(1642) Auspicious number. Evening all.
19. Khao Lak, December 26th, 2004

18. Whispers?

I’d say far more than whispers … if there’ve been posts on The Hill article on Congress being able to stop DJT taking office, then it’s certainly one of the options they’ve looked at. Clear the mind of any concepts of law and order, constitutionality, legality, always remembering that they are perma-projecting just those things onto MAGA, the GOP, the Electoral College and SCOTUS … we need to ask ourselves what the Demonrat red line is.
It’s pretty simple, innit? Under NO circumstances can DJT start that programme, as names come out, charges are laid. They all go down. Therefore, whether legally, constitutionally or not … DJT must never take office … it’s the only reality they know, criminally insane as they are.
17. Steve at 920
Hearts of Oak: Brian T Kennedy – Securing America’s Future
16. War Room
18. The smell of panic in the air? Things getting too hot for Slick Willy? It was reported he was hospitalised with a fever on Monday 23rd. Would not surprise if we hear of others trying to get out of dodge in the next few weeks.