Monthly Archives: January 2025

Tuesday [7 to 11]



11. What could possibly go wrong?


10. DAD at 952:1

Head of the Gendarmes repeats the observation already made on November 14, 2024 during his first command meeting at the Military Academy, in front of the highest ranking officers of the gendarmerie: that of a country facing unprecedented and protean dangers … “Would you like your Halal meat with or without grime and dirt?” … Driving in France this summer? – watch out! Since the outsourcing of the general theory test (ETG) in 2016, fraud in the Highway Code has exploded. In 2024, 7,000 exams were cancelled due to fraud, and 83 approved centres were closed, revealing a large-scale phenomenon … With 79% of French people unhappy, a new record of unpopularity for Emmanuel Macron. [Couldn’t happen to a nicer chap.] … in detail at 952.

9. Andy at 951:7

I’ll run it this afternoon, Andy.

8. Christine Harris in Oz on Gab

Fetterman tells the evil Witches at The View President Trump has done everything he promised he would do. “I don’t agree with everything, but It’s undeniable.. he actually ran on that and he’s been really upfront …There may be things I don’t agree with, but I’m in the business of finding wins for Pennsylvania and for the nation, and engaging with the president is doing my job.”

7. Steve and war room at 951:6

Tuesday [1 to 6]

(0346) A bit later “middle of the night” start. Post up at OoL (0413):


6. Design features

5. Rachel from Accounts

4. Bill’s and Steve’s issue of the naval ship renaming

… see comments thread …

3. Steve at 951

Health Care Group Opposing RFK Jr. and Linked to Bill Gates Is Using Fake List of Pretend Doctors – Florida Democratic Party Official and President of LGBTQ Group Arrested on Child Porn Charges – Release “Epstein Files” … Colombia, Bass agree terms – 8000 jab refuseniks back in – Gomez (see OoL) … Uke sit-rep – von Leyen blames Putin … Gain of Function Lab Research – weather modification – Davos … much more.

2. South Pole girl

1. Fancy some climate scam with your brekky?


Monday [15 till close of play]

(1454) Afternoon and evening all. Slow-walking.


23. Stating the obvious again I’m afraid

Went into recommendeds to see what was new, with a view to tomorrow, then saw this:


Yeah yeah … how many dozen times have I seen it or the reactions, from all walks of life, mainly young, not knowing the series? However, quick thought … not sure black guy white guy think that differently about this film, ditto black girl white girl … seemed to me this was a golden opportunity to see what takeaways he had, she had at certain points in the first fifteen minutes.

Scene where JB hides by climbing down the short ladder, hanging on by his fingers … he said upper body strength plus, I gotta get back to the gym … she said oh wow.

Scene in the consulate alley, he offers her money to drive to Paris … he said she’ll take it … she smiled like Marie, knew she was with him now, a “good friendship”.

Scene in JB’s apartment, asset comes through window, reactor literally leaps sideways, the fight starts, Marie in shock, asset jumps out of window … he said yeah, no way you’re interrogating me, bro … she said er right, nonplussed, Jason’s got this.

Scene during the chase, going down the steps in the Cooper … he says with that suspension? Then – new tyres required. She’s looking at the two as an item now.

Throughout, he’s looking at strategies, anticipating how to react to escape … she’s concerned Jason and Marie must not part … the male reactor also wants that, thinks it’s his best option here. Interesting how the male and female saw it.

(1935) Went and ate, came back … what’s this? A review of the same film by … a husband and wife together … do you get a strange feeling about that?

Now, something I never ever picked up on but she did in this reaction … at the end, when JB rejoins Marie at her bike hire place … the lady reactor went awww, that’s cute … she’s using Jason’s red bag as a planter.

And another. I’m for bed, people.

22. There’s an interesting conversation at 951

… between comments 1 and 2. There are also three others in comments here.

21. Andrew Torba … not sure about this … China?

DeepSeek, a Chinese artificial intelligence lab, has emerged as a formidable player in the global AI race, challenging the dominance of U.S.-based tech giants like Google, Meta, and OpenAI. What makes this development particularly exciting for us is that DeepSeek is open source, meaning Gab can now access, retrain, and deploy this cutting-edge technology on American soil. For the first time, open source AI models like DeepSeek are leveling the playing field, allowing companies like Gab to compete with the biggest names in tech.

