(1630) Evening all, not great right now, various forms of aches and lurgy, sleep is the main aid to recovery. A bit of blogging, then a snooze. A bit shaky right now, strange internal noises, but ok overall.
11. Word association (football) and confused memories
Mind wanders … just looked up when Gladiators ran (when Vinnie appeared) and that seems right … sometimes we can think we were at something but we weren’t … could not have been. For example, I could have sworn I was here for the Fish Hurricane but it was late 1987 and I was at the Perth America’s Cup at New Year 86/87, then probably worked in Oz that year.
I know I came back here the day after West Ham won the FA Cup coz I was at Speakers Corner but that seems to have been May 1980. Interesting, as I was certainly in Melbourne for the Oz coup d’etat and I was at the Leonda restaurant when John Kerr turned up … that had to be 1975.
Trying to date other events … my football team was Leeds United as a teenager … mates loved Billy Bremner but mine was always Peter Lorimer. What years were they? I confess I switched to the Crazy Gang once I was in London to live and looked likely to be for the foreseeable … think I’d been in Oz again. The Wombles had won the FA Cup, so I shamelessly followed them … then they gave the club away to bleedin’ Milton Keynes or something. Milton Friedman. I know we were 6th at one point, Everton were about to be relegated and they went and won. Everton are a pain … nice colours though.
Confession … my fave football colours are West Ham’s and Villa’s. The primary colour, by whichever name you want … claret, burgundy, crimson, maroon … was also the main colour of my fave car … then when I met Toodles, she said that if I went for Auburn, we had nothing more to say … so I looked at Bama’s colors and that was that.

Anyway, my Dad was the one I blame for Leeds … we were Park Avenue for many years and then he went for Leeds. Uh huh. Liverpool were the main rivals.
The other thing was being places when something happened. I was in Russia when they had their crash … I had to take my money in notes from the bank (armed guards) in black binbags. I was back here for our own crash … when was that? I was in Northern Ireland during the last of The Troubles. I was also in San Diego when the Americans were practising for the next America’s Cup, off San Diego.
I missed the Winter of Discontent by a year. I remember the Big Freeze … must have been a kid then.
10. Andy on slebs
Despite having had no tele since around 1997 or so, when it was stolen, meaning I missed the “reality TV” thang completely, missed Cowell’s thang, missed the entire Blair/Saville era, avoided Strictly like the plague (easy with no tele) … despite that, I’d see the occasional clip, esp. on youtube, thought him to be a creep, a big-noter but thought no more on’t … rather, my eyes were fixed on Dolphin Square, Cyril and Sir Cliff, innocent or not, the Jersey orphanage etc.
What was my last TV era, not that it’s of any interest? Well … Gladiators, Cilla and her chooks, Rab C Nesbitt … that’s about all I can recall. Anyway, ta Andy for bringing this up … it certainly gels with the other things we know of … I’ve no hard evidence but TOTP also seemed creepy to me … always.
And what of us, ourselves? Not so much in this way but in others … (cough) … look, we ain’t no saints … at best, we’re reformed sinners … with relapses … but I was only twice invited to such things … once by a Lord Mayor and once by one of our high flying parents. Think a bullet was dodged there, just quietly.
On the other hand, I’ve written about such things, obliquely, in the novel Masquerade, which no one but three I know of will ever read … good thing too. In that book, I had the former PM spilling the beans … which is neither here nor there. Stay well, Andy, stay vigilant, ta again.
9. No jazz, cavemen and ladies but we might just have some Jug
8. Breanna Morello on a charming culture
”A mother and father are under arrest after they attempted to mu*der their daughter in front of her high school. Th(e) video allegedly shows Zahraa Subhi Mohsin Ali & Ihsan Ali attempting to carry out an ‘honor kil*ling’ in Washington after their daughter refused to marry an older man in Iraq. The 17-year-old victim ran away from home when her parents attempted to put her on a plane to Iraq. The victim’s father was immediately arrested, but her mother attempted to flee to Canada. The victim’s mother was just recently caught.”
7. It was always so bleedin’ obvious
… yes, vaxxes are certainly culprits, but so are the water supply, the land and its produce. No one is doing anything to stop the bstds continuing on … no one at a high level.

6. Mike Davis on Biden

5. Steve mentions the change to the Chaplain’s badge
… at HQ, see sidebar. Also at 923 on Kari Lake and privatising profits.
4. Doonhamer replies to Steve at 922