Monthly Archives: January 2025

Thursday [6 to 11]

(0618) Time already flying. (0743)


11. Before the crash

10. Men and women

9. So-Cal Mike on Gab

Name is Matt Livelsberger

BREAKING: Las Vegas Cybertruck Bomber Identified: Shocking Details Emerge About Colorado Springs Resident and Reportedly a Green Beret .. His speciality or focused training as a Green Beret was in unconventional warfare

JH: Asset sent out to show it’s not always that ethnicity/culture/religion, also to help ramp up the lawlessness across the States, at which point, Big Daddy DJT comes in and makes it all right.

8. IYE at 926:3

“The bird flu vaccine she wants approved for humans is called AUDENZ, made by CSL Seqirus. Humans injected with the AUDENZ died at a rate of 1 in 200 (0.5%) compared to 0.1% in the placebo group, in one of the clinical trials (Study 3). This deadly injection must NOT be authorized for human use.”

7. Andy at 926:4 and 5

Links there.

6. TDS

Thursday [1 to 5]

(0505) Morning all, off we go. (0603)


5. Similar theme in NOLA

4. More on gangs and those enabling/ignoring/funding them

Well yes … despicable, a lowlife, a dumbo … but under orders, isn’t she? Prosecuting the organising force, the interlocked force … that’s where the focus needs to be. There are ways.

3. Manchurians, assets

ISIS are assets … Operation Paperclip … CIA/FBI/DoJ/State dept are terrorist groups in themselves for destabilising, crashing and atrocities … attracting the worst types (you’re our boy) … expect neither ethics nor mercy. Ditto the UN and subsidiaries. (Allegedly, reportedly, with a question mark of course.)

If the “suspect is shot”, he was an asset, Manchurian, no further use. If “arrested”, eventually released … something else again. This is where we’re at, the West … and the shocking but predictable messed up kids only exacerbate the situation … so easily manipulated over decades of processing society for wrong, suppressing right. Bad people.

2. Steve at 926

Four: Sabotaging confirmation process, Musk reportedly rents MaL cottage, endorses AfD and Reform, much more…..

Three: NOLA terrorist ISIS flag, … items mainly on the topic……

Two: Multipolarity, Kurakhove, sit-rep…..

One: C19, Maryanne Demasi, much more…..

JH: In choosing these to mention above, guiding principle is not comprehensiveness … you can go to 926 and read and link … but to signpost at speed. I can go back and number, letter, dot “i”s, cross “t”s later … as long as it’s all there to access for now. How does Steve know I’ve seen it? The summary here.

1. The Speakership, via IYE

Important thread if you can access it:

If you can’t, tell me and another way round shall be sought.

Wednesday [14 till close of play]

(1741) Evening all … really struggling to move much just now … circulation mainly … never mind.


18. IYE at 926

JH: Those Klingons are getting to be a real pain.

17. Meanwhile

16. “No one’s interested”

… is the theme of the video below, which turned out to be quite good … causing this lady to comment:

Do any of you remember the interminable “slide evenings”, parodied by many a comedian: And here’s one of Roger coming around the end of the house … and here’s one of Roger coming around the other end of the house ….

… just a minute … here’s one of Limmasol beach … I know it’s only the sand and sea because Roger distracted me … and here’s ………..”

As the man says in the vlog … different trips for different purposes. One to Thailand with my darling-heart, I’d been working a fair bit, wanted to sit by the pool and drink pina coladas … she had other ideas … safaris, wildlife parks, elephant rides … looking back, the things she made me do were the best memories … ho hum … plus our photos, mainly of her with this backdrop, her with that backdrop.

Retrospect? Yes, she did right. Contrast that with a gal in North Yorks I took to a nice moors eating hole … she knew “of” my travels, she was rather monied and had been “everywhere” … it was very Vivian Stanshall … conversation of the type “you talk, I wait, you pause, I pounce” … yes, she said quickly, “We “did” China last year …” … she was not going to be “defeated” by my tales, no way.

Never saw her again. Frankly, I prefer the blog … not FB, not X, not Gab … the blog. If you don’t like this post, skip down the page … if you’d like to tell your tale, I’m up for reading it but it might be tomorrow when I comment after cogitating.

Someone said cyber friendships weren’t “real friendships” … what guff! Depends how we do it. … I love when you chaps and chapesses unload … most of the time, you’re of few words. There’s a nice, easy give and take … at least imho … I for one like it, plus emails for longer exchanges.

And we can always escape, ha ha!

15. Talk about nose to spite the face

… plus bringing the EU to its knees … or to conflict:

14. Steve



Try these


  1. In the earlier song, to what does Katy refer?
  2. Which coachbuilder designed the DB5?
  3. Who was the James Bond when the Fabergé egg featured?
  4. Where, in 1842, was Fabergé started?
  5. Which fragrance was launched in 1964 by the American firm Fabergé Inc.?
  6. Which former Crazy Gang player advertised the fragrance?

