(0525) Morning this dark morn. To make the current timeline make sense for those not of any faith, a word about Epiphany appears in Mon 1. (0638)
5. TDS

4. Fun with oncology corner

3. Speaking about Oz

2. Steve drops at 930
Four: Scholz Calls Elon Musk a ‘Troll’, bubonic plague, flu season, much more…..
Three: convenient DC snowstorm, Soros, much more…..
Two: NATO/Uke attacks on Russia, sit-rep in general…..
One: Covid, how long Starmer, uch more…..
1. Epiphany and the other commemorations around now

Were we at Unherdables to attempt to cover the Protestant, Orthodox and RC trads in detail … much of it would result in a clash of days.
The way I saw around it, a sort of middle way combining but not overly-compromising, was to start Advent on Dec 1, finishing at midnight on Dec 24, thence the Twelve Days start on the 25th, finishing at midnight of Jan 5, the 6th being Epiphany, which becomes Orthodox Christmas Eve after dark, through the night vigil, thence Orthodox Christmas on Jan 7, finishing up around 1300 GMT.
The change I’d make in Dec 2025 though is to shorten the days … starting the season on Dec 13, with two carols a day, not one. Thus, our Advent with the Twelve Days would have Epiphany and OrthXmas added, making a total of 26 days, which should be just about right.
The Scots and Slavs might disagree but NY was never all that much to our family, nice though it was hearing the fireworks from bed, post-cocoa.
In the educational field in Russia, it was back to work around Jan 10, which pretty much ushered in a nothing time, commemoration-wise. This year, 2025 though, Australia Day, Jan 26, threatens to be a civilisational clash Wokerati versus humans, so might keep an eye on that. We also have a patron’s bday on Jan 15 … more on bdays below.
I’ve had to think through a policy on reader and patron bdays … for a start, I’m utterly hopeless on remembering, plus the trap is … one mentions one or two and by definition leave some VIPs out => big trouble, miffedness, mild resentment.
The only way I can see around it is to name the ladies if they would like … in my sphere, Julia Feb 23, Toodles and Isilme in turn … and they could help by coming clean and hinting as to what they’d appreciate or not. As for the boys … I’ll not mention the bday unless they’d like it mentioned … but they have to tell me, right … memory like a sieve and a bit thick in the head. Ole Jimbo.
Lastly for now … this patron or reader designation … to me, a “patron” is someone integral or a longtime reader who engages now and then … a “reader” drops in but does not engage as much, if at all. For me, “landlord” seems an appropriate designation.
How does one become a patron? Engage, without being blocked as a troll.