(0446) Overview is “pinned” to the top of the first post. (0554)
Overview: Two items after skimming down X, which leads to other sites: DC airline crash, RFK of course. As well, a reminder that EOs do eventually need backing by Congress … very little mentioned … plus the NHS here have expanded, not contracted DEI hires. First item below today is in-house, about formatting. There’s also this across at OoL: https://orphansofliberty.blogspot.com/2025/01/the-vaxx-conundrum.html .
5. Charity begins at home
Not sure if this a specifically Christian concept:

One thing for sure is you don’t destroy, lay waste to your home, to those depending on you, in order to help an outside enemy planning to destroy your family and community … and you look to your own destitute and unfortunate first.
4. Profligate wastage by the waste-of-space Woke-left

Rule n1 is not to let a DEI hire touch anything, n2 is not to let govt go anywhere near it … even something simple they’ll mess up and run into vast overspend on taxpayer money. As for privatising … it’s always greedy corporations using DEI hires or near slave labour who are awarded contracts.
3. The aircrash, at the time of posting this
… my question is which “important” (for Them) passengers were killed:

2. RFK Jr. was abused yesterday by the Senate demonrats
… but what’s new … they’re thick automatons tasked by the controllers to take RFK Jr. down any which way. Don’t know what’s so “astounding” about this:

And that RFK Jr. speech:

1. Some notes on formatting of HQ
Not changes as such, just explaining like.
The decision on whether to put up a screenshot or run text on an item depends, to a large extent, on timeframe … the RFK speech (Thurs 2) had to be saved as screenshot as I was not ready to run it yet, plus saving as text is poor on ipad … they play piddly, script-kiddy, rich-text games … easier just as a screenshot, then compressed (which app-costs in itself) … plus the font size is better for reader eyes on the shots … plus the re-colorising in light teal of parts of plain text for quoting/contrast takes far more time, e.g. with Steve/DAD in the mornings.
Downside is it “costs” far more in disk space for screenshots but that resource we’re rich in here … disk space … not though in the EE hub bottleneck, which “throttles” speed of usage for plebs like customers such as moi.
Solution is simply not to overload EE, the weakest link … our blog “backend” itself can handle a vast amount of data … the issue is the EE bottleneck.
To express that as overall “working time” for li’l ole me … to run standard text is disk-economical but it takes time … to run screenshots is not disk-economical against short text drops but as for a rant, screenshots are far more time-economical, e.g. the RFK in Thur 2.
Regarding JD Vance’s comments about charity beginning at home. This is what scripture says. -1Tim5v8But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
The context expands the theme even more, but in my view, Vance is spot on the mark.
JH: Amen.
3. The aircrash, at the time of posting this – Looking at the radar image and the two aircraft were converging for some minutes before the collision. At the moment of impact they were almost at right-angles to each other. It was the helicopter though that had a straight-ahead view of the jet in front of them: it would have been lit up like a Christmas tree with cabin, cockpit and navigation lights. The jet would not have seen the helicopter coming at them from the side. So what were the crew of the Blackhawk doing? I would suggest they were not looking out the window. This may very well be another sad case of the ‘glass cockpit’ interfering with the natural instincts of a pilot. Absorbed in the flight display the pilot forgets the airspace they are flying through.