This is a monumental shift. No longer are we constrained by the proprietary walls of closed ecosystems. Instead, we have the opportunity to harness state-of-the-art AI technology, adapt it to our values, and deliver a product that truly serves our community.In the past, all software was closed source. Companies like Facebook and Google built their empires on proprietary technology, forcing startups to raise billions of dollars from venture capitalists in Silicon Valley just to compete. This created a high barrier to entry, stifling innovation and consolidating power in the hands of a few. But with the rise of open source technology, the game has changed. Companies like Gab no longer need to rely on massive funding rounds or Silicon Valley gatekeepers to access world-class AI models.

This moment truly represents our generation’s “Sputnik moment.” Just as the Soviet Union’s launch of Sputnik in 1957 shocked America into action and sparked a space race that ultimately led to unprecedented technological advancement, DeepSeek’s breakthrough serves as a wake-up call for the Western tech industry. The fact that a Chinese lab has developed such powerful AI capabilities—and chosen to make them open source—fundamentally changes the global AI landscape. Like Sputnik, this development has caught many by surprise and challenges the assumed technological superiority of established players. It signals that the AI race is not just about who has the most resources, but who can innovate most efficiently and effectively.

Just as Sputnik spurred America to revolutionize its scientific and educational systems, DeepSeek’s achievement should catalyze a new approach to AI development in the West—one that embraces open collaboration and innovation rather than closed, proprietary systems. For Gab, this is a game-changer. We can now retrain DeepSeek’s models to align with our values, removing any Chinese censorship mechanisms and tailoring the technology to serve the needs of our users.

This is an unprecedented opportunity to build an AI system that reflects our commitment to free speech, individual liberty, and American innovation. As you know, Gab’s mission with Gab AI is to offer users uncensored AI models that don’t cram left-wing ideology down their throats. We are the only consumer company working on this, and our Gab AI service recently passed 1 million users after only one year of building—with no marketing budget. This incredible milestone is a testament to the demand for AI that respects free expression and individual values. For Christians, this technology is not something to fear or shun—it is a tool to embrace and use for the advancement of God’s Kingdom.

Throughout history, believers have harnessed the latest innovations to spread the Gospel, from the printing press to radio and television. AI is no different. It is a powerful tool that can empower Christians to share God’s Word, defend the Truth, and reach people in ways that were never before possible. Most importantly, open source AI ensures that God’s Word and Truth are not censored by biased algorithms. Many of the AI models developed by Silicon Valley giants are designed to suppress Christian values and promote secular ideologies.

With DeepSeek, we have the opportunity to create AI models that honor God, uphold biblical principles, and provide a platform for Truth to flourish. This is not just about technology—it’s about stewardship. We have a responsibility to use every tool at our disposal to advance God’s Kingdom and ensure that His message is heard in a world that desperately needs it. The rise of open source AI marks a new era in technology—one where innovation is no longer confined to a handful of tech giants. With DeepSeek, Gab has the tools to not only compete but to lead. Together, we can create an AI-powered future that empowers our community, upholds the principles we hold dear, and glorifies God in the process.


20. What’s their cunning plan?

19. Roundup of some short(ish) items

First up 👇🏻





18. Mon Mat (courtesy IYE)

There are any number of Saint’s episodes:


Just scroll below on the menu and choose you Templar tale.

17. DAD at 951

16. IYE at 951

And at Mon 6 to 9:

15. Steve at 951

… and at Mon 11 to 14:

Monday [11 to 14]

(0829) Morning all … wet out there. (1241) Lovely sunshine out there. Nippy. (1242)


14. The things which matter, those which don’t in the wash

There are things which are so bad in life that they’re terminal … all the way down the continuum to “still not great but nichevo strashnevo”. Hardly pronounce the “vo” in the second word. In fact drop the second word. Just as you can drop the “très” in that other one … a native will still understand.

Sorry … was sidetracked again. Point is … if you are going down some rabbit hole (burrow, warren), investigating, don’t get hung up on bits and pieces which, while you can establish them fairly accurately, don’t really amount to a huge lot.

For example, maybe it was the driver who shot him, maybe Jackie herself, maybe Miles was right and he went under the Appalachians into a tunnel for the rest of his natural, or else under Denver airport … more important was that someone with something to lose decided he/she/they were not going to accept what JFK was into, esp. the silver standard, plus other EOs. Ditto with Lincoln.

