(0830) Time to slow this right down instead of rushing past to catch up with the next incoming topic. I’d suggest that this might be the most vital post since maybe the pizza posts which themselves shifted fundamental understandings.
Difference here is that the manner of writing, separately, of both Toodles and Juan, is not always easy to follow, to comprehend. Plus both of those need protecting, also IYE who has written on this topic over at 922.
Couple that with essentially non-believing readers in the main and the chances of this being rejected are super-high. Pity. Just to put Juan’s long piece today in comments in context … it was in pending, along with a sudden 37 spam, surrounding it.
Let me explain … the engine room of WP in its special form at HQ which I’m no more going to let out than Nigel is going to give Badenoch their IT … lists all potential spam in a list … usually one can spam it and delete quite simply. Just now though, Juan’s piece appeared surrounded by 37, then 17 pieces of spam out of nowhere … usually it might be ten in a day. Coincidence?
And that was at precisely the time Toodles had written on indians and “ancient religions” … quite rightly too, as she is a biblical scholar. She felt I was ignoring her warnings, just as Juan has every right to feel ignored in my not running his comments in the main part of the blog, just as I don’t always run IYE’s in open form … and the reason is to protect … there are ways it stays protected, ways it’s open season, asking to be targetted. Please leave that call to me, with the overview I’m afforded here.
And so to the indian question. Which god has or had a statue right outside CERN HQ? God of Strife, yes? And what exactly is CERN? You starting to see the internet connection?
Now read IYE from today. Now slowly read through Juan, trying to interpret his English.
The message in all of the above is … beware of the indians, esp. Brahmins … kapiche?
Who knows precisely what this is about? Christians who are well read (but not the faux showoffs and cherry pickers) … they know, hence being down to be wiped out … plus shaitan’s henchmen (e.g. the WEF) know exactly how this goes down … but not the little helpers, the brainwashed in Wokery … plus not the godless, left-libertarian silicon IT techies … those last mentioned guys have not a clue, due to their denial of all but the Great God Tech and brutalist physical laws as they imagine them.
We’ve shown over and over that that particular stairway is … well let me quote a ditty:
“There’s a feeling I get when I look to the West
And my spirit is crying for leaving
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees
And the voices of those who stand looking
Ooh, it makes me wonder
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow? And did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind?”
People, we’re being used … but are we being abused? Every group thinks it is on the right path. Which one is right? They can’t all be.
All the ancient, ante-diluvian religions have a purpose … same purpose back then as today … whether through the Templars/Masons/Illumined or the gnostic or Thule or Kali or Confucius or any other way forward … Maharishi, Lennon, Moody Blues … or other explanation of things … but which single faith is under such intense attack worldwide? Plus it does not help itself by dropping into such opaque terminology.
Now, even while writing this very post’s paragraph above, guess what was happening?

You, dear reader, are not to know even a fraction of what’s going on to prevent us unless we actually come out and tell you … as in things suddenly kicking in to prevent things coming out … either at the Donald level … or right down at our localised level here.
There’s a saying on the net … the more flak, the more over target we are. IYE’s just put up another across the way. My suggestion? Read all of it, painstakingly, folks … because the truth is most certainly somewhere in today’s and last evening’s output combined. Somewhere.
And forget not the technique … to divert suspicion away from the main enemy, obliquely into other constructed enemies, e.g. climate bollox.
Dear reader, we beseech thee … do not skip over our comments sections … they’re there in the sidebar for a reason, e.g. this one:

Steve’s are not to be ignored either. In fact, there’s way too much, overall, to take in … it takes some time … and my food delivery is about to arrive.
(1143) Plan now is to go through the material, three day’s cooking done, thence to X to see the comeback of Vivek and Elon, thence to this old time take on Christmas … thence to write some sort of take here, as far as I can see it.
Greetings Mr. Higham
Saturday [3]
December 28, 2024
(0830) Time to slow this right down instead of rushing past to catch up with the next incoming topic. I’d suggest that this might be the most vital post since maybe the pizza posts which themselves shifted fundamental understandings.
pardon please my childishness…
Your insight/wisdom/discernment are aeons beyond almost anyone’s!
( I am not a brown noser).
I have previously thanked you for all that you do. Most of which few of us have any awareness of ( including self). I thank you yet again.
I was raised a poor ignorant appalachian redneck hillbilly ( kinda the Ultimate insult in fusa to non-Hillbilies ( am i right miss toodles). I have always tried to obey/serve/spread Jesus. The Holy Ghost, and them alone. I am not worthy of your time nor mention. Glory be to G-d.
fwiw Sir Higham:
I have, now nor ever, any c/o you nor how you manage YOUR sites! I am not worthy to judge.
in fact, of the 200+ “sites” I read daily, I only comment at yours and one other. Meaning, I am mostly an observer. I am old. I have always hated wasting time as G-d created me to be productive. not indolent, self serving, in and of the world. also, not to cast HIS pearls before swine. Hence, I intrude upon you and your dear audience. I am very aware that the full force (temporal/spiritual) is arrayed against you (us). All the more I cherish you Mr. Higham.
Many are called
FEW are chosen.
To go along with the common,
it does seem that you are “above the target” as evidenced by interference.
Are you
Surprised? Validated? Reinvigorated?
ready to continue the battle?
Do you wish a crown or more bestowed upon you by your Creator/Savior? To place at his feet!
I figure these distractions are a form of idolatry (as well as psyop/diversions,etc).
Ultimately, we are to be about our “business” of sewing the seed.
Spreading the Gospel of Salvation.
And if that means speaking as a muzzie to a muzzie, or a totally self centered gen … ”
or a roman to a roman as Paul mentioned. Who am I to go against Paul (the Holy Ghost)?
say the tun is always trying to distract, to impede G-d’s mission for us. Right?
we all know hollyweird, card ash yuns, ditty, et al are evil. I think we should move beyond this “ milk” into
clown swab kill gaits, et al.
I stand with the one True Holy Righteous G-d.
Who GAVE US the earth and the fulness thereof. in order that we may thrive and
just my 2 farthings worth.