(1001) Morning all … Another snooze coming on, Laze and Gem. (1313)
11. Lady at lunchtime
I’ve had this pic of “that Alex woman”, as is her moniker, for over a week … there’ve been a dozen more since then … none capturing Alex’s sassy niceness and decency … all trying to look stunning, celebs, haughty or Rachel from Complaints … as if that’s what anyone wants in a woman.
I want Toodles, Isilme, Julia, Kass, Moosh, Bobbie, Irina, Darlene, Lisa, Deryl, Nicky, Alex … what I call “real” women, proper women.

10. This 👇🏻

9. This 👇🏻

8. This 👇🏻

7. Laura is becoming indispensable reading at TCW (see blogrolls for link)
Must admit to being happily surprised to see her tone in print … truly a blow for “goodness”, without knowing her personal life … you’ll know them by their fruits it’s said.
IN WHAT I can only assume was a final act of revenge on the Telegraphbefore moving to the Times, Fraser Nelson served up one of the worst pieces written by any journalist anywhere on Planet Earth in 2024. This includes Justine McCarthy and Fintan O’Toole at the Irish Times.
On Boxing Day or St Stephen’s Day, depending on which side of the Irish Sea you are reading this, Nelson gave us this gem: ‘Britain’s integration miracle is a beacon of hope amid instability. Keir Starmer talks doom and gloom, but this is an amazing country – never more so than now.’
Women of a more conservative bent … meaning not the Woke freakerati with nosebones and purple hair, with brainwashed opinions to match … pretty much follow Mother Mary’s example and notice everything, keeping it stored in their hearts.
Us men? More blunt, can be incisive when needed, we’re more the bulldozing type. How many thousand times must it be said but the two together … male and female … are the true alchemy. One power in the universe wishes for them to work together to keep out evil … the other lesser power wishes to put enmity there. That statement in itself is a can of worms, a Pandora’s box, so I’m not even going to try.
But we’ve been watching Fraser Nelson’s shenanigans too under the radar and have been asking ourselves WTH? And hands up all those venerable readers stopping by here who’ve cooled a bit on Kathy and Laura since the “religious” overtones have started coming through at TCW?
Mind you, not all the guest articles are first rate … Lord Toby has some pretty incisive writers there … and some lesser ones too.
6. This I think was on Gab … or X, can’t remember

6. All it needed was a bunch of those in the UK to turn Westminster into Wef-minster including the Abbey.
JH (1414): Yep.
Every few days there are dire weather warnings, sadly for the fear mongers there is rarely more than a storm in a teacup. They don’t stop do they? This latest headline says it all.
Right, eight inches of snow every hour in January. That’s 8x24x31÷12=496 feet of snow. Now that’s what I call climate change, unless it’s a sloppy headline and they mean something else entirely.
11. You want then all! There’s life in the old dog yet.😉
and what of musk Rat and vivian???
why has citrus man been so glorifying of pervo clown swab?
I ask yet again
for all to research kalergi . and how it affects you and your Descendants