Eyes should maybe be on these creeps in the shadows … we’re spoilt for choice with candidates today, from the WEF to the old families to the Scottish Rite to the Papacy, with added deathcult, niozists, Kali-ists and so on … even the man with the tails himself.

All of which has almost nothing to do with the main topic in 13 and 14 … sorry to have wasted your time 😁… the main topic is about things we did long ago … how dastardly, how life-wrecking were they … or were they nichevo strash? In the final reckoning I mean?

If I’d been asked, aged 23, my answers would have been quite different to 93 as I am now or 123 … perceptions change. For example, as mentioned once before, I’d really like to know why rock n roll died in ‘59 or soon after, like to know why we stopped dancing joined to the girl, cooperatively, instead of this “face each other and show your moves” rubbish.

Bob Dylan of all people got me down this rabbit hole … he said it was to do with black music, adopted and refined by whites in the 20s or earlier … e.g. Jelly Roll v Paul Whiteman (what a giveaway) and why it lost its oomph, its panache, in the 30s … coz it did in my book … became even worse in the swing days, the GI days, the came back a bit with jive and trad jazz, also the later calypso, ska and rockabilly.

Sorry to say it but the 70s prog was a bore, as was techno, as was thump thump thump disco … there was no edge any more, except with garage bands such as the Yardbirds, Radio Birdman. Don’t get me wrong … there were some fab songs, not a doubt of it … The Doors’ Riders on the Storm, When the Music’s Over were classics, musically, if not in the lyrics and themes.

But in that very statement … those themes … was it not the vibrancy and innocence of the 50s, perverted by the left and drug cabals into total hedonism, then into overweeningly boring complexity, then into an atmosphere, in the early 70s, of a real downer, drug-addled, hence punk … and after that, it just went steadily downhill … till today’s autotuned pap with the openly satanic Swift?

Devil’s music? The Puritans of the 50s said so, the Bishop of Somewhereorother was apoplectic, as we tend to become these days … yea, mea culpa … yet Alan Freed high energy was nice … did it lead inevitably to satanistic despair and brokenness if unchecked? Would I have wanted to live like McCarthy or the white Stetson officers in that carpark with Oswald? Not the slightest joyful exuberance in their lives. Can we have fun without going all dissolute? Well ok … can we go all dissolute one high-imbibing night but are sufficiently in control next day as to sleep it off and then be upandattem again?

Is there no happy medium? Maybe not today with an army of killers and rapists in hotel rooms, barracks, all available places across the nation, poised, awaiting the word to attack and slaughter. Here endeth.

More in another post, now back to item 12.

13. Ni-che-vo strash-nye-vo!

Straight into today’s Russian lesson, with a French side-dish (or “side” in colloquial English).

There are some immensely useful phrases or words in each major language … for example, in Austria saying: “Gnädiges Fräulein.” Here are one or two more:

In Russian, the nichevo one I find suits my character well:

You’ll notice in the transliteration (lower right, above) that it says “g”, not “v”. It’s a curiosity of the Russian that he’ll swear blind he said “g”, that it is grammatically “g” but to English ears, he said nothing of the kind … it sounded very much “v”. A bit like the Germans saying “d” as “t”. The way to get around it is to say “v” but think “g” whilst saying it. Whilst or while, by the way?

Why this convoluted intro? Read on in item 14, patient reader.

12. This at TCW opens a whole new can of worms


Liverpool Echo at midday

Think you’d agree, dear reader, that all the items in this post … together … taken in aggregate … point to a very real malaise in western society. Blame the Chinese, the Russians, the promiscuity, the total me-me-me culture, tough exteriors but brittle inside, mental messes … blame the loss of cultural Christianity, blame the loss of real Christianity … it ain’t good.

And of course, it allows Them above to do whatever they want, unchecked. All right, to the TCW article …

THE PRIEST opened his Mass yesterday by calling on those present to celebrate Australia’s ‘freedom, peace and prosperity’ – a little jarring and a stretch of the truth in our recessed, fragmented, tyrannical post-covid nation. There was then the inevitable reference to Australia Day being ‘complex’ for many people.

