(1719) Sorry, chaps and chapesses, we hit the vodka a bit this afternoon … blogging is going to be most interesting … enjoy today and tomorrow. (0212) Plus DAD (0838)
14. DAD at 919 but also here as the last words in this post
25th – whatever that day is [Wednesday?]
[Very Churchillian today. Health is either the end of the beginning or the begining of the end. I’ll keep buggering along.]
Bayrou presents his “New” government. Much the same as the old one, plus old pals appointed. It won’t last.
13. The danger of ice
I can assure you we used no ice last evening … nor water.

12. It can wait till Friday

11. Woke mind virus

10. It’s a thought

9. Panama … yes … why Greenland?
China on North America’s doorstep? Just like NATO/CIA on Russia’s?

8. Steve at 918
Four: Meloni on the wrong side of history, tranny horror, cold weather deaths, Fauci, Christmas tree in Syria, more…
Three: 37 death row prisoners, Johnson out of favour, Homan Hochul, Scaramucci Musk, Tucker Teamsters’ President, much more…..
Two: West Is ‘Completely Delusional’ Over [The] Ukraine, much more…..
One: How sunlight and vitamin D can help with mental illness … maybe the West can do with some … much more…..
7. Steve and his war room at 918
a. “European Conservative” editor Ellen Fantini gives update on the AfD in Germany and FPÖ in Austria | “European Conservative” editor Ellen Fantini gives update on the AfD in Germany and FPÖ in Austria
b. Anja Hoffman talks about her recently-published annual report on persecution of Christians in Europe | Anja Hoffman talks about her recently-published annual report on persecution of Christians in Europe