med soon after was that, while opposing Brown was a noble cause in itself, that’s as far as it went … nothing about women in Iran, Nigeria, anywhere else they have a rough time … nothing about girl victims of rape gangs … these harpies were not remotely interested in women and girls oppressed as a whole … but in just themselves and Brown not listening to them. Memo … Brown listened to no one at all except the WEF and Scottish Rite.

Contrast that with Riley Gaines, with Nancy Mace, with the XX push at one stage. Even that though was narrow sectional, only within their own field. Is it any wonder men, for example (real ones) have no respect for feminazis bringing down the standing of women as ladies.


7. Further to the Andy piece below

6. Lewis Brackpool

Less than five days remain until the deadline for the Cabinet’s response regarding Keir Starmer’s meeting with Bill Gates and Larry Fink from BlackRock. The government has already delayed this request, citing concerns that releasing the information could “affect the policy-making process.” I’ve sent a follow-up email requesting an update — stay tuned.

Dec 20, 2024

Update on my FOI request regarding Bill Gates’ meeting with Keir Starmer: The Cabinet Office has extended the response deadline, citing Section 35 of the FOI Act, which protects the government policy-making process.

5. Behind the razzmatazz

We also know about J6ers being released, about AOC being sued by Trump for defamation … more as it appears. Catherine (see IYE) says stay tuned, IYE asks about the three ex-prezes not at the inauguration, plus Big Mike.

Trump Reaffirms His Commitment To Declassify Documents Pertaining To The Assassination of JFK, Bobby Kennedy, & MLK … no mention yet of Ep Isle.

Tom Homan – “ICE Officers across the country are going to be un-handcuffed. We’re going to target the worst first.”

Inauguration and Robert E. Lee Day [1 to4]

(0449) Morning all. (0512)


4. IYE on cryptic Catherine Herridge shot

JH: Note the other flag too

3. Andy at 942 overnight

JH: “Channel 9 is in damage control. Novak Djokovic has demanded an apology from the network. It comes after an on air incident involving sports presenter Tony Jones.“

2. TDS this morning (blogrolls)

1. Steve drops at 942

Four: Orange County, Floyd, Mandelson, much more…..

Three: Mostly about today, grubby Demonrats too…..

Two: Uke sit-rep, a bit on today…

One: Climate bollox, minerals, defence spending, much more…..