(1636) Evening all.
17. It’s down to last minute in the States
I’ve written at OoL about what happened:

Listen up! Lemme give y’all the skinny on what is really happening: It’s all about the “debt ceiling.”
The debt ceiling was suspended in June 2023 (See https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/us-debt-ceiling-senate-vote-06-01-23/index.html). There is no debt ceiling right now, per that bill, until January 1, 2025. This, as you might imagine, is important.
The debt ceiling effective January 1st will be whatever it was back in June 2023 plus whatever spending since then. That opens a little room, but likely means that the debt ceiling will be hit no later than June 2025. This is also important.
The Continuing Resolution (which we’ve all been told to hate cuz it is festooned with pork) would have pushed the debt ceiling back for 2 years. This is something that President-Elect Trump most definitely wants.
Why? Cuz Pres. Trump intends to implement massive tax cuts (no tax on tips, no tax on social security, no tax on overtime, 15% tax max for companies manufacturing here), and those cuts, in the topsy-turvy world of federal budgets, are counted as “spending.” Cutting taxes by $2 trillion? That is $2 trillion in spending. Or so they say.
But, as of now, President-Elect Trump is NOT going to get that extension to the debt ceiling return. This is a problem cuz then his administration will need to figure out how to fit trillions in tax cuts into a timeframe of less than 6 months. Not possible, tbh.
The tax cuts will spur the American economy like putting nitro into a monster truck. But receipts generated from all that wealth production will not arrive in time to prevent American default on debt come June.
If you want to know what the Uniparty/Democrats are holding hostage, it is deciding whether to delay or implement the debt ceiling’s return.
Yik-yak about A.I.-generated Cancer Kidz
all you want. Decry pork. Decry redefining criminals as “Justice Involved.” None of that is the real issue.
The issue is whether President Trump and his administration will be given the runway to Make America Great Again. It’s a real pickle.
And almost no one understands it.
2241 GMT: The bill already has 11 Republican ‘NAY’ votes. 6 Democrats ‘YES’ already…
16. Unconscionable the way it’s still being pushed

15. Nancy gives herself away a bit
Posobiec clearly has it in for Mace but on the other hand, as he points out … the internet remembers things and they’re easily retrieved from archives. If she were sensible, she’d say right, that was so back then, is no one allowed to learn along the way?
But she didn’t do that … she doubled down and started counterattacking. Not a good look. She might be right on the current issues or not … point is … not a good look.

14. Steve has a few things up
… an item at 913:2 on dishonest pollies, another at 913:3 with war room:
a. Mike Davis: Fani Willis’ Case Of Arrogance, Corruption And Greed. Nathan Wade Billed Time With Biden Whitehouse Council 16 Hours At $250/hr.
b. Brian Glenn: The Base Couldn’t Care Less If This Tyrannical Government Stays Funded.
c. Natalie Winters: “We Are Fully In Support Of Shutting Down This Illegitimate Weaponized Regime”.
d. Mike Benz: Reuters Received Tens Of Millions Of Dollars From The Government To Lie.
Plus: “Elon spreads the word.”