Oh dear. That was an immediate red flag. Then a member of the congregation read out an Australia Day ‘prayer’ devised by something called the Gospel Coalition. The first few paragraphs capture the flavour:

‘Gracious heavenly Father, We thank and praise you for your creation of this world, including this land of Australia. We praise you for its beauty and its bounty, for mountains, hills and plains, for rivers, creeks and seas, and wonderful variety of animals, birds and sea-creatures.

‘We praise you for the peoples to whom you first entrusted this land, each one made in your image, and all loved by you. We thank you for their careful management of the land, for the strength of their communal life, and the richness of their culture.

‘We lament the damage done to them by the arrival of the British in 1788. For the loss of life, land, language, livelihood, culture, and the damage done to structures of their communities.’ …”

Where do we even start? That’s precisely the sort of garbage that the Fem-bish in the US, plus the clawhammer girl in Liverpool, would go on with. Self-loathing.

I took issue with Churchmouse years ago … as a Calvinist, he was on about the depravity of Man and to be fair … he was using the word in its theologically dogmatic sense … he might even be technically right in my case … trying to be a reformed sinner now … but not about 1788.

Capt. Arthur Phillip was a naval man, naval discipline, was a man of the time … here was his stipulation about the aboriginals:

“Phillip’s official orders with regard to Aboriginal people were to “conciliate their affections”, to “live in amity and kindness with them”, and to punish anyone who should “wantonly destroy them, or give them any unnecessary interruption in the exercise of their several occupations”.[71] The first meeting between the colonists and the Eora, Aboriginal people, happened in Botany Bay. When Phillip went ashore, gifts were exchanged, thus Phillip and the officers began their relationship with the Eora through gift-giving, hilarity, and dancing, but also by showing them what their guns could do.[72][38] Anyone found harming or killing Aboriginal people without provocation would be severely punished.[38]

After the early meetings, dancing, and musket demonstrations, the Eora avoided the settlement in Sydney Cove for the first year, but they warned and then attacked whenever colonists trespassed on their lands away from the settlement.[72] Part of Phillip’s early plan for peaceful cohabitation had been to persuade some Eora, preferably a family, to come and live in the town with the British so that the colonists could learn about the Eora’s language, beliefs, and customs.[73]

And the story before that? Let’s use our brains … successive tribes came down from the north or landed … the stronger were near the edge, the less able in battle … further inland. There’s no such thing as one aboriginal tribe … they fought, just as the Red Indians did in America.

Now we, the pathetic Eloi, are aware of the Morlocks in the hotels and cushy living spaces across the land but not generally aware that the Morlocks are here, at the order of Them, to in turn do a number on us. That’s just life … how it works.

Back to the leftwing cherry picked Christian bits which suit the Woke narrative … need I even go on? End of for now.

11. AKH has a piece on free speech in the NHS


”This is not the same as the whistle blowing policy. There is a ‘freedom to speak officer’ who can be approached by any staff member about anything that is making them feel uncomfortable or worried at work. The basic idea is that the officer will listen confidentially to what they have to say and if they think it is important enough, will pass it up to the head of HR, or to the appropriate director to decide what to do next. The officer can also just give confidential advice or point the person in the direction they need to go to address the presented problem.

Sounds great doesn’t it? Unfortunately, in the NHS internal politics is ever ready to seize golden opportunities like this.

Over the last couple of months, I have heard from several trusts whose mental health teams have interpreted this as an ideal way of jumping over normal procedures and punishing their team leaders for asking them to do things they don’t want to. Bullying upwards seems to have become an organisational sport, and I shudder to think what will happen in the physical part of the NHS once the unions get the bit between their teeth. It will make strike action look positively benign.”

Monday [6 to 10]

(0621) Morning all … dark out there. (0653)


10. Cynarae St Mary (Legiron)

… last two knitted hats for now:

9. She was pregnant for goodness sake

… people turned their backs while she was dragged along the floor.


8. Colony Ridge


7. The conundrum of vaxxes

Look at MTB’s comment at three points in history and ask how it would have gone down with the public … the 1955 Salk time:

… then the 2005 bird flu time … and now today, with what we know.

6. Well well well

Monday [1 to 5]



5. DAD at 951

Secretary Hegseth’s Message to the Forces … David Balland, co-founder of French crypto company Ledger, was freed after he was kidnapped from his home in Méreau in central France … Austrian police (say) the traditional Viennese balls have been threatened by the Islamic State … Prince Hall Masonic Lodge announced (Biden member) … more detail at 951.

