(0957) This is slow-walk Sunday for me just now. The wind has started (mid 40s mph), battened down, chilly, rains forecast for around midday but not 100% inside either. Usual bouts of eyes, ears, nose, throat, gut are “peripherals” in a way … this is more … lowering of body core, systems not operating well. Light eating and staying snug is the order of the day, liquid intake. I’ll blog when possible. (1057)
10. Cynarae St Mary two more knitted hats

9. Mini roundup

8. You will be murdered, no matter what you do

7. Karen Bass just one of hordes of obstructors in the way

6. Back to IYE’s mwerx sit-rep
The Devious Plan for Ukrankies
This from the Uke part near the end:

Important things there are:
a. Mwerx had receipts, much in Russian language, to underscore the point. SBU is the Uke SS in Kiev. He’d just been showing flights of drones hitting a Russky refinery, then dropped into the above screenshot.
b. Interestingly, on X just now, was this:

As with “a”, I’ve viewed the “receipts” and they hold up … both sets are viewable if you do extra HW. Right … what does it all mean?
It means that there are two core things going on … the first was the 2024 plan to create chem/biological devastation for Kiev itself, blamed on the Russkies … this is the SBU, you ustd … plus actual attacks deep into Russia.
Aim? To prevent peace by any means, esp. now it looks like dialogue Trump-Putin, which will wreck the endless billions in scam money laundering, plus the trafficking industry, the paedo, the biolabs. Not just to prevent peace but to trigger WWIII any which way … dead humanity can never find the truth and punish the monsters.
A scenario … drones hit Russian refineries (yesterday), Putin retaliates (soon or else looks like a paper tiger to Russians), chem/bio weapon released in Kiev, Ukies die en masse, Putin blamed, Trump orders all out attack on Russia. End of life in western cities.
Core miscreants? Three letter agencies, NATO, old families (black nobility), those like Starmer under their control, myrmidons, karens, Demonrats, RINOs, all those benefitting. Victims? Ordinary people in each land, inc. the brainwashed still doing their worst, convinced they are good people, like that anti-xian so called bishop.