(1622) Afternoon and soon to be evening, chaps and chapesses. Later (after dinner), some Brit and Canadian news here. That concludes posts for tonight, comments are, of course, open. (1922) (2134) There’s an extra item this evening. (2145)
25. To my mind, it was far more significant than it seemed
Been looking at the footage again of no hand on Bible and there are many who won’t like this because they’ve not looked at the eschatological aspects over the years … why would they? Similarly, comments by all and sundry on X really come to nothing … many partly right … e.g. Roberts rushing him before Melania could get there, the left pointing out … quite rightly for once imho … that he made no attempt to pause until Melania was ready, no attempt during it to place his hand there.
Melania dressed as if in mourning, the hat low over the near closed eyes … the invocation quoting Daniel, not a New Testament text … Ketuvim. Also see Bel and the Dragon . Which other religion, with Ivanka married to one, had a rabbi at the ceremony? Eric Trump’s Masonic hand signs?
Before you say this is obsession with symbolism … yes it is … their obsession … they are the ones who hide in plain sight. Trump refused to place his hand on the Christian bible, in a highly symbolic ceremony.
It’s not been a major thing at Unherdables, though I’ve obviously mentioned it before … those who are Jewish … and they who say they are but are not. I’ve not the farseeing ability to peek into the abomination of desolation, the significance of the temple mount, the one the Jews see as their possible Messiah. In Christian eschatology, this figure leads Israel to victory, then sells out or rather reveals himself.
I simply don’t know. Might mosey on over to Gab, which is far more apicalyptic at times, see if there’s anything over there about it.
24. Franklin Graham’s invocation
For the vast majority not Christian, it was a short speech invoking the power and protection of God for the coming administration. Can you imagine Chas3 doing anything remotely like that? For real?

23. The Unpardoned

Then I saw another unpardoned … Barry Soetoro or whatever name he uses.
22. Canada

21. Some Brit news

20. Naturally it could not be embedded at WP
It was DJT being sworn in.

19. And so it begins

18. (Cough) Pardon me

17. DAD returns and welcome

16. IYE at 943

15. Andy at 943

14. Steve at 943

Proceedings just starting, VP first then The Donald – chants of “USA, USA, USA” echoed off the walls of the Rotunda when Trump entered 🙂
Trump is now the 47th President of the United States of America and I’m listening to his speech. He is holding nothing back, he is absolutely hammering the failings of the previous administration. He just said, when referring to Butler, “I was saved by God to make American great again”. Ain’t that the truth. His demeanour is as serious as I’ve ever seen in him. He means business. And he’s declared “an emergency at our southern border” will designate drug cartels a terrorists and send troops to the border immediately. Biden looks like he’s been goosed and Harris is in shock. Love it. Reinstatement and full back pay for those discharged from the military for refusing the clot shot. Renamed the Golf of Mexico the Gulf Of America and restored the name of Mount McKinley, the tallest peak in North America. Take back the Panama Canal and put the Stars and Stripes on Mars. Wow!
Daddy’s home. 🙂
One thing – did 47 have his hand on the Bibles Melania was holding when he took the Oath? I was watching on c-span but couldn’t see his left hand.
Another thing – all the past (living) prezzies attended so reports previous were disinfo. Even Hellary showed up with a face like a smacked ar$e.
Most poignant moment (imo) was 47 walking through the corridor alone. Everyone else had someone alongside.
Answering my own question.
24. Chas had a druid ceremony led by a perv enabler. Nuff said.
Astute (as always) observations.
•Dad, so glad you are back. You have been in thoughts and prayers.