Monthly Archives: January 2025

Friday [1 to 4]

(0155) Middle of the night job again. (0334)


4. IYE at 939

3. Steve at 939

Four: LA fires, Giorgia bday, AfD, much more…..

Three: Bessent, Hegseth, Hollywood appointees, much more…..

Two: Uke sit-rep, Gaza ceasefire, much more…..

One: Lab out of touch, US energy, businessmen at inaug, much more…..


There’s a problem at NOWP … I can still put in the comment number at the top but now it only offers html mode (code) to edit, not plain text:

Technically, yes, I can find, in the code, where to put a. b. c. etc. but firstly, it quintuples the required time to doing it in plain, plus if I accidentally hit any other code, it could lose Steve’s or IYE’s copy … it’s not worth the risk.

A further danger is our droppers thinking I’m not interested enough. Look, in plain, it’s a doddle lettering. In code, it’s fraught … imho quite unnecessarily. There is no option given to go plain for me.

2. Canada and Alberta

Of Britain and the former “European extraction” commonwealth, Canada’s one I know least, though I’ve been there, stayed for some time in BC. There are, though, things we all know … Canadians tend Woke left, that even when conservatives are in power, it’s in deep thrall to globo, e.g. Harper … I’ve just read that Danielle Smith is half globo, half “Trumpish” about Alberta.

Below one or other of the screenshots below, the comments sections at X were marginally helpful … marginally as it was not clear whether the trolls and others were from Quebec, from other provinces, leftist or united Canada. Remember also that Poilievre is globo too. It’s certainly a cancer in every western nation.

Thus, the overall attitude to DS’s stance was less than complimentary but the support was Albertan. These were old, deep wounds in Canada, a divided and wrecked nation … even the RCMP seem corrupt to the core, as ours are.

My own Albertan connection, Sarah, seems to have gone silent. Aha … so this was why they were marched out of the presser by Carney’s goons:

1. Reflecting on the US before getting onto Canada

… there are things we all know, not from the MSM but because Americans are not shy to put it out there, esp. on social media but even that, while very good, still does not give us out here the full undercurrents, esp. the historical undercurrents … for example:

Then there was the 1910 Jeckyll Island, Georgia, meeting, resulting in the 1913 Fed, the guilty party Woodrow Wilson in allowing it, not much choice, given the previous Bank of the United States.

If we’re going to dabble … as distinct from meddle … in another country’s political history … the better to understand why things happen … it’s as well to know some … and one constant American gripe I’ve read by pundits such as Mullins is that Royal institutes and/or the BofE or the BIS owns America.

The counter claim is that the British/English need not have lost that last one with Washington, that it was a prearranged outcome, part of the theatre, that Britain had other things on its mind. I’m thinking, as on other topics, and mentioned in a previous post … that we can but gather, lay it all on the table and look at it with as little a priori prejudice as possible.

Also don’t discount the Statue of Ish*** in NY harbour, the sister statue to the one in France, built and given by the Masons who themselves were infiltrated and rotted by the illumined. It’s all added grist to the mill.

Thursday [17 till close of play]

(1647) Evening all.


23. Criminal insanity in Georgia

There’s footage of him being thrown to the floor on the orders of the Speaker. DJT has made a statement on it.

22. Evening roundup

21. Dismal growth

20. Inauguration and Robert E. Lee Day

19. Still up against it, aren’t we?

18. Steve at 939

17. While I’m for Pam Bondi, as many are

… I’d still like to know more about this:

Thursday [14 to 16]

(1208) Afternoon all. (1220)


16. Alberta’s become most interesting of late

15. The Xhosa Bantu

14. Palisades

Thursday [9 to 13]

(1119) Happy elevenses all. (1148)


13. TDS

12. Been digging into this lass’s tale

The interesting part, to me, was lack of identifiable photo, except for one grainy one. After you get past the “official” woke left/cabalist search results, which naturally try to obscure her in a sea of promoted Mahoneys, the info is there all right … but not an authenticated pic. I did see the one most people use but there are others of what looks to me like a different girl. Hmmmmm.

Please don’t post one, there might be some danger attached to it.

11. Been going on lately, ad nauseam

… about how cool the gals are …

Sometimes though, we need our guys to set the record straight …

Gentlemen tend not to take prisoners … Musk is taking an unwarranted risk with those psychos.

10. UK govt the most profound challenge of the age

9. The Spaß vee haf, nein?

Thursday [5 to 8]

(0606). Post up at (0723)


8. Valentine’s coming up

7. Just an idea how to categorise the fairer sex

You have your own way but might I suggest, from my working life which involved a heavy overdose of the female of our species … well it’s like this … I had to put some policies in personal place to stave off further danger and salvage that which had survived.

