Friday [1 and 2]

(0020) Some days it’s two sleeps, separated by an erudite hour like this, other days it’s sleep late right through. Better not to overthink it, to think it at all … just go with the flow. So here we are. (0129)


2. Turn it around and think of it a different way

People are thinking of explanations why the crash but methinks (my third thought from last evening by the way) … interesting how DJT and Co. immediately thought IDE (scrambled acronym) hires. But that’s still thinking backwards through an “incident-why” order. Stop and think in a time going fwd way instead … go back decades, even a century but decades will do, e.g. post WW2.

Now, don’t get hung up on whether it’s the Russkies, China, the deathcult, the Noizists, the Snosam, the illumined, even natas hisself, whoever … just leave that argument for now and jump fwd … someone certainly wanted to kill the west. Today it’s dead easy to see any of those or in combination.

I mean, why would it not be so? Seriously. What sort of cocoon is America, Britain, the European powers living in to pretend all will always be well, the gravy train idyll will go on … that’s dangerously foolish. All right, let’s say you’re this great malevolent power with untold dirty money, intergenerational closed Hapsburg like inbreeding etc. etc. … control is all. Just imagine it’s you.

Centuries ago … start the usury, institutionalise religion such that the hegemony can control the minds and souls through synods, hierarchies with much gobbledegook, while the lords of the land control the physical lives of serfs. For the thinkers and scribes … astrology, necromancy, rediscovering the classics from Greece, Rome, Persia … golden era of learning, right? Royal Society, enlightenment (quite an in-joke, that). Give the deathcult a boost in silly academics’ minds by attributing the Persian advances to the murderous deathcult itself. Enslave, Barbary raids etc. … later the Danes … Danes = Dan, tribe of etc. etc. etc. … don’t get hung up on that, don’t be stalled going fwd … jump over that for now.

Bottom line is that at every post-Iusus of Naz moment in the year dot, control must be reestablished over people, otherwise an impregnable, decent west arises, with at least noble ideals though the practice falls short … ensure mischief, mayhem through infighting … Guelphs/Ghibbelines, St Bartholomew massacres, Irish Troubles etc..

Fast fwd to the mid C20th … war has ended, the monsters are gorging on wealth, you the power throw in some science, make an operation paperclip, coopt the Dulles Bros … later in the M-E foment trouble with operation cyclone … keep it bubbling. Gulf War.

Get the Chinese to land on Vancouver Island … military training, their own courts, own police, infiltrating the population, marrying the locally useful in America, e.g. Fang Fang, Nicole etc. etc. Don’t forget the Kali-ists in all this. Westerners? They’re all love-all, self-mutilating, drugged-out trannying, feminaziing, perverting, rainbowing … to break down the western fabric since childhood … but it needs every church synod, every curriculum branch, every seat of learning, the entertainment industry to be in the hands of myrmidons … parliaments. Closely coordinated new hegemony … call it Woke, what a joke … it’s the diametric opposite.

From the 50s, make it the Soviets, later the Chinese, es macht nichts … keep the fear going but at the same time, create some tech nirvana to fulfil the secular dream … cellphones, the www, the net … comprehensive, yes! The punchline of that joke is kill off every tech gen devotee with Chinese 5G.

Meanwhile, having bought Quebec and Ontario long ago, no one stops the Chinese and the drug flood through BC to cripple kids, flood the northern US border … Danielle knows. Fixation with the Chinese with me? Who controls the Panama Canal?

Have op groups extol swamaramis in the late 60s, gobbledegook gurus, Legend of a Mind, throw in yoga, yin and yang, Timothy Leary’s legacy … today it’s “manifesting abundance”, tomorrow something else, all cool people “meditating”, which simple means further mind control through gobbledegook, yoga mats, gyms etc. etc.

At all points, signpost in plain sight … obelisks, triangle handsigns, squares, hearts, horned handsigns with thumb and pinky extended, even Ashley Babbit … pretend that that means peace and love, man … tone in, turn on, drop out.

Good reader … don’t ignore it, dismiss it … note it, even if temporarily shelving it. Mayhem at all levels of govt, transport, trade, finance … piece of cake … IDE (scrambled acronym) hires, e.g. air traffic control, mixed with constant rioting, stabbing, softening up peoples, porn addiction, making folk ever-fearful, ban the AfD, overturn elections … anything at all which foments, confuses, confounds, has us at each other’s throats rather than at the throats of the ringleader myrmidons.

The thing is, dear reader, winding this up … why would it not be so, given the history of Power? What is the Demonrat Party after all, the RINO Party, Tory, Labour, Davos … they’re just Power seekers and maintainers.

“For the people?” What a laugh. Priti Patel interview … did you see it?

Greatest threat? People becoming sentient, n’est ce pas? Has always been so. To be diverted, stymied at all costs. How? Bribing and blackmailing clownish low IQ ers to be in parlmt … greedy wooden heads … Ed Daveys, grotesque British Labour. Don’t forget plandemics, TikTok dancing in hospital wards, grinning Hancock and Sciff across the pond.

Nothing I’ve written, nothing, is new under the sun, it’s all been done before … aim? The human zombie, innit … Imhotep! Imhotep! Imhotep! It’s all in plain sight, even in a highly contrived Melania portrait.

Is li’l ole me some sort of guru, some sort of deep thinker? Not in the least … eyes open, that’s all … bright in some ways, yes, e.g. in language, reading … but pretty basic in other ways, can sometimes be thick … well organised, anticipating, learning 24/7, not closing the mind. Why? Because there’s another entity controlling me, not the Beast … ask Toodles or Isilme about me, even our main people giving their time when they can. It goes back to the rolling away of a stone in the year dot in modern history … rolling stones, yes?

Any one of you can be sentient any time you choose to … not my biz. Meanwhile, welcome to the confirmation hearings, rigged elections around the west, IDE-resulting air crashes in plane-thick airspace.

By the way … dontcha juss love waking up in the middle of the night? Sort of clears the thinking mind, no? Now for a second sleep at this end, good people … hope you yourselves are well, sleeping soundly.

Friday is here. Good weekend coming up?

1. First thing I saw

Now, a bit of housekeeping

a. Concerning clips like this … they’ll either open here or in X or you’ll just see text in a sshot or you’ll see nothing. And not all of you will see it because of your own cyber issues. But feedback helps.

b. Concerning s-shots … would not worry as the issue was at my end … later shall run an experimental post to double check.

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