4. The power struggles are underway

Problem here of course is division of powers in the US under the plethora of regulation – fed, state, local. Teams of lawyers, corrupt judges.

3. Road check points

I’ve been on that road, at that place, many times, many decades ago and there were no check points. Further down towards San Diego you used to see those “family fleeing across road” silhouette signs but this seems pretty effective as it’s the main drag from the border, elevated carriage.

2. Mini roundup

One to watch: Colony Ridge is uncomfortably close to where I live. ICE should clean out that sprawling barrio, and the developer selling lots to the illegals needs to be investigated. (Gab)

1. Steve drops at 950

Admin Locates “80,000” of Over 320,000 Migrant Children – Trump to Address Joint Session of Congress on March 4 – Conflict Between Warsaw and Budapest Escalates … Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro Caves to Trump’s Strategic Pressure – Vance v Catholic bishops … Uke sit-rep, Christoforou – Mercouris … “Emergency Declarations” To Speed Up The Stargate Project – Sig Tied To $60 Million Fraud Investigation – High-End Escorts Have Abandoned Davos … much more.

Sunday [16 till close of play]

(1815). Evening all.


21. IYE at 950

a. Wyke Farms’ cheese is bovaer free.

b. Gavin has been lying…a lot. And the Santa Ynez Reservoir makes the case.

20. JKerner is a dyed-in-the-wool MAGA/MAHA from Virginia

“RFK, Jr. is the PERFECT man to run Health & Human Services. No one on the planet is better qualified and suited. Personally, I would eliminate HHS altogether if I had the power. But that won’t happen. So the next best thing is to overhaul it, and RFK, Jr. is the perfect man for the job. I’ve followed him for over a decade.

RFK, Jr. is a Constitutionalist and vigorously fights for our Bill of Rights freedoms and protections. (He isn’t the liberal Democrat he was in his youth. He’s grown and evolved into a genuine Patriot and truth-speaker. And no, he doesn’t want to take away our guns.) Like many individuals with such high qualities, RFK, Jr. is falsely discredited and viciously attacked. Why? Because Trump nominated him to be Secretary of HHS.

And that terrifies corrupt but powerful special interests and the Deep State who tap into the HHS and their vast budget ($1.7 trillion in 2024). There is a well-organized, well-funded smear campaign being waged against him to convince the Senate to reject his appointment. This campaign is organized and funded by such groups and individuals as Pharma, the Rockefeller Foundation, Bill Gates, the UN, WHO, WEF, Wall Street and thousands of corrupt doctors who are themselves funded by Pharma, Gates and Wall Street one way or another.

All of Congress has been corrupted and subverted by these same special interests. RFK, Jr. has been 100% accurate about Pharma, poor vaccine quality, Fauci, Gates, Big Food, chemical toxicity and pollution. (But he opposes the climate fraud.) His reward for being so right is being viciously attacked with lies by those groups who cause all the problems with HHS and declining health and life expectancy of Americans. The same groups who profit from keeping HHS as it is. The same groups who would lose billions in corruption money if RFK, Jr. is Secretary of HHS.

HHS had a budget of $1.7 TRILLION in 2024. That’s almost double our defense budget. And the majority of that money was used for corrupt and harmful purposes to support the corrupt agendas of Pharma, Big Food, Rockefeller Foundation, Gates, etc. 77.3 million Americans voted for Trump. We The People made the impossible happen.

The next Mission: Impossible is for as many of those 77.3 million Americans as possible – and anyone else who supports RFK, Jr – to contact their senators and demand they confirm RFK, Jr. This is simple and easy through each senator’s website. “Our Public Health System Is Broken. RFK Jr. Has the Knowledge, Passion and Courage to Change It.” ”

19. Henry Bolton

”You know, there is only one logical, albeit lunatic reason why a government might deliberately hamstring its country’s commercial and economic potential and reduce the wealth of its population, from having the sixth highest GDP in the world. That is if that government is run by what one might call a ‘fundamentalist (extremist) global socialism movement’. In other words, it seeks to dumb down the wealth of its own nation in order to level out wealth differentials among nations globally. It’s only a thought, but I hope to God it’s not correct.”

Henry’s been a naughty boy in the past, not exactly leadership material … however, that doesn’t stop this quote above being so.

18. Steve


17. Kill em all says Labour

16. IYE at 950