Wednesday [11 to 13]

(1221) Afternoon all (1233)


13. And so it starts again

12. Politicians today

11. Weather and health reports

Weird forecast. As a rule, I find the Beeb issued forecast pretty right for this area, give or take a day from the ordained event. Some days back, it said gale force winds and heavy rain about now … but I took another look just now and it said heavy rain with 20% chance of precipitation. Ho hum.

Next few days are apparently brass monkey weather, with minus temps. 🍿🍿🍿

So many people I know are ill and/or having birthdays, having been conceived around May … in spring, a young man’s heart etc. etc. My own sit-rep … weeelll, it would help if you thought of it as an inline six engine:

I’m currently firing on three cylinders, aiming for four if possible. Hoping you’re at least that healthy, hopefully exceeding that.

Wednesday [4 to 10]

(0850) Up after a second sleep, worth every minute. (1022)


10. Moosh corner

Quite understandable really …. what were your fave sweets (candies) as a kid?

9. Hewitt

8. FEMA … helping just the politically correct

7. Notes on a Kenyan

6. Legiron

5. TDS

Look at this one in particular:

“The U.K. Met Office claims to have a continuous record of temperatures at Stornoway Airport going back to 1873. This is truly remarkable since manned powered flight was not achieved until 1903 and the actual airport was built in 1937. Yet another error in the Met Office’s temperature recording database. Yet another sign that in its mission to scare the population into accepting the looming Net Zero catastrophe, the Met Office is failing in its day job to accurately record temperatures across the U.K.”

4. The impossibility of knowing everything

… about a specific issue I mean … for example why Massie and Roy are voting against Johnson. Now if you’re British or Antipodaean, how could you be expected to know this unless you’re a US alt right watcher? Some of us know some things.

Look at this headline about Mitchell, a talk show host, supposedly MAGA:

New York Magazine > 2017/01 › The Alt-Right Just Turned on Bill Mitchell, the Trump Train’s Nate Silver > 3 Jan 2017 — Mitchell might have finally crossed a line when he took on one of the alt-right’s primary modes of expression: Pepe, the meme frog co-opted by racists and …

Now we’re getting into nuances … is Mitchell essentially a RINO or is he a conservative? Chip Roy has already been in the news of late … check out Massie’s voting record from a MAGA point of view.

Whom can one trust? The answer might be that we can trust Person A on an A type vote … but not on a B type. Next question … how can the average MAGA, let alone the average normie, and excluding Them or the Woke left … how can any of those know which way to jump on X? Given that Musk is supposedly shadow banning MAGA accounts, undetectably unless someone else mentions it?

New Year’s Day [1 to 3]

(0353) Raining out there, I can hear it from this snug bed. Trying for sleep n2. (0437)


3. Vox post

The Cambridge Medieval History, published in 1911, explains the inevitable social degeneracy that results from mass (imm).

I come back to a previous point that there are several immutable realities, e.g. firms always look for cheap labour, e.g. Switzerland, clashes of cultures form ghettoes, those are not nice if not policed by the nation, foreign cultures will always lobby or undermine to achieve prominence, foreign conflicts are thereby imported … govt must not become bloated, the executive must try to follow the military adage … fair, firm and friendly, in almost equal proportion.

2. Steve at 925

Four: Florida, sanctuary cities, Harmeet Hillon, the Ukraine, Meloni, Trudeau….

Three: Massie and Musk wavering on Johnson, Jack Smith, Carter, more…..

Two: Pax Russica, Musk under attack in countries, Uke sit-rep, much more…..

One: WHO, Reeves, BofE, H-1B, much more…..

JH: The one I read first was “Putin’s Audacious Building Boom in Mariupol, Donbas”.

1. Some sort of greeting to readers for 2025

Must say I admire how reader/patrons, particularly Steve on NYE, can make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear … to explain, I awoke in the wee hours with the required first sleep done, went through X, went through Gab, found little worth troubling you with, yet Steve manages a full quota as always … kudos.

The message I’m getting is that we’re going to have to stay vigilant, particularly noting the turn of phrase of some pundits, never taking at face value … the person posting the item on soc-med needs exploring.

An example … Stew Peters bitterly complaining of Elon’s shady tactics by posting that Peters was ending his subscriber fees. Peters says there’s no way he did that and yes, it’s quite iffy about Elon or his little myrmidons doing that. However, it seems Peters did go on an anti-imm rant in no uncertain terms. It’s a bit like Bernie Spofforth over here …it was the language employed, the high dudgeon, which did for them.

And yes, I do admire forthright people not beating about the bush, as I once didn’t beat about the bush … but I’ve lost the blog four times and felt it needed me to be a tad more careful this time, more circumspect … does not alter the thoughts, expressed more carefully now. And it’s not just me you see … there are those of you who’ve invested time and effort bringing the goods here … what, am I going to threaten that, losing all as in July 2024? Almost, except for IYE’s archives.

Fireworks, as in the sparkly bangy type outside … yes, we had them … did you where you live?