11. What could possibly go wrong?

10. DAD at 952:1
Head of the Gendarmes repeats the observation already made on November 14, 2024 during his first command meeting at the Military Academy, in front of the highest ranking officers of the gendarmerie: that of a country facing unprecedented and protean dangers … “Would you like your Halal meat with or without grime and dirt?” … Driving in France this summer? – watch out! Since the outsourcing of the general theory test (ETG) in 2016, fraud in the Highway Code has exploded. In 2024, 7,000 exams were cancelled due to fraud, and 83 approved centres were closed, revealing a large-scale phenomenon … With 79% of French people unhappy, a new record of unpopularity for Emmanuel Macron. [Couldn’t happen to a nicer chap.] … in detail at 952.
9. Andy at 951:7

I’ll run it this afternoon, Andy.
8. Christine Harris in Oz on Gab
Fetterman tells the evil Witches at The View President Trump has done everything he promised he would do. “I don’t agree with everything, but It’s undeniable.. he actually ran on that and he’s been really upfront …There may be things I don’t agree with, but I’m in the business of finding wins for Pennsylvania and for the nation, and engaging with the president is doing my job.”
7. Steve and war room at 951:6