(0057) Post midnight can be good if at the end of a reasonable first sleep. (0225)
a. Obstacles to learning
(i) Things happen for a reason … watch who’s mainly targetted and why, for example real Christianity, Jews as humans (not Zism), girls in the sense of ruining them early, humanity as a whole in the sense of brainwashed and compliant spreaders of cmn’ism, irrationality brought on by pushed, normalised perversions of the optimum way for humans to happily live, a few other things.
(ii) Watch the perps … who is behind them and their timeworn methodology … that which works, that which they don’t bother with in their psy-ops … why they even do this … why they hate the factors/people in (i) in the first place, plus who exactly is doing the hating, who is just embracing and/or complying … why each is doing what they are (e.g. Skinner, Milgram).
(iii) Watch them projecting onto any perceived opposition to their programme/plan precisely the same valid criticism of them themselves, their own malfeasance … watch who is first targetted, e.g. farmers, intellectuals, teachers, sigmas (useful word in this context), the perceptive questioner.
(iv) Watch the overall breaking down of people in the society by the poisoning of skies, water, food chain such that the spirituality of that people, their mental health, physical, social (inc. increasingly isolated, non-communicating) plus extant danger through stasi/marauders/treacherous neighbours/colleagues … is such that they can no longer combine in order to reverse the process … the aim being to confuse, dismay, send those people of the land out of their brains
(v) Watch the sheer overload of information, itself a psy-op, e.g. excessive online reading (precisely what each of us is doing here now … for what purpose?) … watch the inducing of despair in those who’ve lost their moorings to what once did indeed work and which produced civil society (as in civility, charity etc.) but after a few generations, suppressed learning has produced a new ignorati, assured that they are learned, resistant to any further learning.
(vi) Understand that learning comes piecemeal, in snippets, but over time, it all does form a whole, inc. the seemingly contradictory.
b. Modes of learning, in order to be able to share
(i) Every human has biases, hobbyhorses, prejudices … the perfectly rational mind does not exist … every mind has developed as a result of disparate experiences and these need harnessing, not turning into reasons to irrevocably split … thereby stopping any fwd momentum. I look, just now, at the Farage/Tommy split, which threatens to derail Reform … great for the PTB in a flawed political system, not so great for us.
(ii) There are outposts of learning, havens, dotted around the world, enhanced by the net in one way … but the net also affording an easier way of snuffing them out one by one. At best, these havens will reach only a certain percentage of people, hamstrung from the get-go by “a” above, plus “b”(i).
(iii) Havens which are best for learning are the succinct, organised, with good navigation and an attitude of “here’s as much as we can find and overload you with at the current moment, wait an hour and there might be more” … with an attitude of acting as a resource, not as a pusher of ideological hobbyhorse or line.
(iv) The very nature of such havens requires an admin who can put out as much as possible for as long as possible. Limiting factors in that admin include … to whom is he/she in thrall (whom is he/she working for behind the scenes), level of genuine transparency, spiritual, mental and physical health, in the sense of still being moored to civil/civic values and to thinking that abounded during the society’s former functioning period (usually an older person with more time on the hands and sufficient money) … and energy level as a diminishing resource over time.
(v) That admin must see his/her limitations (health, wealth, hobbyhorses) and be upfront about them, learning to conserve resources to prolong effectiveness … in other words to offer that service for alap. Aim is for the service to continue to function whenever he/she is in “downtime”, which gradually becomes more down than up until he/she burns out … or else he/she never quite does burn out (e.g. like DJT due to a pretty experienced supporting bunch of unherdables who see a reason to combine for the moment).
c. The way worthwhile info appears in the real world
(i) As seemingly disparate, uncoordinated snippets, bites … that’s how it comes in, appears. Beware info that’s highly organised because who organised it, why, cui bono?
(ii) There will necessarily be gaps, large or small, which force the observer to join dots, bearing in mind all the above foregoing limitations. In short, it’s messy and requires archiving. The dot joining becomes “most likely scenario”, also bearing in mind the “fundamental interconnectedness of all things”, plus the “Mandy Rice Davies” factor (look that one up).
d. Some other bits and bobs to finish up this post
Reader pete has listed some at 932:
(i) The Psychology of Atrocities … the dangers of demonising active bystanders as ‘conspiracy theorists’.
(ii) The creator of these injectable nanobots co-operated with Phizer and he said in 2013, that he hoped, that ‘anywhere between a year and five years from now, we’ll be able to use this in humans and finally witness the emergence of a nanobot society’…
(iii) So much else to read right now but about to crash again.
The implications of everything mentioned in the above post (before I try for my second sleep) are of course awesome, daunting … there has to be good reason to continue, if only obstinacy … but more likely there’s a humanitarian element to that obstinacy, which there singularly is not in, say, the Granny Harmer or Obama/Biden/Harris.