(1736) Evening all.
17. Celestial hijinks

16. IYE

15. Did they get him?
Just tried to go to X:

Elon’s living at MaL with his children.
14. As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb
… if we’re treading on thin ice.
All of us are possessed by something or Someone … Taylor Swift, Gaga, Zeppelin, Dylan … or some by the bottle or substances, some by the hots for wimmin … and a few by an ancient, adversarial view of the world … good v evil.
There are many … the Scientifik, the alchemists, the upper Masons, the Philosophers, who take a relativist stance or relativistic. Thus, if we say that there are some eternal verities, they say there are many truths. As Amanda Knox said in court, when asked what happened that night … “my best truth is”. Uh huh. A muddied mishmash where anything can be a verity if they wish it to be.
In politics … that’s communism or its euphemism … socialism … nothing social about it whatever … in fact it’s quite anti-social.
Whom do these evil muvvers want wiped out, silenced? Well anyone speaking truth, reality … just as many are these two days now. As real Christians do … not the Pope, nor Welby, nor the megaChurch “leaders” in America. Their aim is to confuse, confound, divide, dismay.
Truth tellers are to be suppressed.
Now let’s look at the two people close to me who sent or posted that YT … how do they feel? Not happy about me in this. Do you start to see the win-win for Them? But what id all this is part of a rich pageant meant to happen, and we are unwitting players. The remaining question is … do we support good, e.g. stopping the paedo stuff going on … or do we support the other side, like Jess Phillips?
And that’s all it is … even the yin and yang recognise good v evil.
13. Most interesting that this post item is n13
I’d call this anomalous and curious more than anything else just now. Here’s what happened:
This afternoon, four ladies wrote things to me in different places … one British, three American. The great majority of the content was about what we blog and insta-soc-med on, par for the course, all good.
However, one of them included a youtube and the instant I saw the symbolism in the intro, I got out, no matter what it says in the thumbnail and this is the diabolical cleverness of it. What is everyone who is political currently on about online today? Yes, of course … Labour and the r*p* g*ngs. Plus the atrocities in the US.
That’s one thing. Another is a corner of the net in which I have one foot, as does Miles M, as do a few others and this corner pays particular attention to symbolism, e.g. the monarch butterfly (some reading this will ustd the triggers in such things, e.g. the shape of the Supreme Court of Israel stairwell).
Bear with me for now. What we have found, over time, is that everything of that nature was a harbinger and the expression has arisen … hidden in plain sight. The more outrageous the better for such people as the normies are bound to guffaw and dismiss, like tunnels under McMartin Preschool in the 80s.
Of late, so many anomalies have come at us, e.g. the significance of pizza. Also common household items on sale online at exorbitant cost, e.g. $30K for a toaster or griller … things like that. Natural reaction of those not studying such things? If that person is basically onside with us on most points, a friend … then on this matter, he/she smiles at James off on “one of his flights of fancy” again. A dismissive person, such as those I once called Colonel Harrumphs, sees Jimbo as a whackjob and dismisses it that way.
All right … which have we actually been wrong on since 2006?
One item was the Vatican receiving hall ceiling … not just I nor IYE nor many others have called it out, also the upside down cross pretending to be of Peter. But one symbol is persistent, as it is the mystery religion itself … the sun god combined with the cross. Sometimes there is the sun symbol with maybe the Baby Jesus before it, sometimes it’s the cross supposedly rising from the sun rays, like the dawning of the day.
However, as always with these people, there is the plausible interpretation au contraire … always … bear in mind Led Zeppelin’s “two paths you can go by” … that the cross is in fact being sacrificed to the fire of the sun, that is … sinking into it.
Right, back to what one of the ladies sent. It was in some people’s youtube recommended, which of course is ggl. … and what was it supposedly about? About Chas3 and the r*p* g*ngs.
And of course, there’s now a fast embiggening sektor of the net which will dive into it in a Grifty way and I’d say it’s at least worth a look. I was going to run it at the site but something happened … I wrote back to the lady, warning about its sun symbolism, the ancient mystery god woven in.
Guess what? Someone removed my email. Clean removed it, as in it never reached her. Think on’t.
All right, I then went to NOWP and noticed a new drop … yes, you got it in one … it was that very same youtube. I instantly put it in pending, from memory the first I’ve done in that way for years. It’s not gone, it still sits there and besides, I still have the link elsewhere archived.
What was my issue? This opening:

And of course, what does WP instantly do when I try to post it?

Interesting, all the above? Now look at the cross within the logo … behind it is a fuzzy colouring which, in large form, is redolent of immolation, conflagration, the cross burning, catching on fire, like an Elon car outside of Trump HQ or of a 29 year old girl on the NY subway … most symbolic, no? They love to shove it in our face, no?
12. Steve and war room
a. Col. John Mills On Radical Islamic Terrorism Infiltrating The US Military
b. Todd Bensman On How The Mexican Government Has Facilitated Islamic Terrorism In The United States
c. Natalie Winters: “The Average American Worker Is Treated Like Roadkill By These CEOs”
d. Natalie Winters: Americans Should Not Have To Compete With Foreigners For American Jobs
Mike Johnson has just been re-elected Speaker. Save the popcorn for another day.
Btw, the short ans to the question posed by vid (13) was yes, imo. Didn’t see the opening (or the video actually) just listened – was doing chores.
Just happened upon this.
fwiw ( who knows? plausible? given what many here no?)
same pic, different link-
Saw that photo of the “journo” elsewhere – they give themselves away.
There’s this too:
Fake ‘n’ ghey as they say in some parts.
i rather suspected
perhaps some additional insight into workings behind the curtain, and the spiritual realm as they pertain to Western Civilization’s rapidly accelerating demise.
( i trust you slept well & feel better today Mr Higham).
14. Don’t know if I’m one of the two or not but in any event I’m not bothered. All that vid did was refocus my attention to that speech in the context of what is the hot topic at the mo. Didn’t need anyone else’s input after that as Grifty had already done a good job. An opinion from a UK clergyman was just an optional extra.
IYE…exact words outta my regular non-injected lips! Coinkydinky ! Well, almost exact the same…but with a drawl…y’all!