First step, which was so obvious, observing the leches on TV, the sleazy innuendo asiders, worse as they got older and less capable of pulling birds themselves … was that sleaziness is the n1 turnoff in dealing with any age range among the fairer bunch … one just has to expunge it from all conversation, all facial expressions … no exceptions. Let her make any major moves.

Second is something one can’t do oneself because they can tell immediately … and that is if you care, if you genuinely like the humans inside the pretty shells … you can’t fake that. If you do care and they know it, sometimes our species can make a criticism, carefully … and get away with it. Sometimes.

Third is a division in our minds which has been greatly helped in recent years by the crystalising of the terms Woke and Karen … so much easier to define these days, and people know what you mean. Thus … one avoids the Wokerati like the plague, the Karens, plus the male equivalent. One is still civil, still opens doors or walks on the outside of the footpath but overall … cross the street to avoid. Never engage in battle … ignore.

Problem with that … is this:

Easy for me to say about him … bleedin’ idiot, just ignore it … but she’s his mom … I feel heartstrings stressing here … it’s a sad thing to have such a politically/morally retarded son … mothers’ bane since time immemorial.

Having got beyond that point, the fourth decision is over the females within your “acceptable” range you’re prepared to engage with and who seem to like you. It does not matter how much you’d like, you want … that’s irrelevant … the female gets the last say yea or nay. End of, ok?

The fifth decision is further categorising. This is particularly relevant to soc-med, which is a great leveller. Look, not all opinions are equally informed, equally steeped in realpolitik and experience, esp. among the young newbies on the net … but of course you can never tell them that.

In my case, I find it easier, day to day, to think of three groupings among the “good gals” 5 to 95 … daughter type (or potential student in the class you teach) … mother type with that major experience behind her and in that middling range, taking care of most of the running of day to day things, multitasking etc. … then the grandmother type or let’s say the grand-dame, the queenly type, due great respect.

Deryl is one of that last type, Kate Hoey … these ladies have seen it all, their opinions really must be read and noted. The middle, mother type are also due respect … sometimes they get a bit iffy, one right now on X is too potty-mouthed for mine … we still follow each other though and there you are … her ideas are basically sound, very “reformy”.

And then the tricky ones … the younger set such as Sophia, Tessa, a few others I engage with … one must cut daughter types slack, not try to instruct them, just put the occasional observation, keep right off any iffy topic anywhere near them … just play it straight with them. Who cares if they have typos, grammatical this and that … it must always be done gently, something I learnt from my working life as it was.

Rather, anything good they come out with shows a thinking brain:

For such young ladies, it’s far more important, in us, how one conducts oneself … they see and note it … and that includes how we go for the jugular and take apart the Starmers and Sinemas, the Schiffs … no sting in your tail and you’re just milquetoast in US parlance.


How we act online, it seems to me, is pretty vital, esp. among allies and potential allies, up and coming, plus our job is to spread the idea that we’re not alone, there are others from various western countries who have our back, give or take some minor disagreements.

6. Two topics I post a fair bit on

… which I’d hazard a guess are not among your faves I put out (at least among our majority) … are Christian heritage and Women … so here’s one on the former and 7 is on the latter.

5. Wondering if this was for real

Thursday [1 to 4]

(0436) Morning all, good long sleep, hope yours was or will be. (0605)


4. Emily Neumann on Gab

How Demonrats dirty the clean and worthy:

”The Laken Riley Act is already up to 49 amendments proposed by various Senators. Amendment #36 submitted by Senator Durbin seeks to add the Dream Act of 2025 to the bill, including legal dreamers (children of E-1, E-2, H-1B, and L-1 workers) who have been in the US since Jan. 1, 2021, were under 18 when they were brought to the US, and are attending school…..”

3. IYE quoted the Donald

”This EPIC ceasefire agreement could have only happened as a result of our Historic Victory in November, as it signaled……”

… and of course, Biden then claimed it as his own, days before the “peaceful transition”, with flags at halfmast.

2. Andy on the night shift at 938

Tales of mysterious Cornwall:

JH: Morning Cloud? The yacht which died of shame?

1. Steve at 938

Four: Johnson says flags raised, unit to get Trump at all costs, O’Keefe, much more…..

Three: Pam Bondi is everywhere, Megyn Kelly (boyspace ha ha), more…..

Two: ATACMS, Lavrov, Greenland & Crimea, Cuba, much more…..

One: Vaxxes, NHS, Climate guff bill, much more…..