(0155) Middle of the night job again. (0334)
4. IYE at 939

3. Steve at 939
Four: LA fires, Giorgia bday, AfD, much more…..
Three: Bessent, Hegseth, Hollywood appointees, much more…..
Two: Uke sit-rep, Gaza ceasefire, much more…..
One: Lab out of touch, US energy, businessmen at inaug, much more…..
There’s a problem at NOWP … I can still put in the comment number at the top but now it only offers html mode (code) to edit, not plain text:

Technically, yes, I can find, in the code, where to put a. b. c. etc. but firstly, it quintuples the required time to doing it in plain, plus if I accidentally hit any other code, it could lose Steve’s or IYE’s copy … it’s not worth the risk.
A further danger is our droppers thinking I’m not interested enough. Look, in plain, it’s a doddle lettering. In code, it’s fraught … imho quite unnecessarily. There is no option given to go plain for me.
2. Canada and Alberta
Of Britain and the former “European extraction” commonwealth, Canada’s one I know least, though I’ve been there, stayed for some time in BC. There are, though, things we all know … Canadians tend Woke left, that even when conservatives are in power, it’s in deep thrall to globo, e.g. Harper … I’ve just read that Danielle Smith is half globo, half “Trumpish” about Alberta.
Below one or other of the screenshots below, the comments sections at X were marginally helpful … marginally as it was not clear whether the trolls and others were from Quebec, from other provinces, leftist or united Canada. Remember also that Poilievre is globo too. It’s certainly a cancer in every western nation.
Thus, the overall attitude to DS’s stance was less than complimentary but the support was Albertan. These were old, deep wounds in Canada, a divided and wrecked nation … even the RCMP seem corrupt to the core, as ours are.

My own Albertan connection, Sarah, seems to have gone silent. Aha … so this was why they were marched out of the presser by Carney’s goons:

1. Reflecting on the US before getting onto Canada
… there are things we all know, not from the MSM but because Americans are not shy to put it out there, esp. on social media but even that, while very good, still does not give us out here the full undercurrents, esp. the historical undercurrents … for example:

Then there was the 1910 Jeckyll Island, Georgia, meeting, resulting in the 1913 Fed, the guilty party Woodrow Wilson in allowing it, not much choice, given the previous Bank of the United States.
If we’re going to dabble … as distinct from meddle … in another country’s political history … the better to understand why things happen … it’s as well to know some … and one constant American gripe I’ve read by pundits such as Mullins is that Royal institutes and/or the BofE or the BIS owns America.
The counter claim is that the British/English need not have lost that last one with Washington, that it was a prearranged outcome, part of the theatre, that Britain had other things on its mind. I’m thinking, as on other topics, and mentioned in a previous post … that we can but gather, lay it all on the table and look at it with as little a priori prejudice as possible.
Also don’t discount the Statue of Ish*** in NY harbour, the sister statue to the one in France, built and given by the Masons who themselves were infiltrated and rotted by the illumined. It’s all added grist to the mill.